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Everything posted by renjifan

  1. I just bought a pack of these the other day. Tried one last night and they aren’t bad!
  2. Ooh, that’s exciting! Stay safe!!! ☺️
  3. Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a great day! 🥳
  4. Not really, no. I have a younger brother, but he’s not at all intimidating 😅
  5. Why does everyone always think I'm a dude? 😂
  6. You know, as great of a plan as this is, I think I may wait on the whole catching an std thing for now and try some other methods first... 😋
  7. Sorry man, but it’s really starting to creep me out. It’s been 10 years, let it go 😜
  8. True. But 10+ years later and I’d still consider it the worst date I’ve ever been on
  9. Oh, none taken. I’ve had some incredibly unpleasant and uncomfortable experiences that I don’t think I would have had if I were a guy 😕
  10. Absolutely not. He was my date to my senior prom, and it was the worst date I’ve ever been on. In fact, he was so awful, I flat out told him to his face that he was the worst date I’ve ever had.
  11. Lol, I don’t even know if that would deter him at this point! He’s relentless
  12. Good thinking! I forgot you can make your profile so that people can’t find you! I think I deleted his texts when I blocked him, but will for sure start keeping a record of any other communication from him.
  13. Happy Birthday!!! 🥳🎉
  14. I went on one date with this guy over 10 years ago, and to this day, he still messages me to ask me out again. I’ve nicely told him no, I’ve assertively told him no, I’ve tried ignoring his messages altogether...nothing works I finally blocked his phone number, so I hadn’t heard from him for a while. But now he just messaged me through Facebook. Why won’t he give up??? 😣
  15. I like Renji
  16. That's awesome news! Congrats!!! 😊
  17. Really? Mine was super painful! I swear she touched brain with that little bristle brush 😣
  18. That’s awesome! Congrats!!! ☺️
  19. Same! I used to pull all nighters when the TinyChat was a thing, and now I’m in bed by 10, maybe 11 at the latest. And always exhausted 😅
  20. I was 18 when I joined. Actually my 10 year boardiversary was last week! ☺️
  21. It’s the worst! I think they hit my brain 😣
  22. Everyone thought I was a dude until I posted my pic... 😂
  23. In high school, I was standing next to a kid who was legit a whole foot taller than me. I made a joke about how short I was in comparison, and this boy deadass asked me why I didn’t just grow. Like, he believed I could just will myself to be taller or something... 😐
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