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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. I'm a self-wetter Okay I think I even took my own self a bit too far with that one :D
  4. Are you sure that's um...... nevermind
  5. Spit or cooking oil works -_'
  6. Well aren't you a biologist? <.<
  7. Shut up when you're speaking.
  8. Very tallfully.
  9. S:
  10. Probably just wet brakes considering I have been in ...deeper... situations...
  11. I mean I'm dating someone but we like threesomes
  12. Shoulda been a Yuengling
  13. Feed me and I shall.
  14. I need bottles of liquor as well as cases of beer for emojis...
  15. I knew you were gay <_<
  16. mookielady[/member] these happen.
  17. And they fall asleep to The Tonight Show
  18. No, I just care less if I do so (when I'm walking) I actually have a bad swollen arthritis filled right knuckle from bashing my hand against things while walking fast... usually sober >_<
  19. I'm probably older... I never grew up
  20. Its the worst, the most right part of my right eye has no peripheral... I run into things a lot when I'm not really paying attention.
  21. I do both. Fuck shit up early, get 4 hours of sleep, drink coffee til noon, beer instantly after you clock out.
  22. Fullmetal_Eva_Pilot was a complete accident... we just happened to ride the schoolbus together
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