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Everything posted by Mewn

  1. A mess 😂 I get Rita, but damn Tessa, what's wrong with you girl.
  2. Can't Defy The Lonely Girl 1
  3. Mewn

    I'm a good girl

    Props for being a Packers fan. 😎 Also, I'm a bitter betch.
  4. Oh noo, did they really? LMAO That must be a mess.
  5. /writes down Good to know. Shall check it out.
  6. Lawl, what changes going on? I haven't been on that site in forever. Did they get rid of that chat shit?
  7. Mewn


    Tragic, for sure.
  8. ♫Make her walk, make her talk, throw some shrimp on her face♫
  9. Let's put some shrimp on the barbie.
  10. Brought to you by cats and yarnâ„¢.
  11. Do it, because I'm stronger than yesterday.
  12. People have too much time on their hands.
  13. Some of them seem a bit mundane tbh. Like Happy Happy? wat. Schtup and Scrump must be an STD guaranteed copulation.
  14. Mewn

    Did you know...

    And in the end what really is a thread but a piece of string made out of broken promises. *stares into the distance*
  15. I want to hear him say motherfucker. 😂
  16. ahahaha, what episode of Black Mirror is this
  17. Mewn

    y am i here

    +1 princess
  18. All good to go.
  19. Mewn

    y am i here

    zero clue.
  20. No <_<
  21. I'm still on that Shaazam shit. I KNOW KAZAAM EXISTS, but I'm with the lot thinking Shaazam was a movie. 😂 Also, Bernstein Bears, not Bernstain Bears.
  22. you mean you didn't like this one?
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