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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. I bet it's indestructible.
  2. Again, helped with fundraiser for a little girl with an uncurable death sentence of a cancer, (which I didn't WANT to bring up because it's a seriously bigtiime downer, the parents are the nicest people ever and will go out of their way to help you at the drop of a hat), I was at the beach yesterday briefly, and there's a bunch of other shit I have and or do mention that you just overlook because you are #triggered by one person mentioning one thing that he or she has mentioned before. you're the one with a one track mind, and apparently it's still up your ass. But I'll stray from anymore insults because that'll be next for you... "all you ever do is insult people..." Also I don't talk about drywall because I'm allergic to it been that way since 2014 thankfully... I fucking hated working with it.
  3. #triggered But I'll fire back because you're hilarious when you get upset You're the repeatative one, because that's all you see in anyone is the main things in their life. Also I wasn't in a Jeep club 5 years ago... and you just think I shout over people but considering people still come to my tinychat I am pretty sure there are meaningful convos had between everyone, until politics are brought up anyway. All you see is the fact that I had a beer at this point and time or did things that involved my hobby... but what do you do? Sit at home? Meanwhile I helped raise $500 for a little girl with Tay Sachs last night... something that will eventually take her life at a very young age. The night club afterwards was to celebrate my and another person's belated birthdays. because I have friends that appreciate their fellow friends, no matter if a Jeep club or Facebook or whatever brought them together.
  4. Awww, looks like you're too stereotypically biased to be socially active... ;D
  5. Til you realize that you spent $100
  6. I usually am but I had booze and Jeeps and many friends
  7. I was 15 We couldn't sneak into my house or hers so we drove up on top of the power lines
  8. It all started with a Jeep club party at a microbrewery in Delaware, where I had two $7 drinks and drank a bunch of beers in the parking lot, then a few o us decided that my, and another member should be celebrated at the club... in Ocean City, Maryland... I had gotten one hour of sleep yesterday. Got back home at 4am after Drunk Denny's and for no fucking reason at all my body decided to torture me by waking up at 9 The drive was cool though aside from the extremely loud whine of a mud filled 6-speed... the fog made the Indian River Inlet bridge look super cool
  9. It's all idiot proof plug ends so you should be fine
  11. Rogue_Alphonse


    Exes and Oh's?
  12. Yeah no rush :D I won't be able to let him know until Sunday night unless I log on via mobile..... and I don't plan to
  13. Your god has arrived. God of making engines run, at the least...
  14. I can resolve these wants of yours
  15. bend over
  16. Oh you're gonna end up a yaoi pillow...
  17. You too
  18. If you're as good and cute, maybe...
  19. Only my bf does that...
  20. This is what I have
  21. Well I scored a boyfriend in the nic of time if that were the case
  22. I am glad I did!
  23. Nothing good is ever in mine But I have beer and vodka and ibuprofen and :420:
  24. Atomsk just told me he tried to log in after this most recent lengthy board crash and his pw now does not work, even had him reopen the browser and all that jive.
  25. This is what I did with my Mustang, bought a stripped door shell for $25 and put all of my stuff in it. Granted this is a 1991 you might be able to pick up a door shell for like $150-200? Educated guess though. Anything from 2010-2014 will work, but interior design and other components might vary through the years.
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