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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I'm not spending 40 minutes on this but skimmed through it, reminds me of cutscenes in (low budget)PS1 games.
  2. Su......I mean, congrats!
  3. Toonami needs Bible Black or Night Shift Nurses.
  4. I think Bots Master is fairly obscure.
  5. I'll fuck you in the ass, Zeni.
  6. Nope, most of us assholes will still be around in 2020.
  7. I haven't thought about where I want to die since 1000 Ways to Die was cancelled. I wanted to be on that show.
  8. Games I know I'm getting: Persona 5 Cosmic Star Heroine Yooka-Laylee Sonic Mania Atelier Firis Final Fantasy XII Summon Night 6 Nioh Crash Trilogy Maybe: Nier Automata Resident Evil 7 Tekken 7 Mass Effect Andromeda God Wars Tales of Berseria Yakuza 0 Dragon Quest Heroes 2 Friday the 13th Horizon Berserk Doubt they actually come out in 2016: Dragon Quest XI Ni No Kuni 2 Prey Spider-Man
  9. I'm not sure if I agree with that yet, that gen took two years to really get going as well.
  10. Not much to interest me in it yet, but will keep an eye out for it when they show what it is.
  11. OK, lets do this.
  12. I changed mine so he should be able to change his.
  13. Well Toonami still exists.
  14. Sounds like a fun time!
  15. Well one did, and I take her word for it.
  16. I don't think that works, there's a password recovery board or something.
  17. No I have Mr.s Claus and elves for that.
  18. It goes down. On your mom.
  19. Ghostrek has a massive dong.
  20. lol erected
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