Maybe not for you, but I have friends with modified Jeeps pushing 250k miles, and I have owned or been in countless American vehicles with over 200k miles on the original drivetrain.
Meanwhile my dad's Mercedes had the idler pulley bearing break, which caused the belt to break, the car overheated, breaking the radiator and burning up the transmission. My '98 Grand Cherokee also had an idler pulley bearing break, TWICE, and it still runs, drives, and has the factory radiator. Oh and a used Corvette pulley in place now. Sasha's Nissan? I just rebuilt THE ENTIRE front end and it's not even at 200k yet... meanwhile my mom's '90 Mustang GT went 281,000 miles on original everry fucking thing except an alternator, fuel pump, and water pump. Legit was never touched by a mechanic.
Also that is a case of blame the dealer, not the car.
And this last anecdote in your case... well there were probably more of your car in the junkyard.