Blatch Posted January 4, 2018 Posted January 4, 2018 The Ancient Magus' Bride #9 The iDOLM@STER #13 That dude named Joel Garland got me all sentimental. Funi hasn't screwed up a dub with political crap in what seems like a while, but if they could do even one joke mocking neoliberals, I would actually accept the change. Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 4, 2018 Author Posted January 4, 2018 (edited) Osomatsu-san 8 - 12 We were going pretty good there too with Jyushimatsu's touching story of love to close out 9, and two strong episodes after with 10 and 11. So, naturally, 12 turned out to be a totally skippable clipshow. Honestly can't help but feel like these are so unnecessary, especially nowadays, but oh well. Edited January 4, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 4, 2018 Author Posted January 4, 2018 (edited) Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san 1 Interesting structure so far, seems like we'll get 2 or 3 segments each episode. The contents on the other hand seem fairly uniform and straightforward: Koizumi orgasms over a different ramen each segment while Yuu orgasms over Koizumi. Well let's see if they can keep that interesting over the course of 12 episodes anyway. Yuru Camp 1(and no I don't know how to type the triangle symbol so I don't intend to.) Still early in the season but I'd say this was pretty easily the best first episode I've watched of winter so far. The backgrounds look stellar and the girls are adorable. Rin and Nadeshiko had very nice chemistry together and the earnestness in the camping tips given by the narrator while Rin gathered firewood plus at the very end was sweet. Just a pleasant, wholesome atmosphere so far, should be good. Plus...ahem, not that I was looking or anything but I uh, couldn't help but notice quite the rack on Nadeshiko's onee-chan! Edited January 4, 2018 by BUU8800 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 5, 2018 Author Posted January 5, 2018 (edited) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban I've always felt odd about this one because of the high regard in which it is often held. I know a lot of fans I've watched or read still consider this the best of the films but I've never really agreed. It's not even in my Top 3 honestly. It's a very good movie though, certainly. My god have the child actors grown! So much taller! It occurred to me in one scene that Harry looked as tall as Tom Riddle in the previous film now, who was supposed to be 16 then(played by a 23 or 25 year old too I forget) as opposed to the 13 Harry is meant to be now. Well it's probably not that dramatic a difference but still, pretty big growth spurt. Speaking of entering the teenage years Harry's pretty noticeably gotten an attitude of sorts here. Immediately noticeable in that opening scene at the Dursley's. Hermione does too actually, ah those raging hormones. Ron? Not so much. More of a scaredy cat again in this one like in Chamber. Getting the goofier reactions to things.That's not all that's changed of course. Michael Gambon could never really hope to fill Richard Harris' shoes as Dumbledore, and he doesn't really try to. Opting to play the character fairly differently. Gone is the soft spoken, yet powerful, somewhat mystical presence and we get a much quirkier interpretation of the character. It's not bad perse just different. I find it works best when he's being playful, like continuously distracting Fudge so Harry and Hermione can save Buckbeak. Speaking of, animals and time would probably be the two words that best describe this one for me. We've got 4 animals that take center stage for much of it, 3 of them primarily humans. Lupin, Sirius and Pettigrew are all welcome additions to the cast certainly. Lupin's probably my second favorite Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher after next year's. The time aspect is well done. Reminiscent of Marty interacting with his past self in Back to the Future Part II. One can't help but notice though that the time-turners were conveniently written out after this film, playing far too big a potential deus ex machina for future installments. I noticed the colors are getting duller. Certain scenes reminded me of ones from later films because of the coloring alone. The last film in the franchise scored by John Williams, though his main theme will be heard again throughout the franchise. Despite the time shenanigans giving us two looks at the same day the film moves at a fairly brisk pace, especially compared to the previous two and next two. Good stuff, once again. Edited January 5, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
