StarPanda Posted November 29, 2016 Posted November 29, 2016 Digimon Adventure Tri: Confession 8.5/10 Saw the third film and boy was it an emotional one, alot more questions arose but the movie was good. Animation and the battles were great cant wait for the 4th movie. Quote
EyeOfPain Posted November 29, 2016 Posted November 29, 2016 Scorching Ping Pong Girls 9 I still love this show... to death. Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 29, 2016 Author Posted November 29, 2016 Nobunaga no Shinobi 9 Full Metal Panic! 6 A very overcast, colorless episode. Pretty trippy freakout by Kaname in the second half, which of course involved tearing at her own already skimpy clothes to reveal her cleavage. Plus all the panty shots. She's been pantsless for 2 episodes and counting. Whatever Weber did that implied her beating him up for being a perv was handled off-screen, which made it far more suggestive than it was probably meant to be, in my pervy mind anyway. ;D The scenes of her and Sousuke where she refused to leave him and declared her faith in him to protect her were sweet, if perhaps a bit early storywise for her to be saying stuff like that. Looks like we have one more episode this arc, now that Sousuke has the Arbalest. I did like how "Still Alive", the episode title, fit into the episode with Sousuke burning it into the ground, though it looked like "5tiL ALIVE" to me. ;D Quote
EyeOfPain Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 Tales of Zestiria Wait, that's a video game. Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 30, 2016 Author Posted November 30, 2016 Full Metal Panic! 7 Well the concluding fight was okay I guess, certainly some incredible destructive power. Kaname provided some information support. Best part though was the joyful tears in her eyes as she learned Sousuke would still be guarding her at the end. Not that that was a surprise this being just 7 out of 24 episodes, this season, but was sweet. ;D Ditto the wacky ending back at school. Full Metal Panic! 8 Pretty cute romantic one-off. Nice change of pace after that arc. I was surprised Sousuke kissed that girl without a second though, but given his background shouldn't have been. Kaname wears her feelings on her sleeves pretty hard, even subconsciously puckering up for a kiss by the end. Not that he'd notice, she barely did. One day perhaps. Full Metal Panic! 9 That kid needs to be on something...but then that made him the way he is I suppose. So Teletha takes a larger role now. Of course Kaname drops by as she just showered for a wacky misunderstanding cliffhanger...or is it? Full Metal Panic! 10 Well that hostage transfer could have went better. Not Kaname's best episode, despite how she used a microwave to destroy the transmitter. Only ones I've ever had don't work with the door open. ;D How did no one see a handcuffed kid steal her phone anyway? Said kid seems to like Teletha. Liked Kaname telling her the pervy ghost story. ;D Full Metal Panic! 11 That grunt deserved his death for being dumb enough to lean his head in like that. Big-sis sealed her brother's fate, how loving of her. Welp, kaiju sized mecha to try and takedown now. Full Metal Panic! 12 Oh I see, so they weren't actually siblings...makes sense. Well they both died senselessly anyway. Heh, always attack the groin. And as expected Teletha loves Sousuke. Kaname needn't worry though, she's got this. Full Metal Panic! 13 Oh darn, was hoping Mao would win. At the same time I definitely woulda enjoyed her paying the penalty more. ;D Anyway another one-off. Jarring comedic tonal shift at first compared to last episode, but there were some tears by the end. Literally 15 seconds or so of Kaname the entire episode compared to Teletha flirting like crazy with Sousuke. Girl was practically dry humping him at one point!...she still has no chance. ;D Full Metal Panic! 14 Well that was a nonsensical episode. Never did I think we'd waste an episode repairing the relationship between Shinji and his dad! The one thing EVA couldn't accomplish...well one of many actually. ;D Why'd they put Kaname in an antagonistic role anyway? Less tsun more dere! I didn't even notice until the credits that Mao, Weber and Teletha weren't in this one at all. ;D Looks like we're back to the plot next though. Twin Star Exorcists 34 Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara Season 2, 9 Nazotokine 9 Sound! Euphonium Season 2, 9 Quote
EyeOfPain Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Kaiju Girls 10 Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 9 Yuri!!! on Ice 9 Girlish Number 9 Sound! Euphonium 2 9 Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 1, 2016 Author Posted December 1, 2016 Full Metal Panic! 15 So, the bad guy from the first arc's still alive. Too bad the group Sousuke got assigned to to kill him was full of douchebags...and Gray. She was cool. Hope she lives. The enemy in the red mech is pretty clearly the guy who helped Sousuke in his flashback. All those random cutaways to Kaname standing on the beach during the action...why? ;D Full Metal Panic! 16 Dayum Sousuke, completely outplayed. Makes sense though all things considered. Still like she's probably doomed. Full Metal Panic! 17 So they all died afterall, figured they probably would. Sad that Gray died, and so gruesomely. Bleakest episode so far certainly. Full Metal Panic! 