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Everything posted by Mewn

  1. Dude, right? I hope so too, I mean we're almost at 300 chapters, I feel like it's about time. Oh boy, I do not even want to venture to those. 😂
  2. Gotta a little bit of dirty down in my soul
  3. Jesus doesn't love me anymore.
  4. Ah, I'm too impatient >_> that I NEED TO KNOW. Ah, yes, Skip Beat, we are getting near to her finally realizing Ren likes her...good lawd. Nice! I figured it'd be fun. I always get hungry watching that show.
  5. Awww ;_; that show is so awesome. I am soooooooooooo mad that the manga has been forever on hiatus. >__________< IT'S SO CLOSE TO FINISHING TOO. Ah, I relate more to Nana Osaki 😂 I just can't with Hachi. But I tolerate her cuz Nana O lavz her. >_> BUT SHE PISSES ME OFF WHEN SHE BREAKS HER HEART. (I am super pro-yuri, let's put those two together at the end.)
  6. Damn, I missed it then. Rose needs to come back >_> I've seen it a few times but the drama, I just can't resist watching it again. I think forever ago Netflix had NANA, but it disappeared before I was in the mood to rewatch.
  7. I meant Sagittarius LMAOSPKMOPSDA 🤣 It's 'cuz everyone lavz joo!
  8. Mewn


    It can be quite the betch.
  9. Ooo, she's a sag. Happy Birthday!
  10. Same here! When I opened it up to watch Man in the High Castle, BAM Vinland Saga came up and I was like "oh yeah, this shet might have anime too". I wish NANA and Rose of Versailles would go on a streaming site just because I love those two series a lot.
  11. ooo awesome to hear, glad it didn't go down in quality Naaah, I feel like I was going to but never got around to it, lawl. I'll probz check out this and Psycho Pass 3 after this season of anime I'm watching. Ah, and Food Wars. Too many. 😂
  12. Mewn


    Tomato, toe mah toe
  13. How is the third season going? It's def on my plan to watch and the first two seasons were adorbz.
  14. Something that is free >_>;;;;; But yeah, I'll check out Hulu and Netflix from time to time to see if they have anything. Amazon Prime has Vinland Saga, I'll probz check that out at some point.
  15. So, is CA, specifically L.A., one big hell portal where the dead can be amongst the living, but only in certain areas? Or to get a "portal", does mass murder have to happen (and CA is just special)?
  16. Mewn


  17. As a non-stoner I feel like I wouldn't be able to represent the Stoners Association properly. Are you just trying to pass on your responsibility? 🤡 Also, we got emojis on the PC version now? Nice.
  18. Hurricane schuricane, let's use the rest of the ice and make some drinks.
  19. Damn it Mix, the fate of the east coast depended on that!
  20. I couldn't get past episode 4, the direction they took the season to tell the new girl everything was dumb.
  21. No wai, it's all about dumping ice into the ocean.
  22. She's loonie. I did enjoy The OA, and Netflix really needs to tell shows no renewal before they make cliffhanger endings, but yeah, she's coocoo for cocoa puffs.
  23. Yeah, the season felt super redundant. We closed the case the first two seasons, they flowed a lot better. I remember after s2 I was like "well, this should be done now". This season was just "okay now let's just take every 80's reference there is a basically redo the first two seasons by making Russians open the gate!" idk I loved the darker feeling the first two seasons had, it kept me wanting to keep watching....this one I rolled me eyes and sighed cuz they set it up for another season. I might not watch the next season if it's just going to be this shet. I usually love camp but damn, I do not get why people loved this. On the other hand Dark s2 is quite good.
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