HardcoreHunter Posted January 5, 2018 Posted January 5, 2018 Chamber>Goblet>Stone>Halfblood>Prisoner>DH2>DH1>Phoenix I often hear shit because I liked Goblet of Fire, but it was one of the better done films, and the last great HP film imho. The issue tends to be that it was one of the films that cut the most side stuff from the books. Chamber is probably the best due to it still having that sense of wonder, Harry is still pretty new to magic and everything is still amazing to him. By Prisoner of Azkaban the characters have already become jaded to magic. Order of the Phoenix is without a doubt the worst. You can skip it and the only thing you miss is in DH1 when Harry gets revenge on that one bitch. All it set up was Harry teaching kids how to duel....I assumed up till then that everyone had a basic grasp on magic, this actually came more as a show of how incompetent hogwartz was as a magical school than anything else. 2 Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 5, 2018 Author Posted January 5, 2018 Interesting order Hunter. I'll reveal my order gradually as my rewatch gets closer to finishing. Osomatsu-san 13 - 15 I feel like watching that last half of 15 involving Chibita and the flower fairy while half-asleep as I just did really did a disservice to it. I probably would have gotten more of an emotional response from it were I not so damn tired atm. At the same time it is amazing how the same episode had that and ass jokes and all that in the first half. Zaniness galore! Quote
Delaclease Posted January 5, 2018 Posted January 5, 2018 Toji no Miko 1 Ito Junji: Collection 1 Grancrest Senki 1 Mahou tsukai no Yome 9-12 Quote
Dark_Cloud_Overhead Posted January 5, 2018 Posted January 5, 2018 Aria Arietta OVA Awwwww, that was almost enough to melt my cold black heart. Almost. Aria the Origination 1 & 2 President Aria's antics never get old. And wow, he can cook! . . . or at least help with the cooking. Impressive. Too bad all that good cooking going to his belly is what keeps President Hime from giving him any attention. 2 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 5, 2018 Posted January 5, 2018 (edited) Naruto 215 Tokyo Ghoul: Jack This franchise truly is at its best when it gives the CCG the chance to play the protagonist. Well, that and when it completely avoids the whole "Ghouls find human food disgusting" theme that affected my initial enjoyment of season 1. I'd recommend this, especially if you wanted to like TG but couldn't get past its protags being the Ghouls in question. 9.5/10. Edited January 5, 2018 by PokeNirvash Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 5, 2018 Author Posted January 5, 2018 (edited) Toji no Miko 1 Hmmm well alright then, judging by the ending theme I guess we know who our six main girls will be. Well that was....fine. I wasn't feeling it at first with the giant fire bug scene but it settled down a bit. I took an almost immediate liking to Mai. Kanami's fine too. The fights between girls didn't seem too bad, brief as they were. Not sure why Hiyori attacked Yukari at the end. Wasn't expecting it though, not so early anyway. I almost wanna say it felt like there might be some family drama going on there but it's probably too early to assume that for sure. Anyway now they're just on the run? Well let's see how long that lasts. Osomatsu-san 16 The first half with the return of F6 in the Mad Maxian setting didn't really do much for me but then I'm clearly not the target audience there. "What the hell am I watching?" was pretty much my thought process during it. Thankfully Ichimatsu saved it somewhat with the second segment. That ending though, I assume the fangirls were pleased. Edited January 5, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
EyeOfPain Posted January 5, 2018 Posted January 5, 2018 Watched the first episode of Devilman Crybaby this morning. Looking forward to watching more. Don't watch it with family, is all I'll say. Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 5, 2018 Author Posted January 5, 2018 (edited) Osomatsu-san 17 Now that was fun. Jyushimatsu is my second favorite matsu, just behind Ichimatsu. Love how they seem to enjoy something of a closer bond with each other too. Osomatsu-san 18 Wacky Races, Osomatsu-style! Well kinda anyway, and it was certainly entertaining to watch. I had my money on Jyushimatsu winning by pure chaotic chance after he kept randomly vanishing but I guess not. The next episode preview is certainly going a long way towards keeping up the gimmick...part of me wonders if they'll actually toy with the idea of making that dude the mc for a bit of it, wouldn't surprise me. Also, the premise did get me wondering on if Iyami really was the central focus of the earlier shows and how that went down if so. I imagine trying to find any of them online would be a nightmare though, especially the black and white series. Edited January 5, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 6, 2018 Author Posted January 6, 2018 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Now this has always been my favorite of the books and films. I still remember the first time I watched it, it was a bootleg copy on DVD my sister's friend brought over for her at the old place we used to live. I borrowed it and watched it alone one weekend and was utterly absorbed. It was the last of the films I wouldn't actually see in the theaters. I absolutely adored the Voldemort resurrection scene. Oh I could still recite plenty of his dialogue from that scene as he's mocking Harry. Ralph Fiennes was brilliant, and that look....also brilliant. I loved Brendan Gleeson's performance as Mad Eye Moody. It's a close call between him and Jim Broadbent playing Slughorn for my favorite one-year/film primary role teacher. He's a great actor in general