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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Yo 😎 That guy is just jealous that he can't take charge and land himself any young but legal teenage hotties. I would knock him out in person for sure if he stepped up to me. πŸ’ͺ🐺πŸ”₯
  2. At least this guy thinks so.
  3. Yeah it's one of the three movies I knew him for besides being the diabeetus guy. Other two being The Thing and Hard Target. I feel like there is something else I'm forgetting.
  4. OP isn't the only one I see.
  5. Ric


  6. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/01/obituaries/wilford-brimley-dead.html
  7. I'm interested but will wait until after release. If it's good I'd rather get it on Switch but quite a few multiplat games have performance issues on it.
  8. I liked the first game on PSP but never got the second one. Not sure yet if I'll get this or not.
  9. My surprised with me these today, did you ever read them growing up @Kudasai First time owning any of these, used to borrow them from the library.
  10. I don't know where my onions came but I'll risk it, what do I have to live for anyway.
  11. James Hetfield warned us over 15 years ago that Tik Tok would be trouble.
  12. I never played that version but it sounds the same as NES.
  13. Yeah and @Ric is still here. This place still has a lot of cleaning up to do.
  14. Nah @helpme is still here, he just doesn't make threads much anymore. and OP probably doesn't know him but @resurrected came back. That guy is a menace.
  15. Sponges asshole should audition for the live action adaptation.
  16. I heard so much about the turbo tunnel and nothing else about Battletoads before I ever played it that I fooled myself into thinking the rest would be easy(comparably to the tunnel anyway), it's not.
  17. Muppets Now premiere on Disney+. Not bad, 7/10 so far in my book.
  18. Since you're talking Netflix shows I'd highly recommend Cobra Kai once it's on there in a few weeks. I'm glad it's moving to Netflix instead of having to use Youtube Red(which isn't a thing anymore) whenever season three hits.
  19. I probably could, CGI doesn't bother me much unless it's awfully done. (ie that Berserk show that looks terrible)
  20. *looks up name* Well, I liked Devilman Crybaby, The Tatami Galaxy, and Kaiba so gives me some confidence in it.
  21. I liked the bolded shows(*added to the OP since I forgot it was Netflix) a lot and have thought about checking out the other two. I forgot about them though, I should trim down my Netflix list some and get rid of the stuff I've watched already or lost interest in.
  22. I've might check out 7 Seeds eventually. Do you know if the show is complete now or expecting more seasons? I don't know anything about BNA other than it's another furry show. The last anime I watched was Beastars so even if it looks good don't think that will be my next pick.
  23. Don't care for the new artstyle, game could still be fun though. Kinda lame it's local co op only.
  24. I don't know Myrtle, or what the hell a Hufflepuff is but happy birthday Harry.
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