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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Wanna shoot for March 30th?
  2. I mean we always seem to cross paths without ever seeing each other. Granted I am usually limited. I think you and I need to hit up Out of Whack Jack's up on Wilits & Holme.
  3. You have no reason to be sorry <3
  4. Here or on Facebook? Send me something I can locate on my bar for humorous purposes.
  5. in their current state, had*
  6. https://xyzzy.clrtd.com/zy/gameold.jsp#game=23 pw is notwelcome
  7. I will start setting up the game and post the link here as well as on the Discord main channel.
  8. goodnight @Quackers
  9. And fourteen in that one.
  10. babe.
  11. Well i know it's not Fuggs because she has a lurking alt already. and Nabs isn't banned. and Rainman has a totally different posting and email style.
  12. I remember your name from the old boards and I saw your join date and was like, "This might actually be them." What made it odd was your timing of showing up, and the fact that you have a username I know from the Lithium boards. Sorry about that
  13. I have a feeling I know who it is.
  14. sweat dreams
  15. Katt and I are really loving that flag as spammer button
  16. I was just talking about this last night on Discord.
  17. That explains why you didn't reply to me on Discord. I have a screencap, its ok.
  18. Do you mean unsolicited? Because if that is what you are getting at, I don't understand it either. I guess they are stupid enough to think, "Well maybe if they saw my dick they would ignore my creepy advances because they would like my (probably gross looking) penus."
  19. @Sandstone wants to know if it is a feminine penis. For science.
  20. Oh and the only reason I answered in here is because it literally is a yardstick slap on the hand.
  21. He got post banned for 24 hours and 15 minutes. cry me a riverrrrrr
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