though. I did notice how there's a discrepancy between how Polyjuice Potion actually works between this and the Chamber of Secrets films. Mainly which voice the drinker has. From what I remember, it's been awhile since I've read any of the books, here got it right and Chambers didn't. I can't remember right now how this gets handled when Harry Ron and Hermione use is again in Deathly Hallows 1 but I'll find out Monday night. I also can't remember off hand so I could be wrong, but isn't Harry obsessed with Cho Chang way before the fourth book in the books? I was surprised to remember that this is her first film appearance. I know she plays an important role in Phoenix and then just vanishes for Ginny. More on that tomorrow I suppose. Not to belabor the point but in recent years I've read a lot of commentators on other sites use a scene from this movie to criticize Gambon's Dumbledore. Namely when he grabs Harry and growls at him about putting his name in the Goblet of Fire. Now I honestly never really thought much of that when I first saw the film or the first few times after. Admittedly it is a far cry from Harris' Dumbledore asking Harry if there was anything he wished to tell him in Chamber of Secrets. Quite the stark contrast between interrogating techniques huh? I meant to mention this yesterday but Flitwick has his makeover now too. I guess I prefer this look but I never really had a problem with the old one honestly. He's been playing the conductor role the last two films now. I moreso consider Azkaban the real turning point of the story as far as films go as I've gone over already but bookwise this is definitely the one I'd choose for that distinction. The middle child of the books, ending with Voldemort's rebirth and a death of a named character. This is where things get dark. Really dark. The movie honestly felt like a bunch of mini-movies come together. You've got the three tasks, Voldemort's revival, the Quidditch World Cup, the Yule Ball, etc...We also have the pensieve's introduction. That will play a large role in future installments. And Ron acting like something of an ass to both his friends. I had forgotten about how he initially suspected Harry of putting his own name into the Goblet of Fire. Not his finest moment. I'm not really interested in it but I should probably also mention that entire house elf subplot that got taken out entirely. Poor Dobby, still 2 more movies until he gets to return...only to die. This was a massive book though so lots was left out. And Phoenix is even bigger! But more on that film tomorrow night. Quote
Blatch Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 Made in Abyss #5 and #6 Recovery of an MMO Junkie #1 Most enjoyment I could've had from this was negated when I suddenly found one of the seiyuus to be familiar. Yup... that totally is Hane in an MMORPG. And the character is played in real life by Takahiro Sakurai, but I don't care about him as much. Other than that, thanks for the neurotic episode. I guess it's a pretty decent show. Anything that could work as a guide to making critical real life relationships will earn a point by my standards. [neurosurgeons scream for more] Quote
blueraven1999 Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 (edited) 3-gatsu no Lion S2 ep 11 I loved the part with Rei's club. Yep the club has big names now Edited January 6, 2018 by blueraven1999 Quote
EyeOfPain Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 Devilman Crybaby 2-10 Made in Abyss 1-2 Pop Team Epic 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 6, 2018 Author Posted January 6, 2018 Slow Start 1 Holy fuck those tits on Shion! I mean uhhhhhhh......what a cute little start. Cute if unspectacular. Gotta admit though, it did feel a bit slow and familiar. Well I guess the title does kinda mention that huh? But still, nothing really stood out to set this apart from other, better series like it. Not yet anyway but I'll keep watching. Also, poor girl got an umbrella for her birthday? 1 Quote
Delaclease Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 Sanrio Danshi 1 Citrus 1 Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen Prologue 1 Quote
Chapinator_X Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 Yuru Camp 1 Ramen Daisuki Koizumi san 1 Pop Team Epic 1 Junji Ito Collection 1 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 7, 2018 Posted January 7, 2018 Akashic Records of Bastard Magical Instructor 10 Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 7, 2018 Author Posted January 7, 2018 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix It's funny, I remember going with friends of mine to see this in the theaters, it felt longer back then. I couldn't believe the time when I finished just now, much shorter film than I remembered. And from the longest book too, ironically enough. As I briefly mentioned days ago this was the first book I read in the franchise, and it was because my little sister got it as a birthday gift when it came out. She let me read it first because she was still on an earlier one. I read it purely on a whim. I don't think I'd even seen all the previous films at the time. And Goblet's film wasn't even out yet. I got interrupted while watching this