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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Personally I agree with this. >
  2. SEE NO PUNCTUATION :beer: :420: :brownbottle:
  3. I will after I smoke LOL
  4. Fuck tipsy, I get wasted.
  5. Wanna see me getting wet and dirty?
  6. Rogue_Alphonse


  7. You know I would.
  8. Here's to you One Yuengling Lager. ...Should get you wasted enough to call it a celebration
  9. I actually agree with all of this. Also to add to this thread, speed bumps.
  10. Rogue_Alphonse


    I JUST played this on Tinychat last night
  11. Rogue_Alphonse


    I have :brownbottle: :brownbottle: plus :beer: (Let's just say that's a fifth of vodka) as well as :420: and NOTHING ELSE TO DO TONIGHT -_'
  12. Last night I ate the last of my deer jerky and it wasn't enough, so I prepared myself tonight
  13. I might be celebrating what once was in Tinychat later on...
  14. I made dinner. the cake is for after :420:
  15. Above average is my limit. Basically if it's bigger than mine, I'm not really into it
  16. Right? They don't have to eat it I've made brownies with mayo and they were super good. This is a yellow custard cake so I'm unsure on how it will turn out. But I'm putting chocolate icing on it
  17. I know pie is better, but I had the stuff to bake one so I decided to. Except it uses mayo instead of eggs and oil <.< WHATEVER THE BATTER TASTED GOOD :brownbottle: O0
  18. I have a Grolsch bottle I put left over good beers in, it's like having a miniature growler :3
  19. My stepdad does that Saves the cap to put back on them too
  20. Because they're the sons and daughters of the people who founded towns like Intercourse and Fertility.
  21. Not worse than Beef Barn, which is a roast beef sandwich place in RI Next name for my vagina.
  22. is a shoe store in New Zealand. .....
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