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16 hours ago, blueraven1999 said:

I was dumb last night and decided to go out walking just for a little while so I could hatch my Alolan egg.

I only had 1 km to go.  Didn't realize that I had a big blister on the side of my toe.  I hatched the egg and got an Alolan Meowth but I won't be walking

much the next couple days.

Pffft. I wound up hatching 12 eggs on A-Kon weekend. I was pissed off they made the egg hatch challenge day a day I couldn’t walk much. 

Posted (edited)

I got a easy field research of catching 10 Pokemon which was the last research to do before the big reward so I did that today.

My reward was being able to catch a Articuno.  It's cp 1225.  I haven't seen what the new Field Research thing is but hopefully it's something easy.

Edit:  It's catch 10 pokemon with Weather Boost.  That's pretty easy.

Edited by blueraven1999
  • Like 1

I just wanna apologize to anyone that hasn’t gotten a gift from me yet. I’ve had a hard af time getting gifts from stops and gyms even when I have no gifts in my inventory. 

After work today I’ll hit stops again

and you guys will be the first to get from me  again my apologies 🙏


  • Like 1
8 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

I just wanna apologize to anyone that hasn’t gotten a gift from me yet. I’ve had a hard af time getting gifts from stops and gyms even when I have no gifts in my inventory. 

After work today I’ll hit stops again

and you guys will be the first to get from me  again my apologies 🙏


That's no problem.  I have nine eggs most of the time anyway so anytime I receive a gift, it takes me awhile before I can open it.

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, blueraven1999 said:

That's no problem.  I have nine eggs most of the time anyway so anytime I receive a gift, it takes me awhile before I can open it.

At first I was waiting for the Alolan eggs but I hatched so many Meowth and rage quit. Now I just wait unless it’s a gift from far away. Like your gift. I got an egg from it 😊

with the friend system it’s important to at least open or give a gift that the other person opens to build up the friendship. 😊

24 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

At first I was waiting for the Alolan eggs but I hatched so many Meowth and rage quit. Now I just wait unless it’s a gift from far away. Like your gift. I got an egg from it 😊

with the friend system it’s important to at least open or give a gift that the other person opens to build up the friendship. 😊

Yeah I know but it's impossible to get a new egg right away if you already have nine eggs and

only one egg incubator.

  • Like 1
57 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

I just wanna apologize to anyone that hasn’t gotten a gift from me yet. I’ve had a hard af time getting gifts from stops and gyms even when I have no gifts in my inventory. 

After work today I’ll hit stops again

and you guys will be the first to get from me  again my apologies 🙏


My items are at max so I consistently have several gifts to open that are a day old but don't have the inventory space to open, and then when I dip below max I gotta choose between opening someone's gift or spinning a stop to possibly get gifts to give.

  • Like 2
Just now, Adminderaptorpat said:

My items are at max so I consistently have several gifts to open that are a day old but don't have the inventory space to open, and then when I dip below max I gotta choose between opening someone's gift or spinning a stop to possibly get gifts to give.

Lol it’s like a juggling act. I’m kinda glad they nerfed the gifts. At first I was getting 20 balls and berries I had to throw stuff out to get more gift packages. 😆

I just seem to be having bad luck at stops and gyms. Hopefully that will end soon 😑


My understanding is that in addition to the gameplay features like finding and catching pokemon being partly based on Go, you can transfer pokemon from Go to Let's Go (but not the other way around).

58 minutes ago, Adminderaptorpat said:

My understanding is that in addition to the gameplay features like finding and catching pokemon being partly based on Go, you can transfer pokemon from Go to Let's Go (but not the other way around).

But I dont need a Pokemon Go account to get the most of my game right? Or no? 

2 minutes ago, viperxmns said:


I got to admit it's kinda funny that unlocking Articuno announcement happens the day after I catch an Articuno.  The challenge sounds fun but

I doubt my area will be participating.  It's probably only the big cities.


Just found out that the game includes heat advisories.  That's cool.

I wasn't planning on being outside very long today anyway.  I hatched a Scyther from a 5 km egg and got enough candies from it to evolve it into Scizor.


By the way, it's not that I don't appreciate the Alolan eggs I do, I just can't open the gifts right away due to having nine eggs most of the time.

Currently I have 8 but I wouldn't be surprised if I get a egg from one of the Pokestops at the mall today.  I've never come close to having my inventory full but I've only been playing a little under two months. 

I have around 130 items out of 350 or something like that.

2 hours ago, GunStarHero said:

But I dont need a Pokemon Go account to get the most of my game right? Or no? 

my understanding is that the interaction is a bonus, not a requirement.

but also to clarify, the "Let's Go!" games that are coming out aren't actually the next set of "main" RPG games, which will come out on the switch in 2019.

Posted (edited)

I forgot to mention that I caught a cp 1129 Gligar yesterday.  Caught my first Sneasel today.  It's cp 689.

