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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. How much can you pawn a Switch for like 40 bucks? Do you rent out a cardbord box or somthing?
  2. Well I cant help you w/ that sorry but I can give you a back rub
  3. U can hang out w/ me all night bby I've got some fried chicken and Dr. Pepper and Xbox
  4. Okay I guess I shoulda realized that Idk just sounded kinda weird
  5. And just throw it back on the ground?
  6. Lytbryt


  7. Lytbryt


    He probably lived recenlty just a hunch
  8. Lytbryt


    The post is coming from inside the house!
  9. Yeah I mean I kinda get it I guess someone can find others opinions and thoughts about a show interesting or insightful but eh most of the time the videos like these dont really add anything new to the conversation and just retrad the same ground
  10. Its like rayeayyyn
  11. Lytbryt


    Some people have Google alert set up so they know when they aer searched I think thats how that works Idk never tried itm yself
  12. Lytbryt


    Lol lexicon
  13. Hey you downfoted me okay thats cool I guess the Crunchyroll isnt in trouble I dont know a whole lot about streaming servicese
  14. Am more of a visual person reding makes me sleepy
  15. It has a 4.6/5 star rating on Amazon so...
  16. It is a Mattel product so someone there managed to green light it *shrugs*
  17. I can name all of the Harry Potter books
  18. I eat Japanese candy
  19. Idk this commercial came out last year never heard of it until today tho
  20. I still don't believe this is real
  21. I saw it on Boomerang
  22. His kinda look like Wimpy from Popeye
  23. Its that like evolved Mr Mime?
  24. Just a desire of the author to get their thoughts out there? I mean I really dont want to shit on something that looks like a lot of time and effort went into the production and editing but its just like... yeah? Was Madoka Magica seriously so esoteric that we needed this? We just couldnt figure it out on our own? You are smart for noticing it and attempting to show everyone what an awesome insight you have into a magical girl deconstruction show? Somebody help me out here I legit do not understand why people make this sort of contnet
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