tonight early on. I missed when Mr. Weasley takes Harry to the ministry for his trial and the first part of the trial itself. The film is....good, I would say. Umbridge certainly makes for a memorable foe. Luna is a welcome addition to the cast. And it's nice to get so much more of Neville. I noticed his increased role in Goblet of Fire last night too but forgot to mention it at the time. Bellatrix is a character I've always just found obnoxious, though I'm pretty sure that's the point admittedly. We get that glimpse into Snape's past, and of course Sirius dies. All things considered his death is treated fairly swiftly though, almost glibly. Perhaps not with the weight it should carry. At least not entirely. The best scene in the film, and I felt this even watching it back in 2007, is of course the duel between Voldemort and Dumbledore. That too feels shorter than I would have liked, though it still looks very nice. Harry's brief romance with Cho comes crashing down, and we'll get even more romance in the next film. I was expecting a scene to happen in this movie that must actually be in the next one. It's where Malfoy stomps Harry on the train under his cloak and Luna finds him. But I'm rambling now. Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 7, 2018 Author Posted January 7, 2018 Osomatsu-san 22 - 25(END) Well that was certainly....something. You know, were it any other series I might have been annoyed, or frankly even surprised, that the touching cliffhanger of the brothers finally entering the world was dropped immediately so they could play some space baseball in the hopes of finally getting to fuck Totoko. But for this show? Par for the course. Um, wow. Well uhhhhh zany, inane, irreverent, all good words to describe this series. Some chaotically good fun with a few genuinely touching scenes and stories sprinkled in. Knowing there's a second season currently airing it doesn't really feel like the end even though I think I am gonna try holding off on watching that season until it ends. Doesn't feel like a show I'd wanna watch weekly, ya know? That said I could see myself caving in before that and watching it anyway, who knows? I'll probably still check out the specials before moving on to another series though. Only other thing I guess would be for me to rank the six brothers. Well Ichimatsu is still my number one, no pun intended. Jyushimatsu makes a solid two. And I guess Karamatsu would rank third. Honestly the other 3 are close enough that they'd rank the same. Incidentally I took the liberty of (very)briefly checking out the 1966 and 1988 versions of the series on youtube. From what little I could gather they're pretty much kid shows, with the brothers having none of the personality traits seen in this version of the series. They seem to be actual children too. Guess that's not really surprising, though it does feel quaint after starting with this. Which I guess it is. But I digress, 8/10. Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 7, 2018 Author Posted January 7, 2018 Mitsuboshi Colors 1 Okay now THAT was adorable. Kotoha, Sacchan, and Yui faced the mysteries of Colonel Monochrome, the rocket launcher, and the safe this week. The Colonel was extra adorable. Their adorable antics should keep me sustained throughout winter! XD Quote
Delaclease Posted January 7, 2018 Posted January 7, 2018 One Piece 820 Mitsuboshi Colors 1 Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 7, 2018 Author Posted January 7, 2018 (edited) Kokkoku 1 Well that was interesting. A world with monsters where time can be stopped. And people possibly possessed judging from what happened to that woman at the beginning. Not much else to say just yet until events unravel a bit more, so I'll do some speculation. This definitely feels like the kinda series that won't hesitate to kill off characters. Before the preview I was gonna say I think Juri's dad and brother would definitely get killed next week, but it looked like the dad was being taken away next episode so he might be spared. The grandfather seems too important to kill off this early considering they were after him in the first place and he has the knowledge behind the time stopping stone. Makoto being a child will probably be alright for now too, but we'll see. Edited January 7, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 7, 2018 Posted January 7, 2018 March Comes in Like a Lion 34 Holy crap, Rei didn't even show up once this episode, outside of the theme songs and end card. Still, his absence can be forgiven, considering how great this episode was. My favorite parts were the homeroom teacher's mental breakdown, and Fumihiko Tachiki being a smug shit to the bully's mother, who herself deserves a Steely Dan's worth of punches to the face. [are wa dare da dare da dare da] 1 Quote