There were a lot of grass pokemon out today where I live.  Caught several more Cacnea and now I have 42 Cacnea candy.

Also caught my second Treecko and Growlithe.  Caught a lot more Paras and now I have 39 candies.  There were a lot of pokemon in the mall.


I only need one more Alolan Rattata and then I'll be able to evolve it.  I finally caught enough Poochyena to be able to evolve it.

Now it's a cp 1018 Mightyena with bite and play rough.  I don't have many fairy moves so that's good. 

Today I also evolved my Skiploom and now I have a cp 969 Jumpluff with bullet seed and dazzling gleam.


Edit:  I forgot to mention that I completed finding the weather boosted pokemon and I got 5 great balls as a reward.

Just completed another field research by making three great throws.  The reward is catching a new pokemon but I think I'll catch it later.

Edited by blueraven1999
  • Like 1
13 hours ago, 1pooh4u said:

Something weird is going on. I’m great friends with my boyfriend but  he’s not with me. How is tha even possible?

The system is messed up, whichever party accepts the gift first gets the credit or something. Niantic is reportedly aware of it.

We desperately need some organizational interface for friends just like with pokemon and gyms.


Also shiny Roselia is out there now

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, viperxmns said:

The system is messed up, whichever party accepts the gift first gets the credit or something. Niantic is reportedly aware of it.

We desperately need some organizational interface for friends just like with pokemon and gyms.


Also shiny Roselia is out there now

I didn't know shiny Roselia was new.  I just caught one tonight while I was trying to catch weather boosted pokemon.  It's my second shiny.

I lost track of who gave me which eggs but I got two Alolan Sandshrew.  Thank you.  I think they were lupin_bebop's and Adminderaptorpat's but I'm not sure.

There was a second easy raid today so I got more experience.  Plus I finally caught enough Teddiursa's to be able to evolve it and now I have a cp 2192 Ursaring.

14 hours ago, viperxmns said:

The system is messed up, whichever party accepts the gift first gets the credit or something. Niantic is reportedly aware of it.

We desperately need some organizational interface for friends just like with pokemon and gyms.


Also shiny Roselia is out there now

They definitely need to make tabs 

friends who gave you gift

friends you sent gifts to

Gifts given by friends over 2 days

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, 1pooh4u said:

They definitely need to make tabs 

friends who gave you gift

friends you sent gifts to

Gifts given by friends over 2 days


1 hour ago, Adminderaptorpat said:

also gift history

I think just having these show up in the journal stream is fine with me. I don't need to have MORE tabs cluttering the UI.


i don't think it needs more tabs, just a little more organization

when i'm putzing around i'm not realistically gonna stop to look through my journal and figure out which friends i've been neglecting to give gifts to even though they're pumping me with gifts


I ranked up to level 25 over the weekend.  It's awesome how many rewards the game gives you for leveling up.

I'm already down to 24 Ultra Balls left though.  Won't be long before I run out again unless the weather is nice enough outside that I can go to this one library to grind. 

I've caught so many Magicarps and Wailmers around the pond near the  library.  Although I gotta admit getting pokeballs from the gifts helps.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Quick question out of curiosity

Are any of you guys receiving eggs from long distance friends anymore?

 I have 2 international and some of you guys and I purposely wait for room and each time it’s been a big womp womp. 😬😆

I’m hoping I am just unlucky and not that Niantic stopped allowing this 

Edited by 1pooh4u
10 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

Quick question out of curiosity

Are any of you guys receiving eggs from long distance friends anymore?

 I have 2 international and some of you guys and I purposely wait for room and each time it’s been a big womp womp. 😬😆

I’m hoping I am just unlucky and not that Niantic stopped allowing this 

I'm only friends with the people here and one YouTuber I'm subscribed to. 

I've gotten eggs from you guys.  I just got another Alolan Sandshrew from you or someone else here that I was able to evolve into Alolan Sandslash.


  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, blueraven1999 said:

I'm only friends with the people here and one YouTuber I'm subscribed to. 

I've gotten eggs from you guys.  I just got another Alolan Sandshrew from you or someone else here that I was able to evolve into Alolan Sandslash.


You’re welcome 😊

I’m glad to hear you’re still getting them. I must be going through an unlucky streak. It happens with this game all the time 😆

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, 1pooh4u said:

You’re welcome 😊

I’m glad to hear you’re still getting them. I must be going through an unlucky streak. It happens with this game all the time 😆

Thank you.  I hope your unlucky steak ends soon.  I've only had bad luck in trying to find a ditto.

Although I've only been playing the game for a little under two months so it's not like I've looked for a long time yet or anything.

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, blueraven1999 said:

Thank you.  I hope your unlucky steak ends soon.  I've only had bad luck in trying to find a ditto.

Although I've only been playing the game for a little under two months so it's not like I've looked for a long time yet or anything.

