Yo π
That guy is just jealous that he can't take charge and land himself any young but legal teenage hotties.
I would knock him out in person for sure if he stepped up to me. πͺπΊπ₯
Yeah it's one of the three movies I knew him for besides being the diabeetus guy. Other two being The Thing and Hard Target. I feel like there is something else I'm forgetting.
I'm interested but will wait until after release. If it's good I'd rather get it on Switch but quite a few multiplat games have performance issues on it.
Nah @helpme is still here, he just doesn't make threads much anymore.
and OP probably doesn't know him but @resurrected came back. That guy is a menace.
I heard so much about the turbo tunnel and nothing else about Battletoads before I ever played it that I fooled myself into thinking the rest would be easy(comparably to the tunnel anyway), it's not.
Since you're talking Netflix shows I'd highly recommend Cobra Kai once it's on there in a few weeks. I'm glad it's moving to Netflix instead of having to use Youtube Red(which isn't a thing anymore) whenever season three hits.
I liked the bolded shows(*added to the OP since I forgot it was Netflix) a lot and have thought about checking out the other two. I forgot about them though, I should trim down my Netflix list some and get rid of the stuff I've watched already or lost interest in.
I've might check out 7 Seeds eventually. Do you know if the show is complete now or expecting more seasons?
I don't know anything about BNA other than it's another furry show. The last anime I watched was Beastars so even if it looks good don't think that will be my next pick.