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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. To an extent
  2. Maybe... <_<
  3. Me, my bf (his first time) and an Asian trap friend of mine were on Tinychat when e tripped acid last month <_< :D
  4. All it did for me was make me have the "wah-wah's" in my head (huffing refrigerant does this, I have fucked up friends ) and my surroundings got a lot softer and brighter but nothing what people SAY it does. Although my bf got lost in his own world for about 10 mins. but even weed does that to him.
  5. I can't keep up with you all
  6. Anything is better than being in a pickle.
  7. Every Etnies or DC or even the pair of Vans I have have been waterproof up to the two little vent holes on the side. hell even my heavily worn out AF-1 Hi tops are waterproof (probably now because of all of the ink and clearcoat spilled on them from running a printing press but still.. ) I refuse to test the water resistance of my blue suede AF-1's though. Better yet, I have a pair of brown boots that look just like those, but have better grip and are hella warmer and are going on 6 years old and probably were a lot cheaper....
  8. Rogue_Alphonse


    Digesting my dinner so I can :420: and :brownbottle:
  9. I'm taken. Thereesome?
  10. Home made cheesesteaks. O0
  11. Nothing I am interested in
  12. happy B-day
  13. I would hope so ....................
  14. I didn;t mean me
  15. Oh I have had pizza that I couldn't stand. Those people in STL really must be living in a fairy tale if they think that cardboard wrongly-sliced disc with pepperonis and cheese on it is good
  16. If it's been out of stock for years, it's not brand new.
  17. Birthday sex?
  18. That's what I'm saying; you have to be pretty fucking aggro yet still controlled enough to throw a whole pizza on a roof rather than break something or someone. Or my anger which would be a reverse burnout out of that driveway in an Aztek.
  19. It is a waste unless it was shitty pizza, but it's still fucking hilarious. Sort of like me with WD-40 when the aerosol runs out before the liquid, or screwdrivers where the bits break or rust into the body... there's about 10 or 15 of each in the woods behind my house...
  20. that...
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