With the new research tasks you might just get your Ditto. I don’t know which task it will be that will result in that reward but as soon as I find out I’ll let you know 

On a side note I tossed a catch a dragon type task cuz I didn’t feel like having it undone for months 😆

Just now, 1pooh4u said:

With the new research tasks you might just get your Ditto. I don’t know which task it will be that will result in that reward but as soon as I find out I’ll let you know 

On a side note I tossed a catch a dragon type task cuz I didn’t feel like having it undone for months 😆

How do you toss tasks?  I didn't know that you could do that.

I'm currently stuck since in all of my field research since I've had no luck in finding dittos and the other two tasks involve curveballs which I'm terrible at no matter

how much I try.


I'd love to toss my make 5 curveballs in a row task since that will never happen.  Probably same with two nice curveballs.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, blueraven1999 said:

How do you toss tasks?  I didn't know that you could do that.

I'm currently stuck since in all of my field research since I've had no luck in finding dittos and the other two tasks involve curveballs which I'm terrible at no matter

how much I try.


I'd love to toss my make 5 curveballs in a row task since that will never happen.  Probably same with two nice curveballs.

Just keep practicing the curve ball you’ll get it eventually to the point that you’re accuracy will be better with curves than with straight throws. 

Open the field research tasks and you’ll see a trash can in the upper right corner of each task.  Tap it and hit ok when they ask if you wanna throw it out. 

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I haven't really kept great track or who the eggs come from because I'm always inundated with gifts.

But the joke's on you all, because I went out last night and got a whole batch to give out, santa-style.

  • Haha 1
8 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

Just keep practicing the curve ball you’ll get it eventually to the point that you’re accuracy will be better with curves than with straight throws. 

Open the field research tasks and you’ll see a trash can in the upper right corner of each task.  Tap it and hit ok when they ask if you wanna throw it out. 

I've been practicing my curve ball for a long time and I'm not getting any better at it.

It's just not going to happen.  I know my limits.  Thanks for that info.  The ditto and curveball tasks are going straight into the trash can.

4 minutes ago, viperxmns said:

You can look at the Pokemon's (or egg's) geotag at the bottom, if ppl are in different cities you'll know who's who lol

That only works if you know which states the people here live in.  I don't know honestly.

Probably several of you live in NY or in a state close to it.  Most of my eggs lately have been from NY but that could be anyone.

4 hours ago, blueraven1999 said:

I've been practicing my curve ball for a long time and I'm not getting any better at it.

It's just not going to happen.  I know my limits.  Thanks for that info.  The ditto and curveball tasks are going straight into the trash can.

What's exactly going on when you throw a curve?  Does it miss the Pokemon altogether?

I start near the lower left corner and spin the ball counter-clockwise and I make kinda a check motion when I throw.  If you're ever in the mood to try it again give that a try.  I can't curve ball any other way, some people do it clockwise, I can't it's gotta be just how I described or the ball is all over the placexD


Oh yeah throwing clockwise when the Pokemon moves to the right part of the screen is a grab bag for me. I've gotten a random excellent but is usually trash throw. Waiting for center is the way to go, lol. Sometimes you wait, and wait..


Haven't checked if they have throwing tutorials showing someone's hand motion, I'm sure they're out there. It's sorta like following a Sonic style loop-de-loop on your screen.


  • Like 1
1 hour ago, viperxmns said:

Oh yeah throwing clockwise when the Pokemon moves to the right part of the screen is a grab bag for me. I've gotten a random excellent but is usually trash throw. Waiting for center is the way to go, lol. Sometimes you wait, and wait..


Haven't checked if they have throwing tutorials showing someone's hand motion, I'm sure they're out there. It's sorta like following a Sonic style loop-de-loop on your screen.


There’s some stuff on YouTube lol I have so many Nanab berries now I just throw that at them. I dunno these last few weeks the Pokémon have been feisty. Lol don’t even get me started on Regice. He sometimes attacks 6 or 7 times and then he jumps! 🙀 I’m like slow the fuck down iceberg where you goin’?!?😆😆

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, 1pooh4u said:

What's exactly going on when you throw a curve?  Does it miss the Pokemon altogether?

I start near the lower left corner and spin the ball counter-clockwise and I make kinda a check motion when I throw.  If you're ever in the mood to try it again give that a try.  I can't curve ball any other way, some people do it clockwise, I can't it's gotta be just how I described or the ball is all over the placexD

I don't want to talk about this anymore honestly.  Like I said, I've tried many times but I'm not good at it.

Normally I start from the left and throw to the right aiming toward their head.  Most of the time I miss entirely and several times I've done it without meaning to.

It's just not something I'll ever be good at and I just want to drop talking about it.  Tutorials don't help me.  I've watched one and I'm not really much better at it.

My timing is off no matter how much I try.

Edited by blueraven1999

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