Yeah. My friend learned it from my crackhead uncle who was a maintenance tech like me so he just had access to R-22 and R-134a like it was nobody’s business.
this was before R-410a had started to become the new standard refrigerant though... not sure how someone would react to a lung or two full of that.
either way how it works is it basically starves your brain of oxygen so quickly and so much that your brain goes into “I am dying” mode and releases DMT...
If you do it too much, yes you would die.
But I watched my friend do it... he cracked open a 30-lb canister of R-22 into a bag, then huffed the fuck out of the bag and was all kinds of trippy for a little bit.
I did it 2 years ago and it did nothing but made me really hyper and I cleaned the house. I was very disappointed, as I don’t need to have a more mild trip than a window pane to clean the house.