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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. SHUT UP I JUST GOT HERE AND SCROLLED FAST Silversun Stickups (Okay that is 2 but whatever) Benny Lewis Spool Drive-By Fuckers (Again, 2 letters, GFY)
  2. Necrobumping will get you banned.
  4. This explains my life.
  5. Can I grill you some thick ham?
  6. I mean we are here too. What if we bully you away from here too?
  7. Are there spiders on your door frame?
  8. That, or I really like Smartfood or other variants
  9. Usually it's only cheap microwave popcorn that causes me great flatulants.
  10. I ate some too and the methane I am producing could power all of Belarus.
  11. I replayed it for shits and giggles today and since my house was dead quiet at the time I could really hear it and it caused amplified out loud laughing
  12. It's even funnier today for some reason
  13. Finally... Someone will
  14. FIGHT ME
  15. Yeah it was the CPU fan bearings... my gf is using said PC now and it';s still kinda near me so I still have flashbacks But I like the watercooling aesthetic as well. Plus a radiator is easier to clean out.
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