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Everything posted by renjifan

  1. Meet Macey! She was rescued from a hoarder’s home and was in pretty bad shape. She actually needed a blood transfusion because she was so infested with fleas. They didn’t think she was going to make it... 😔 My parents initially planned on just fostering her while she recovered, but got attached and decided to keep her ☺️💗 Here is a before and after pic
  2. Ahhh...well that explains everything! He’ll be a good teacher
  3. That sounds fair. I’ll take it!
  4. How much would you charge me for some basic lessons in evil? Everyone keeps telling me I’m too nice, so I think I need to work on that... 😅
  5. I’m going to have to steal this from you... 😂
  6. Yes, I must buy his love!
  7. You’re right. I‘ll know better next time! 😂
  8. But I have to be the favorite aunt! If the kid wants silence while he plays with his Hot Wheels, then guess I gotta stfu 😂
  9. Aw, I’m sorry 😔
  10. Ugh, haven’t experienced that one with him, but probably because he just hasn’t learned how to do it yet 😭
  11. Right? Three year olds, man... 😂
  12. Lol! I meant to put this in the FFA folder. Could a mod please move this for me? Thanks! 😂 Edit - Thanks @Rogue_Alphonse! 😘
  13. I don’t really need insurance. What else you got?
  14. Same. I can usually get a couple of hours in, but I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night and just cannot fall back asleep. So I toss and turn until my alarm goes off.
  15. This. Everything would be blurry and it would be unpleasant, but doable This is always an option, too! I personally don’t care for contacts because I’m a big baby about putting stuff in my eyeballs 😂 But this would be a good solution to your issue, for sure!
  16. Non-existent
  17. Like others have said, my laptop battery is donezo and only works if it’s plugged in. My phone is currently at 44%
  18. Lol! It’s TLC and I’m constantly made fun of for enjoying that show 😅
  19. Hmm...I don’t think I’ve ever actually had liver, but it doesn’t sound very appealing, lol 😂 But I like everything else you listed, so onto the grocery list they go! Thank you! ☺️
  20. Lol, but I always eat some kind of meat with dinner every night! I don’t get it... And I take vitamins, which I would have thought would also help, but guess not
  21. A strong source of iron, indeed 😂
  22. I’ll do my best! 😂
  23. Thank you! She didn’t mention the vitamin C so that’s good to know! And thank you for your suggestions! I’ll be adding them to my grocery list ☺️
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