Jman Posted January 8, 2018 Posted January 8, 2018 (edited) Devilman Crybaby 9-10. Welp, that was a thing. Brilliant and horrible all at once. Watch it, but prepare for one hell of a gut punch. Edited January 8, 2018 by Jman 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 8, 2018 Author Posted January 8, 2018 (edited) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Damn I enjoyed watching that again just now. Of the six films I've watched the past six days that was definitely the most pleasant I've felt while watching one of them. Which is strange because I always considered Goblet of Fire as my favorite film. I guess I still do, but this one is definitely right up there for me. It's also strange because while this is a dark and dreary film subject-matter wise, and color wise, it has such great humor throughout most of it. Jim Broadbent is great as Slughorn, he might actually be my favorite one-time teacher. And yes I know he's still at Hogwarts after this I just use the term loosely. Moody, Umbridge, Lupin, etc... That entire sequence from when Harry uses the liquid luck until he gets the memory is pure gold. And I like the memory we get right after and the trip to find the horcrux too so really just that entire section of the movie. I love the little Aragog funeral scene, it's just beautifully shot with great music and dialogue. And it's a great callback to Chamber of Secrets which is also in my Top 3. Really I love how the two are connected with the whole diary being a horcrux thing too. I read recently Rowling was originally gonna introduce horcruxes way back in the second book but decided to save it for the six. Half-Blood Prince is admittedly the only one of the actual novels I never did get around to reading too. It was the first film in the franchise I saw with my little sister who I've mentioned in previous posts. Unlike with the Deathly Hallows films though we saw this one alone. I'd say this was easily my favorite Michael Gambon performance as Dumbledore too. Still not up-to Harris level or anything, but he's easily being his most whimsical here out of all the films, and closest to it. Almost as if he's decided to be more laid back knowing his time's almost up. Plenty of his lines in this film stuck with me. I absolutely love that line he gives to Harry about kindness being a trait people never fail to undervalue. Our three leads are pretty great in this one, playing up the romance angle. The way Emma Watson plays Hermione falling in love with Ron and dealing with his little fling with Lavendar is great. I love that hospital scene where he unknowingly calls to her in his sleep. Dumbledore's got a great line there too actually. Daniel Radcliffe is great during the liquid luck scene. So wonderfully goofy. I'm reading now on IMDB that he thought this film was his worst performance in the franchise but I think it might actually be my favorite funnily enough. The wand raising scene showing solidarity after Dumbledore's death always seemed kinda hoaky to me, but in a cute, kinda endearing anyway sorta way. I had honestly forgotten Lupin was even in this movie so it was nice to see him again. Bellatrix remains as obnoxious as in the last film. And Snape, well he was always played great. The snowy scenes are still beautiful to look at, but that's true in every one of the films. Loved seeing them play quidditch in it. But uh yeah, great film. Would definitely place somewhere in my top 3. The Deathly Hallows films are up next, and they're probably the two I've re-watched the least just by being the last two so I'm looking forward to watching them again. Oh, and this is just showing the inner nerd or otaku in me I'm sure, but I always took that Dragon Balls line as a nod to the franchise. Edited January 8, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 8, 2018 Author Posted January 8, 2018 Osomatsu-san 3.5 and Horse Racing Special Quote
J.M. Matthews Posted January 8, 2018 Posted January 8, 2018 World End Ep1 | Broken Chronograph 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 8, 2018 Author Posted January 8, 2018 (edited) Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 1 Well that was wonderful. As a reader of the source material I'd say it recreated the feel of it very nicely. Should be a great watch every week. And I already suspect how they'll end it too. Edited January 8, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 8, 2018 Posted January 8, 2018 Yona of the Dawn 20 Three things: Ao wearing the fake mustache was surprisingly fun, Gi-gan is both the best lady pirate captain and the best surrogate mother, and I'd a crossdressing Yun, mostly no homo. 2 Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 9, 2018 Author Posted January 9, 2018 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 Or as I like to call it, the road trip movie. Yes several varied locations with much time spent outdoors, and noticeably away from Hogwarts. Besides flashbacks all we see of it is the train in one brief scene. I see they decided to keep the Chamber of Secrets polyjuice potion rule regarding voices even though the Goblet of Fire rules are correct, as evidenced by Moody. Speaking of Brendan Gleeson I totally forgot his son played Bill Weasley in this. Felt so odd seeing General Hux from the new Star Wars movies again. Nice that they were able to appear in a scene together. This is a good film, I like the sequence in the Ministry recovering the horcrux. The animated tale of the three brothers explaining the Deathly Hallows is a definite highlight. It definitely feels the most cliffhangery though, for good reason I suppose. I don't feel like waiting until tomorrow to watch the finale, but I will. I always really like that scene with Harry and Hermione dancing too, even if it doesn't really add anything outside atmosphere. The horcrux destruction scene was cool too. I always liked the booming audio that scene has, I can remember thinking so even in the theater way back now. God has it really been 7 and a half years? Feels like I should have more to say but I don't. Maybe I will with the finale tomorrow night. Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 9, 2018 Author Posted January 9, 2018 (edited) A Place Further Than The Universe 2 Aw what a dick tease, last episode made it seem like they were already going! Well I guess it makes sense they'd need to gather money and supplies and whatnot. And pickup another of the girls. Hinata's a welcome addition. Very nice assets. Also a very nice little chase scene in....was it Shinjuku they said? Regardless there was a lot of, ahem, nice bouncing going on shall we say? I know they weren't trying to be, but the two older girls were huge bitches for not immediately letting them go! I'm guessing that fourth girl with them on the train at the end will be key for that. I'm also guessing she's the younger sister of that other girl who showed up with the older ones at the end. Also, if Shirase's mom really isn't dead she better have a damn good reason for not contacting her daughter in so long! Edited January 9, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 9, 2018 Posted January 9, 2018 Naruto 216 Goes to show how irrelevant Tenten is, the writers forgot to include her in the big end-of-Filler-Hell mission! Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 10, 2018 Author Posted January 10, 2018 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Boy did that end earlier than I was expecting. I was amazed that I was seeing Voldemort disintegrate at the hour and 50 minute mark. This might actually be the shortest film. It definitely runs at a fast pace, nearly too fast. There's not a whole lot of time for breathing as they try and stuff as much from the book as they can. As I said though, nearly. It still works well enough. I feel like these last two films are probably better viewed back to back, though admittedly the well over four hour run time does make that a bit problematic I suppose. I noticed the cornish pixies from Chamber of Secrets in this, another nice callback to that film. So many callbacks to that one throughout the franchise. My favorite scene in the film is definitely the King's Cross meeting with Dumbledore. His line about not pitying the dead is definitely one of the best in the series. How nice it would have been to have heard Richard Harris deliver it. Well, I guess I'm a complainer to the end on that front. I remember seeing this one in the theaters of course. I remember how silent it was when Molly Weasley finally kills Bellatrix even though that was clearly meant as a crowdpleaser moment. Eh, just glad the obnoxious bitch finally died. There's alot of controversy surrounding Voldemort's death versus the book variety where he just dies like a normal person. Eh, I can see both sides of the argument. Thematically the book version is more fitting, but cinematic-ally I can understand the desire to make it as flashy as possible. I had forgotten Professor Sprout and Percy Weasley were in this. They don't get any lines as far as I heard, I did hafta take a couple bathroom breaks while it was playing, but still nice to see both again. Of course they had to change which of Malfoy's lackeys dies to the fiendfyre because the one refused to come back, Eh, no difference to me really. Neville's moment of finally killing Nagini feels like the other crowd-pleasing moment, and it certainly is nice. It's just considering how many of the moments it feels like Neville has throughout the series, though none as flashy as this I grant you, it doesn't really come across as surprising. I'm still of the opinion that the actors in the 19 year later section look kinda unbelievable, except perhaps Ron funnily enough, but either way it doesn't really bother me. So what else am I forgetting? Snape? Yeah, Rickman was always great in the role and the revelation, while hardly surprising, was always nicely done. Anything else? I dunno. I always feel like I should have more to say. Well whatever, let me try and rank these then. Honestly past my Top 3 I'm not really even certain. But if I absolutely had to right now I guess I'd go: Goblet of Fire Half-Blood Prince Chamber of Secrets Deathly Hallows 2 Deathly Hallows 1 Prisoner of Azkaban Order of the Phoenix Sorcerer's Stone I kinda feel bad picking on poor Sorcerer's Stone. And it was nice seeing it again. It had been so long for that one when I saw it was airing it urged me to watch them all again in the first place. 4 - 7 really feel pretty interchangeable though honestly, depending on the mood. And I'd say the same for 1 - 3 just on a higher tier. I so nearly put Prince #1 just now, aw well. I see they're showing Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them tomorrow night. Now I've never actually seen that, so maybe I'll watch it. 1 Quote
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