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Everything posted by renjifan

  1. Don’t you just love working in customer service???
  2. Finally back at work! Please ignore my blindingly pale skin as I’ve been in isolation for weeks 😂
  3. Oh shoot, I’m definitely guilty of that. Sorry! 😅 How about...”stay healthy!” Is that any better? 😋
  4. Glad you got him, poof! ☺️👍 Now if it had been me, I would have just peaced right on out of that room for the rest of the day! 😂
  5. Update: I can officially leave isolation! I don’t really have anywhere to go, except to maybe get groceries, but the fact that I can is super exciting, guys! ☺️ I still have a small cough, but my doctor said that it’s normal because coughs tend to linger with cold/flu type viruses. But she said that because I’ve been fever free for several days and all of my other symptoms have significantly improved, she was comfortable giving me the ok to stop isolating. I still plan on sporting a mask and taking whatever other precautions I can to make sure that I’m not spreading any germs that I may still have, and I have to go back next month for one more chest X-ray to make sure my pneumonia is completely gone, but I’m so excited that I finally seem to be at the end of all this! ☺️
  6. Yikes! Yes, please be careful! It’s scary stuff!!! I am apparently an overachiever and had also managed to develop pneumonia on top of everything else, so I’m sure that didn’t help anything. But it for sure gets to your lungs and wreaks havoc. I still have some tightness in my chest and it’s almost been a month since my symptoms started.
  7. True. People are going to do whatever they want to do. But I do hope your friend has a safe trip and is able to stay healthy!
  8. I did. I initially tested positive for Influenza A and Influenza B, so they wouldn't test me further. But I wasn't getting any better, so they finally had me come back in for more testing and ended up being positive for covid. It's for the best, honestly. It really does a number on your lungs and breathing. My oxygen level was so low, the doctor basically told me to be prepared to be hospitalized if it got any worse. Definitely keep your distance if you think he may have it!
  9. I’m sorry to hear that. It’s definitely not something to take lightly, especially if he’s already in poor health. I sincerely hope he changes his mind about going Thank you so much! ☺️💗 It took close to a month, but I’m finally feeling so much better!
  10. Yeah, it’s not a fun time. As someone who has unfortunately experienced it, I seriously urge everyone to avoid stuff like this for quite a while... I’m in good health and it hit me hard. I felt like I was on my death bed. So I can’t imagine what it would be like for someone who’s health is already compromised. Hopefully you can talk your friend out of it!
  11. Good decision! I know it sucks because I know how much you miss doing stand up, but I’d much rather you keep yourself healthy!
  12. Yay! That’s awesome news! ☺️ I always list Tiger & Bunny as one of my favorites and am always recommending it to people. I even sported Fire Emblem as my avatar for quite a while on the old boards. It says a lot about a show when it can get me to switch up my Renji icon 😂
  13. Just finished it and I really liked it! Nice mix between cute, action, and educational. I’d definitely recommend giving it a watch! ☺️
  14. Yay! Happy Birthday! 🥳
  15. This...sounds amazing! May I tag along???
  16. I don’t want mine to be a big deal. I absolutely HATE being the center of attention, so I’d prefer a small ceremony. Then a super casual hangout after for the reception. But first I’ll have to find someone who can actually tolerate me enough to marry me 😅
  17. Right??? This is honestly a pretty accurate depiction of how it felt, too. Two infections attacking my poor lungs 😭
  18. I’m definitely feeling better than I was, thank you!
  19. Ok! I’ll for sure look into donating it. If I can help in any way, I’m happy to do so!
  20. Thank you! 💗 It was super rough. Not only was my breathing affected by the covid-19 virus, but then I developed pneumonia. So both were causing me to cough constantly when I was already having trouble catching my breath. Not a fun time...😣
  21. Thank you! 💗 That’s the thing, I thought I was doing everything I needed to do to stay healthy. But it got me, anyway. Not sure when I was exposed to it... But yes, I agree with your neighbor! BE CAREFUL!!! Every single one of you! I want you all safe and healthy!
  22. Thank you! 💗 I truly hope all of you are able to stay healthy! I do not want any one of you to go through this!
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