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7 hours ago, Adminderaptorpat said:

Discord is kind of like a glorified chatroom program. UEMB has one that rogue and sandstone run (I forget which folder the thread for it is floated in).

But people use it to organize local pokemon go communities. People also use Facebook for that too. Depends on your interest in social interaction for pokemon I suppose.

Thanks for the info.  I'm not into social interaction very much except for Unevenedge and Twitter. 

I barely use FaceBook at all and only have an account there to follow chuggaaconroy and TheRunawayGuys.


just to clarify - I don't think discord takes up that much space, and it's also something that runs on the computer (rogue's thread linking to the UEMB discord is here, if you're ever curious).

but really it wouldn't be worth using unless you found a pokemon go community to participate in. and obviously like you said you're not too keen on it anyways.


in other news, pooh I'lll have you know i think I'm almost halfway to 20 great throws :P

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On 11/23/2016 at 6:02 AM, 1pooh4u said:

Anyone still playing?  I'm guessing no cuz of the new game released and no

thread,  but if anyone is interested Ditto is now a catchable Pokémon

People are catching random Pokémon and then BAM it's really Ditto.

They're also giving double dust and xp.  :o

Yes. I am still playing.

Yes. I have caught Ditto. It’s usually disguised as a Ratatta or Pidgey.

That was part of an event going on in November. 

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, lupin_bebop said:

Yes. I am still playing.

Yes. I have caught Ditto. It’s usually disguised as a Ratatta or Pidgey.

That was part of an event going on in November. 

I catch a lot of Gulpin Ditto now. No shiny Ho oh yet. I haven’t gotten any shiny during Adventure Week so far. 


Got a badge tonight for catching 40 pokemon from Hoenn.  Defeated both gyms close to where I live.

First gym was a easy win, but I beat a cp 1300 something Slaking with my cp 1149 Pinsir and my cp 938 Scyther.


I also evolved my Lileep tonight and now have a cp 1250 Cradily with Infestation and Stone Edge.  Also caught my first Seviper tonight.  It's fairly strong with cp 1010.

7 hours ago, 1pooh4u said:

I catch a lot of Gulpin Ditto now. No shiny Ho oh yet. I haven’t gotten any shiny during Adventure Week so far. 

I haven’t caught a single shiny during Adventure Week, and don’t expect to. My area doesn’t really have shiny shit. Though, where I work is a spawn camp for Eevees, Pikachus, and Makuhita


After two or three times, I beat a gym close to where I live which had a 2000 something cp Gyarados.

Considering my highest level Pokemon at the time was Cradily which has 1200 something cp that's pretty good. 


I finally got enough Anorith candies so I was able to evolve my Anorith into a Armaldo.  It's my strongest pokemon at cp 1751.

I think I might be level 20 for the rest of the week.  Also I have a Porygon which has enough candies to evolve but I don't have the item it needs to evolve.

I'm hoping I'll get it once I reach a higher level.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, viperxmns said:

Alolan Exeggutor is a go

Yep.  I just caught two of them tonight about 10 minutes ago.  Edit:  Their levels are low though.  Only somewhere between 300 and 400 cp.

Edited by blueraven1999
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No interest in that trash, but generation 8 is definitely making me want a Switch by late 2019. Thank goodness it's still a ways off as I ain't gettin' one anytime soon.


I caught so many Slowbro today.  Before at most I only caught one or two.

Today I caught enough that I was able to evolve it into Slowking so I'm happy about that.  I failed at catching a Treecko but then one of my eggs hatched into a Treecko a couple minutes later

so I guess that worked out. 


Also caught two more Vulpix and was able to evolve mine into Ninetales.  Now I'm level 21.  So it's a start.

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, blueraven1999 said:

I caught so many Slowbro today.  Before at most I only caught one or two.

Today I caught enough that I was able to evolve it into Slowking so I'm happy about that.  I failed at catching a Treecko but then one of my eggs hatched into a Treecko a couple minutes later

so I guess that worked out. 


Also caught two more Vulpix and was able to evolve mine into Ninetales.  Now I'm level 21.  So it's a start.

People are leveling up like crazy running lucky eggs and spinning stops, especially ones they never spun before 🙀

Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

People are leveling up like crazy running lucky eggs and spinning stops, especially ones they never spun before 🙀

How do lucky eggs in this game work?  I've only used one once and it didn't seem to do anything.

Also do you have to keep doing field research to get the item needed for Porygon to evolve?

Edited by blueraven1999

Lucky eggs double the XP you receive for a half hour. So if there is an event going on where XP is already doubled, and then you double that well that's a whole lot of XP.

You don't need to do field research for evolutionary items. You get them from spinning pokestops/gyms but they're super rare. But I believe you get a random one automatically when you get a 7-day spin streak. 

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
47 minutes ago, Adminderaptorpat said:

Lucky eggs double the XP you receive for a half hour. So if there is an event going on where XP is already doubled, and then you double that well that's a whole lot of XP.

