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lol dangit coulda caught another Feraligatr today too, showed on tracker too late, was gone when I got there

I lost a Sneasel like that. Caught a Dunsparce.



So after not opening the app for about a week or so it told me I needed an update and it took like 10 minutes to download wtf maybe my connection was acting up

Anyways stumbled on a pikachu nest and got myself some yellow mouses

What's this new event coming about?


Haven't seen aerodactyl yet tons of kabuto and geodude even shuckle

I had a Larvitar on the sightings and walked a fucking mile it was a slugma


Suck my rubber dick Niantic :D


Dexed Shuckle, experienced an error similar to when Johto came out, spazzed out while catching a fourth Aero, thought I lost it but I caught it


Haven't seen any Larvitar yet, buddy distance reduction and Explorer hat don't seem to be live yet


Lookin fer amazing Kabuto and Rhyhorn (every one I hatch is fuckin sub-stats) too, dexed shitty Kabutops long ago


Caught one Onix earlier, hoping to see more, could use more candy


28 Revives feels good after being without


So after not opening the app for about a week or so it told me I needed an update and it took like 10 minutes to download wtf maybe my connection was acting up

Anyways stumbled on a pikachu nest and got myself some yellow mouses

What's this new event coming about?

All the rock Pokémon are out in force. Buddy candy is 4 times as fast.


Provided I can catch more Larvitar, I'mma focus on walking Mareep, then hopefully if I can, Chansey and Snorlax for buffer/powerup; can do one Blissey but my Chansey ain't the best, need more candy for two Blissey


Hope I can get a frikkin King's Rock this week, maybe they can be more common during event or be 7 day streak yes?


Provided I can catch more Larvitar, I'mma focus on walking Mareep, then hopefully if I can, Chansey and Snorlax for buffer/powerup; can do one Blissey but my Chansey ain't the best, need more candy for two Blissey


Hope I can get a frikkin King's Rock this week, maybe they can be more common during event or be 7 day streak yes?

Is Ampharos really strong?  I hatched some mareep but didn't think to make it my buddy. I have a good Chansey figure I can make a Blissey by the time the event is over.



Whomever did the height and weight didn't know the metric system

I have on that's like a ton but only as tall as a man :D


I restarted the game. It's fixed now. I thought things were about to get Jumanji :D


It's interesting, they say Pound and Hyper Beam are technically her best moves, but Fighting types are weak to Psychic attacks, making Blisseys with Zen Headbutt particularly fortified against any weakness, IMO. I guess it's just generally slower is all.


Man so far I only caught one random Larvitar around here, haven't seen any on tracker. But I do have a good chunk of candy with both Larvitar and Mareep at this point. Gotta keep grinding, too bad the weather turned..


It's interesting, they say Pound and Hyper Beam are technically her best moves, but Fighting types are weak to Psychic attacks, making Blisseys with Zen Headbutt particularly fortified against any weakness, IMO. I guess it's just generally slower is all.


Man so far I only caught one random Larvitar around here, haven't seen any on tracker. But I do have a good chunk of candy with both Larvitar and Mareep at this point. Gotta keep grinding, too bad the weather turned..

I caught a larvitar in my apartment of all places and I'm keeping Chansey as my buddy until tomorrow and then I'll switch to either Snorlax or Mareep and yeah, the weather sucking is a bummer S:


Haven't seen any Aerodactyl S:


You're so lucky. I know I'll see on Thursday morning when I have no time to catch it >:D

No kidding, I haven't hatched one yet but the one I posted from Thursday has almost perfect stats, can't ask for much better


Still can't spin a fucking Rock, got a fourth Sun Stone  S:


And somehow I still don't have an amazing Rhyhorn (or Kabuto but Rhydon>Kabutops


No kidding, I haven't hatched one yet but the one I posted from Thursday has almost perfect stats, can't ask for much better


Still can't spin a fucking Rock, got a fourth Sun Stone  S:


And somehow I still don't have an amazing Rhyhorn (or Kabuto but Rhydon>Kabutops

Rhydon is waaaay better than Kabutops. Kabutops is cooler looking though >:D


I hatched a couple of Aerodactyl months ago. They weren't great hatches.


