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This place dead today.

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Moose is gone forever.


Zeni and TIC may be allowed back once we get the new board set up.


Why would you let tic come back? I mean, if he hasn't killed himself he is just going to be worse than he was and you will just have to ban him again.


Moose is gone forever.


Zeni and TIC may be allowed back once we get the new board set up.


uh I want a vote in the volunteer area 

Guest The Hound

It's just to like, lower their prick levels down a bit. Like atm theyre literally incapable of having a normal conversation with anyone on here.


Why would you let tic come back? I mean, if he hasn't killed himself he is just going to be worse than he was and you will just have to ban him again.


Everybody's different.  Bans work for some people, for other people it just makes em worse.


A side-effect of our botscreen on SMF is that it makes it easier to keep banned users out.  I can only surmise that IPB has something similar (as it's just plain across the board better software basically).  So - it's not quite the same as it was on the ASMB where - like banned users just kept making SNs and nobody gave a fuck. 


We have the ability to actually ban people and keep them out.  Well - moreso than they did on ASMB.  I'm sure there's some sneaky way past anything you can come up with ban-wise. 


I think having that knowledge (that it's tough to make a new SN and just take up where you left off), might help with a member that might otherwise just keep banging their head into the wall over and over again, like if they know that they can only do that so many times and they're just out.


We'll see how it works out.




what new board. is viper's board literally going to be the new board?


we had decided to move on from SMF and KN wanted us on IPB, and that seemed a good way to go so I am going with the flow on that.  Viper also was kind of excited about it.  But then we had that thing happen where he wanted to split off and make a different board.  I don't know much about that.  From recent conversations, I think his board was going to be an IPB because he likes IPB and stuff.


I'm not 100% sure what Viper's plans are, and for the moment I think he's not making another board right away, but he may end up doing it somewhere down the road sooner or later.


He will be helping us out with the UEMB IPB version.  And if/when he makes a board, I hope we can in some way help him with that as well.


I think he means when our new servers kick in


it's new server and new software.


we'll eventually be transferring this data to that board. 


so it won't be like the Proboard.  We'll set up the new software, and then you guys (the volunteers) will get early access to it so you can fiddle around and learn how it works and stuff.


And then we'll be actually transferring the SMF data to that software.


So it will technically be a new board (because it'll be different message board software).  But we'll be keeping all the data from the current board, so the "new board" will still have all the posts from this board.


it's new server and new software.


we'll eventually be transferring this data to that board. 


so it won't be like the Proboard.  We'll set up the new software, and then you guys (the volunteers) will get early access to it so you can fiddle around and learn how it works and stuff.


And then we'll be actually transferring the SMF data to that software.


So it will technically be a new board (because it'll be different message board software).  But we'll be keeping all the data from the current board, so the "new board" will still have all the posts from this board.


Sweet I get to break I mean fix stuff

Guest The Hound

we had decided to move on from SMF and KN wanted us on IPB, and that seemed a good way to go so I am going with the flow on that.  Viper also was kind of excited about it.  But then we had that thing happen where he wanted to split off and make a different board.  I don't know much about that.  From recent conversations, I think his board was going to be an IPB because he likes IPB and stuff.


I'm not 100% sure what Viper's plans are, and for the moment I think he's not making another board right away, but he may end up doing it somewhere down the road sooner or later.


He will be helping us out with the UEMB IPB version.  And if/when he makes a board, I hope we can in some way help him with that as well.

i wouldn't be against creating a true asmb 2.0 which actively post and follows adult swim news and content. But that's it
Guest The Hound

Me and luuv discussed things. It seems what i will be doing is creating a primary skin for IPB, the one we have now is still mine without a rotating background because im not able to do that atm. I'll also be putting username icons in your usernames and creating them from the ground up in Photoshop per request. I'll be doing fun things on the board as well. That is it. I dont want any more power than that. I can even do more complicated things like reactive backgrounds for rach subforum that pertain to their subject. It will be interesting and I plan for this place to stand out from every other forum out there.

Guest The Hound

Tldr I know ipb inside and out becsuse ipb is the software i have always used in the forums i mention I admin and moderate on


why are you guys banning the people who account for over 50% of the traffic here


Without tic this board has turned into a borefest. He was just misunderstood and bullied relentlessly. Ban the bullies. Ticcore is innocent


Doe that mean you defend moose as well?


Me and luuv discussed things. It seems what i will be doing is creating a primary skin for IPB, the one we have now is still mine without a rotating background because im not able to do that atm. I'll also be putting username icons in your usernames and creating them from the ground up in Photoshop per request. I'll be doing fun things on the board as well. That is it. I dont want any more power than that. I can even do more complicated things like reactive backgrounds for rach subforum that pertain to their subject. It will be interesting and I plan for this place to stand out from every other forum out there.

Will we be able to maybe, like, opt out of backgrounds and other such things that make actual post content actively difficult to read?

Guest The Hound

Will we be able to maybe, like, opt out of backgrounds and other such things that make actual post content actively difficult to read?

You can even throw your own up per board. (eventually)

Actually, that's not sad at all...although Pooh and I are going to need a new punching bag.

Yeah, lol wat do mthor?!? A perm ban is not acceptable  ::spin::


Yeah, lol wat do mthor?!? A perm ban is not acceptable  ::spin::


Nabs seems to want some attention lately. Why don't you use him till you find a better replacement.


Nabs seems to want some attention lately. Why don't you use him till you find a better replacement.

Lol, but Nabs is too smart cuz of the mutant butt worms and roast mouse diet :P


Spending all my time foolishly on the Internet

Doing anything to get you off my mind

But when morning comes, I'm right back here without you

Trying to forget you is a waste of time


Zeni come back any kind of fool could see

There was nothing in everything about you

Zeni come back you can blame it all on me

Your anus prolapsed when I tried to love you


All day long I am posting here UEMB lacks something without you

But as the posting traffic goes down, how I feel so empty

Oh how I wish. How I wish you were here so I could fart on you


Zeni come back any UEMB fool can see. We were wrong. We're nothing without you

Zeni come back you can blame it all on me

Your anus prolapsed when I tried to love you.


Zeni come back.

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