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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. Get a space heater i dont rec this one Vornado products are kinda shoddy but cheap get a metal one or a ceramic one and dont buy a cheap one it will bust pretty easly
  2. Fuk u winter I got a Vornado ๐Ÿค—
  3. See this is why i dont talk to family ever they bring up sht u said years ago like they got nothing better to do except call u on ur word about something u said like five years ago when u were just trying to leave or something idk maybe I'm just projecting
  4. wut ar ethe odds? happy birthdays
  5. I know that feel but wow ur family sounds like a bunch of asshats jusst invite themselves like that smh
  6. Got em ๐Ÿ˜„
  7. Okay boomer
  8. Are you messing w/ me bruh? ๐Ÿคจ
  9. Idk man it was pretty bleak glad it was just a dream and not real
  10. @Admin_Raptorpat @Rogue_Alphonse Can move to Games plz?
  11. Wow yall must have a lot of free time on your hands that is way too much errands for me the only time I go to multiple shops is Black Friday or if I am buying stuff for like a trup
  12. Just like crabs
  13. Is this a boomer meme? I dont get it
  14. Hey get ur Meatballs out of my Caddyshack
  15. Huh ur pretty confident huh never any self doubt
  16. Wow thats a lot of trips for groceries are you like needed a lot of specieality ingredients for exotic dishes?
  17. The stores are pretty much the same distance away but couldnt decide for soome reason ha ha i hate being so indecisive about things that dont really matter I think I took Ian Malcolm's philosophy to heart a little too much huh
  18. I usually dont but I'm up pretty early this morning and I'm gonna go do some grocery shopping to get it out of the way coudlnt decide which store to go to so I did a coin toss to pick
  19. Idk man Ive listened to it a few times now jus not feeling it not bad but not my thing Iguess
  20. Diacetyl? So it tasts like rubbing alcohols? ๐Ÿคข
  21. Can't wait to play it ten years from now and be disappointed ten minutes in https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/11/23/hideo-kojima-horror-game-pt-silent-hills/
  22. I usually dont wake up this early I got scared awake by a bad dream tho like lots of bad stuff happened and I felt like I was gonna die then I woke up and my heart rate was really fast so I got a glass of wate r and ate a fruit so now I feel a little bit better
  23. Pretty much this if you ever want a good laugh watch Robert Deniro w/ James Lipton dude would suck his dick is he could
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