Hatched enough mareep to make ampharos but I'm going to hold off for a better mareep.


Blissey is unbelievable. 46 CP per raise as well as 4HP. She has 328 hp so far and a looong way to go


Been hatching Mareep too, close to evo with Mar and Lar


Given that he's everywhere, kind of ironic how Slugma is actually a pure fire type, prior to evo

That is funny especially when you consider Magcargo, the fire/rock, wasn't around all that much.

Didn't see any Steelix either


lol, P.S. I got sick of catching Slugma it was so plentiful >:D



Rumors abound as to what the next event could be




Saw a good few Magcargo, but even a great Magcargo still sucks in Go


Steelix can't really be found in the wild, no surprise there (same for the other stone evo Pokemon, and I reckon Blissey)


Saw a good few Magcargo, but even a great Magcargo still sucks in Go


Steelix can't really be found in the wild, no surprise there (same for the other stone evo Pokemon, and I reckon Blissey)

That's total bullshit S:  ANd I saw an Aerodactyl today that I can't catch cuz I'm working, I friggin knew it. EVERY!FRIGGIN!TIME! S: :D


Just was reading Niantic just implemented a new security feature, accounts flagged for suspicion of using 3rd party apps will not be able to see rare Pokemon

or buy items from the store (a measure to stop bots)



  • 2 weeks later...

When you're catching something and Ditto decides to watch


This happened to me last night. I saw the Ditto after I threw a Pokeball and I was hoping that I was going to catch another one.

This happened to me last night. I saw the Ditto after I threw a Pokeball and I was hoping that I was going to catch another one.

I was catching a spinarak at the time and I was hoping it was a Ditto, even though I've never heard of someone catching one that was a Ditto, it wasn't but then I was hoping that the other known Ditto disguises were nearby and they weren't.


One time I was catching a Ratata and I swore I saw Ditto jiggling in the background and thought maybe that rat was a ditto but it fled so I never found out.


Another mystery, what's the deal with that other catch, the one where the ball rocks only once and the start come out in a streak?  First I thought it was a glitch but it's been a few months now and I can't figure out why it happens :D


I think it is like a critical hit or something in the real games where it gives you much higher odds of capture

It would be nice for the game to say that in the way it does, great, excellent and nice throw.  I have no idea what I'm doing to make that happen(if anything) :D


Funky Ditto glitch, I had a glitch with Pikachu once where he was in fight mode on the map screen, in scale with the trainer too


Nidoran in Marill cosplay


>:D >:D

Kinda also looks like Marrill is gettin' busy on Nidoran :D


I'd tweet dat shit, lol

Caught my first Sentret Ditto

I don't have a Twitter :D

Feel free to save the pic and do it if you want. I give you permission  :D


Sentret Ditto are common Ditto here. I've never caught a Yanma Ditto.


Was your Ditto any good?


Didn't know Yanma could be Ditto :o

Today's Ditto was actually pretty good, amazing, attack, excellent stats. The Sentret was 400 something CP, Ditto 573


I still have a 493 97% IV Ditto from a Hoothoot I think


Didn't know Yanma could be Ditto :o

Today's Ditto was actually pretty good, amazing, attack, excellent stats. The Sentret was 400 something CP, Ditto 573


I still have a 493 97% IV Ditto from a Hoothoot I think

::]:: do you know if Ditto ever gets as strong as what it fights?

I used a crappy one once and it didn't get as strong as the Dragonite it transformed into but it's CP did rise significantly


I haven't used Ditto enough to have a good handle on it, I tend to forget about using him, one time against a pretty decent Blissey he was just under the opposing CP. I should look into using him more, especially against types that are weak to themselves, maybe I'll try him against Dragonite one time..

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