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Everything posted by Mewn

  1. Anyone watch this glorious german show? I'm almost done with season 3. The music is 💯
  2. Are you sure you're not just drinking beer?
  3. oooo, yeah, probably won't try then. 😆 I do enjoy Kind bars. mmmm dark chocolate cherry.
  4. Okay, haven't ventured onto that brand yet. I know the larabars are eh since every one is made with dates and dried fruit....so that brownie flav was questionable. 😆 Poor mouth! Chocolate mint will always be the best as ice cream and shakes.
  5. Hmm, I'd say the aloe def. Have you tried those aloe drinks? Delicious.
  6. Welp, never trying that again, lol. What brand was it?
  7. omg 😆 Def a top ten coronavirus moment. Up there with people making their own hand sanitizer with Tito's and the police telling methheads that their meth might have the virus and they should come in to get it checked.
  8. Nah, I'm working >_> Thursday mayhaps.
  9. Mostly work and sleep. Cleaning, working out, and watching shows sprinkled randomly in there.
  10. That's how I got hooked into it. 😂 It's bad, but I needed to find out more.
  11. Are you....ghostrek?
  12. Is this...the reckoning that was promised?
  13. Laying in bed after a shower with fuzzy socks on.
  14. I've been binging this show and it's total trash, but I cannot stop watching.
  15. Oooo, thank you all! And yes, def getting closer to death @Mix 😂 And those Gaga cakes look bomb 💣 Lav you all ❤️
  16. Good to hear, might start tonight, tomorrow, or Friday. Shameless 10x09
  17. Happy Birthday phantom of paradise stan!
  18. Happy birfdai, I blame you.
  19. Is this a 90 day fiancee thing?
  20. Koko wa Green Wood 5-6
  21. True, but still I want to shake her LOL Welp, whenever you do you will be disappointed 'cuz you're going to catch up and then see it has been on a hiatus for around 10-ish years >_< I want to re-read it whenever the mangaka is ready to finish it ~_~ Ai Yazawa got sick and has been on hiatus, but in the past couple of years she has released drawings of the two Nanas for magazines, so I'd like to say she can draw at least >__> I REALLY NEED HER TO FINISH THIS MANGA CUZ IT'S JUST SO CLOSEEKSMKLFMSLKDF
  22. The manga or the anime?
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