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Late night cravings

André Toulon

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I'm laying in bed, and I suddenly got hungry........Check the fridge and cabinets but I don't have anything that doesn't require me to thaw and cook something besides cereal.


Then it hit me........What I really want, and I think I'm going to have to put on pants because I don't think I'll be satisfied until I get it.


I want a pastrami on rye with grilled onions, tomatoes, provolone and GP bistro sauce.......Normally I'd just be like fuck it and eat the bowl of cereal or even lazier, just eat a few pickles with some Caesar,  but as I sit here typing this, all I can think about is this sammich.


The only thing that stopping me is the fact that I'll have to settle for pre-packaged Pastrami, and it's not the same as deli sliced so I'm wondering if it'll just piss me off.


Is this irrational.......Would you head to the grocery store at 3am just to make a sammich?

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Sometimes I forget you have worse eating habits than I do. 


I do have feeze pop tho.


I eat well actually, I typically don't buy anything that is bagged and everything is always fresh. The problem, much like you mentioned, at 3am I kind of just want that shit ready to eat.....  Like I just ate fresh tuna on a salad and it was everything I hoped it would be, and I hope to hold on to that feeling of deliciousness the next time I am faced with the conundrum of risk v reward.... or laziness over... something else, I don't know.


Just fired up GTA and gonna see how much damage I can do on the rest of this Stoli bottle.

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Short answer: Yes.


Long answer: You're a grown ass man wondering if you should get a sandwich because you're hungry. What the fuck is wrong with you? YES. Get your damn sandwich. Nobody can stop you, man. If they do try to, fuck them. If there's not a Walmart near you, then you're screwed, and I do feel bad for you then. Otherwise, get the damn sandwich. I sure as Hell would. Then again, I'm me. If I'm craving bacon, you can bet your ass I'm getting that shit. As long as my bill are paid, if I have some extra cash to spend on me, I'm fucking doing that shit.

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