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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. You have a worthless Mazda. Here's a little tidbit for you: My dad has owned his 2011 Edge Sport since new. A couple years ago, he bought a 2001 Mercedes C320 for $600, fixed the two small things wrong with it, and drove it for 2 years until he killed it... to keep the miles off of his much newer, much nicer 2011 Ford. Now, him being big wig where he works, his coworkers and employees were also making similar snarky comments about how he's getting paid well and all that. My point is, people who don't know a vehicle's worth will just make assumptions, in the same manner that you do. Your assumption of "y'all" AKA everyone else on this board proves that you are extremely self-centered and only care about yourself, as well as think your shit doesn't stink.
  2. Beer battered and deep fried!
  3. Maybe keep a clean house.
  4. It's old dude, move on. See you in an hour...
  5. It's on right now I couldn't make it, but next year IMA BE THERE
  6. Just come take a vacation here <3
  7. waj
  8. My day was brought to you by Strickland Propane.
  9. Oh, I'll be on alright :3
  10. I mowed my yard on my riding lawnmower, I fixed a red pickup (as he was trying to leave to go trade it in ) and I grilled steak on my propane grill, medium rare.
  11. Let's try to out frisk each other
  12. Everything is diesel and or manual, you'll fuck it all up. Please go.
  13. I am going to have to ban you.
  14. Too close to me.
  15. damn if life didn't get in my way I'd be up in Butler, PA and I'd let you join me and my friends at Bantam
  16. She and Packard should go bowling together.
  17. Got a new apron, had to break it in properly...
  18. I haven’t had any issues but I just got two messages from others saying they can’t access the boards at all. I’m good on mobile and PC.
  19. Which is wrong. Use a Dodge Dart Swinger, for the Swinger Swing.
  20. Wrong. Swinger.
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