You don't need to do field research for evolutionary items. You get them from spinning pokestops/gyms but they're super rare. But I believe you get a random one automatically when you get a 7-day spin streak. 

Thanks for the info.  That's good to know.  Are there any events where ditto appear?

I still haven't found any. 


I'm almost up to 10 great throws.  Currently at 7 and once I reach 10, I'll get some rewards for special field research.


Edited by blueraven1999

Ditto may be easier to find in partly cloudy or windy weather, since it boosts pokemon like Pidgey, Zubat, etc 


Just keep catching every Whismur, Zigzagoon, Gulpin etc 

Also if you happen to see a Ditto type Pokemon that's like 10cp in boosted weather, like a Gastly when it's cloudy that's 10cp, that would be Ditto because a 10cp Gastly in cloudy or fog is impossible 


Right now NYC is a Zubat meganest for example, ppl have been finding more Ditto as a result

  • Like 1
11 hours ago, viperxmns said:

Ditto may be easier to find in partly cloudy or windy weather, since it boosts pokemon like Pidgey, Zubat, etc 


Just keep catching every Whismur, Zigzagoon, Gulpin etc 

Also if you happen to see a Ditto type Pokemon that's like 10cp in boosted weather, like a Gastly when it's cloudy that's 10cp, that would be Ditto because a 10cp Gastly in cloudy or fog is impossible 


Right now NYC is a Zubat meganest for example, ppl have been finding more Ditto as a result

I haven't seen too many Gulpin or Zigzagoon but pidgeys are easy to find.  I probably should be catching more of those.

I finally got 10 great throws today so I'm on to the next special field research thing.  Beating two gyms should be easy but I don't think I'll be able to do the raids.

  • Like 1
On 6/1/2018 at 8:15 PM, Adminderaptorpat said:

There are a few "weak" pokemon raids that are meant for solo players, like Magikarp. If you see a Magikarp raid you can totally do that alone.

I haven't found any of those yet, but I'll look out for them.  Also after looking at Special Research, I only have to battle in 2 raids

not catch the pokemon in them.  So I fought in one raid today by myself and managed to injure the Ho-oh  a little before all of my pokemon fainted.

I also got another raid pass.  Last week I fought in two gyms so the only thing left to do is fight in one more raid.


Over the weekend I caught a few new pokemon and evolved some of mine.  I have a Dewgong that I evolved along with Marshstomp.  Both of them are in gyms right now.

The new pokemon I caught are Skarmory and Solrock.  I have 13 pokemon with over 1000 cp.  Tangela is getting closer at cp 978.

If I ever find enough Geodude candies, my Graveler might have a pretty high cp once it evolves.  It's currently at cp 1191 and I just need 21 more candies for it.


Any Tier 1 raid is soloable for most players, which includes karp. Tier 2 may be doable, tier 3 mostly becomes soloable when you have strong counters at level 25/30 (you should try to reach trainer level 30 for this)

Try to make having a good Machamp a goal, he's an important gym attacker for those Blisseys and Snorlaxes

  • Like 2
3 minutes ago, viperxmns said:

Any Tier 1 raid is soloable for most players, which includes karp. Tier 2 may be doable, tier 3 mostly becomes soloable when you have strong counters at level 25/30 (you should try to reach trainer level 30 for this)

Try to make having a good Machamp a goal, he's an important gym attacker for those Blisseys and Snorlaxes

I don't think there are any Tier 1 or 2 raids near me.  I've only seen the raids for the legendary birds.

Unfortunately Machops where I live are scarce.  I think I've caught only one so far.  I've been trying to level up but ever since I reached level 20, it takes me a couple days to level up.

I'm almost to level 22 and I think I'll get 1500 xp once I participate in one more raid.

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I haven't fought in another raid but I caught a lot of new pokemon the last few days.

Caught a Sandshrew, Jynx, Whiscash, Xatu (it was very low level though), and Carvanha.

Hatched a high level Mantine with about cp 1130.  Caught enough Natu so I could evolve it into a higher cp Xatu at cp 887.


Caught another Eevee today so I finally had enough candies to evolve it.  Now I have a Vaporeon with cp 2321.

Ended up participating in a raid with 3 other people without meaning to.  I was just going to lose quickly and go but 3 other people came to join me in the battle.

It was against a Aggron.  I think it was close to 7000 cp.  We were close to winning but we were playing with only 5 minutes left.  We ran out of time.


I got the achievement I needed for the special field research plus I wanted to come home to record a show so I left.  They probably defeated it without me.

I wasn't much help anyway.  I think I was the only one who lost and had to get more pokemon to fight.  It would be cool to run into them again there but it's probably not likely

and I have no motivation to join a local Pokemon GO group.


Now I'm working toward A Mythical Discovery 4/8.  I have to earn 5 candies walking with my buddy and evolve 20 pokemon.

Right now I have 68 candies for my Feebas and I should get another one soon since I'm at 4.1 out of 5 km.


Thanks, my first shiny legendary

It was pretty epic the way it turned out because it was the last Ho-Oh raid I was likely to do regardless

I wasn't sure if I would go nuts if it happened

I was more stunned than anything

On 5/29/2018 at 8:29 PM, blueraven1999 said:

After two or three times, I beat a gym close to where I live which had a 2000 something cp Gyarados.

Considering my highest level Pokemon at the time was Cradily which has 1200 something cp that's pretty good. 


I finally got enough Anorith candies so I was able to evolve my Anorith into a Armaldo.  It's my strongest pokemon at cp 1751.

I think I might be level 20 for the rest of the week.  Also I have a Porygon which has enough candies to evolve but I don't have the item it needs to evolve.

I'm hoping I'll get it once I reach a higher level.

Wow......it's a wonder you beat a Pokemon at all. Not that you can't, but with only a 1751 3rd Gen Pokemon as your strongest......you may get fucked pretty hard if someone REALLY decided to troll and place a Chansey, Blissey, Snorlax, or Dragonite near you.

Check out this website to check for IVs and junk, also, it has a pretty accurate (within 5%, which is amazing) battle simulator where you can calculate chance of you winning given and opponent.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, lupin_bebop said:

Wow......it's a wonder you beat a Pokemon at all. Not that you can't, but with only a 1751 3rd Gen Pokemon as your strongest......you may get fucked pretty hard if someone REALLY decided to troll and place a Chansey, Blissey, Snorlax, or Dragonite near you.

Check out this website to check for IVs and junk, also, it has a pretty accurate (within 5%, which is amazing) battle simulator where you can calculate chance of you winning given and opponent.

Thanks for the info, but I'm not into that kind of thing.  I'm not a hardcore player and the two gyms near me are pretty weak.

Which suits me very well.  Also Vaporeon is my strongest now at 2321.  I've leveled up a bit since May 29th.  I'm level 22 now and I don't remember what I was May 29th.

Slowking, Tauros, Omastar, Exeggutor, and Tangela have done very well for me in gyms.


Hatched a Snorlax today and powered it up a few times.  It currently has cp 1969.  Now have 20 pokemon with over 1000 cp

Working on getting enough candies for a Croconaw right now. It's at cp 929 so it should be pretty tough once it evolves. 

Also have been working on getting enough candies for Sealeo.  It currently has 52 candies.  My Marshstomp has 19 candies and my Wailmer has 78 candies.


I've beaten Dragonite this week in a gym.  I didn't think it was that hard really.  I didn't use Vaporeon and still beat it pretty easily.

Snorlax wasn't too hard to beat either but I haven't been able to beat Chansey yet.  I'm really good at dodging attacks so that helps.

Edited by blueraven1999

Weakness knowledge will be your best friend. When I started playing, that’s how I was able to topple gyms quickly. It’s a great way to make a lot of headway quickly and level quickly, especially using Lucky Eggs.

Look at the battle simulator, because you can see that you get LESS energy to do heavy attacks if you dodge (except enemy heavy attacks). It’s a delicate dance between taking damage, dodging, and attacking.

7 hours ago, lupin_bebop said:

Weakness knowledge will be your best friend. When I started playing, that’s how I was able to topple gyms quickly. It’s a great way to make a lot of headway quickly and level quickly, especially using Lucky Eggs.

Look at the battle simulator, because you can see that you get LESS energy to do heavy attacks if you dodge (except enemy heavy attacks). It’s a delicate dance between taking damage, dodging, and attacking.

That's just not my thing though.  I'm fine with just using the pokemon that are recommended to me at the gym and my favorites.

I'll be ok at leveling up slowly once I reach level 25.  By then, I'll start using my lucky eggs again.  I think I still have three left.

8 hours ago, lupin_bebop said:

Those are nice pokemon.  My top 25 are Vaporeon, Snorlax, Armaldo, Jynx, Aggron, Omastar, Dewgong, Tauros, Cradily, Cloyster, Slowking, Mantine,

Graveler, Pinsir, Exeggutor, Claydol, Slowbro, Seviper, Venomoth, Ninetails, Lairon, Gloom, Tangela, Raticate, and Kabutops.  Scyther at cp 938 should be a lot stronger once it evolves.

It currently has 28 candies.  My cp 929 Croconaw should also be a lot tougher once it evolves but I only have 15 candies for it so far.


I would recommend NOT using recommended Pokemon in PoGo, because most of the time it favors defense over offense. The best thing about recommended is it gives you an idea of which charge move a raid boss is using so you know which pokemon you actually need for battle. Like if a Kyogre lobby shows me grass already, I know it's probably Hydro Pump, etc.


To beat Chansey the next best thing to Machamp is Hariyama, and next to that a fighting Blaziken or Breloom. And of course a Focus Blast Mewtwo.

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On 6/16/2018 at 8:46 PM, viperxmns said:

Hey I work for my shinies, mostly 

I'mma use your salt to make some pretzels

I work for mine too. I just have a job, so I can’t do it when THEY want me to. They should do more of these later in the day and middle of night, when I do as my best work. 

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