18 Oh hey! The op/ed changed and aren't windowboxed anymore! Geez, that Gauron's STILL not dead? Dude rivals Naraku in unkillability. ;D Well Kaname and Sousuke can now tell their kids they jumped from a plane together. ;D Oh, and liked Mao on keyboard during the Kaname/Teletha duet. ;D Full Metal Panic! 19 A flashback episode detailing Mao's first encounter with Sousuke and Weber. Not bad, can't complain about the framing story with the girls bathing. ;D Mao's still best-girl. Full Metal Panic! 20 Well that was an interesting second half. I thought Gauron gave up too easily and wondered if the Arbalest may have been sabotaged somehow. Judging by the preview at least the former seems confirmed. Not too concerned for Mao, but she better not die. Keijo!!!!!!!! 9 Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 Nanbaka 8 Wow that was bloody. Hajime's punishment should have been worse. I liked Uno a lot this episode. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 2, 2016 Author Posted December 2, 2016 Full Metal Panic! 21 Well that went mostly as expected, fuckin' traitors. Of course Sousuke had to be an ass to Kaname just before shit went down. I guess Arbalest's failing was his fault afterall, well here's a chance at redemption! Full Metal Panic! 22 Pretty badass moves by Teletha and Kaname. Kaname's reunion with Sousuke was adorably sweet. Full Metal Panic! 23 Okay first: Holy fuck Mao, that outfit! Weber you lucky bastard! Sliced thumb and leg's a small price to pay to see that, camera or not! ;D Ahem...Teletha was pretty freaky during the control takeback, especially with the bloody face. Ditto Kaname using her whispered powers. Well we got Sousuke vs Gauron round 4, well 3 on screen, for the finale. Let's see if Sousuke can finally kill the bastard! ;D Full Metal Panic! 24(END) Final Thoughts: Naked Kaname saved the day! Getting Outlaw Star flashbacks. Well Sousuke helped. I liked him remembering Gray's words. So...Gauron's really dead this time right? We'll see I guess. Stupid Kaname having her future husband comfort Teletha! Well at least they got an adorable fishing end scene together. This was a pretty good series I'd say. The main characters were all likeable, more or less, and worked off each other well. Animation looked good for 2002, story felt episodic with arcs of 3 - 7 episodes mixed with one-offs. I do wonder where we're going from here. I guess I'll start the comedic Fumoffu season sometime soon before returning to the main series. I liked several of the one-offs so I expect I'll enjoy it. 7/10 Drifters 9 Quote
EyeOfPain Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 Full Metal Panic! 24(END) Final Thoughts: Naked Kaname saved the day! Getting Outlaw Star flashbacks. Well Sousuke helped. I liked him remembering Gray's words. So...Gauron's really dead this time right? We'll see I guess. Stupid Kaname having her future husband comfort Teletha! Well at least they got an adorable fishing end scene together. This was a pretty good series I'd say. The main characters were all likeable, more or less, and worked off each other well. Animation looked good for 2002, story felt episodic with arcs of 3 - 7 episodes mixed with one-offs. I do wonder where we're going from here. I guess I'll start the comedic Fumoffu season sometime soon before returning to the main series. I liked several of the one-offs so I expect I'll enjoy it. 7/10 I would say just go straight to The Second Raid, for various reasons. Fumoffu! is funny, but totally inconsequential fluff, and might better serve after the ending for TSR. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 2, 2016 Author Posted December 2, 2016 I would say just go straight to The Second Raid, for various reasons. Fumoffu! is funny, but totally inconsequential fluff, and might better serve after the ending for TSR. Hmmm....well that makes me concerned for how TSR ends. If it's too depressing I dunno if I'd be in the mood for comedy. :-\ Quote
Blatch Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 Kantai Collection #3 (rewatch)[[/img] BAKUON!! #7 Studies In Pessimism (by Arthur Schopenhauer): Chapters 1-4 [for God is God, and I am I] Quote
Stardust Whispers Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable 36 Haikyuu!! S3 9 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 Rewatched Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor 3 Rewatched Dragonball Z Abridged 55 The funniness of Chi-Chi supposedly raping Goku is up to you, but describing it as "Not Funny + Not Funny = Not Fucking Funny!" makes you automatically WRONG. [fuck you catmuto] Quote
EyeOfPain Posted December 3, 2016 Posted December 3, 2016 Hmmm....well that makes me concerned for how TSR ends. If it's too depressing I dunno if I'd be in the mood for comedy. :-\ It's not so much that it's depressing, but just leaves off at a less than satisfying point. Also, various reasons. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 3, 2016 Posted December 3, 2016 Dragonball Z Abridged 56 Infinite Stratos 2 9 Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor 4 All hail Super Kami Dende, Kanzashi is best girl, and Guyot is totally anime Trump. Quote
EyeOfPain Posted December 3, 2016 Posted December 3, 2016 Kill la Kill 1-4 God, why did I wait so long to buy this? AoA pricesOh, right... Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 3, 2016 Author Posted December 3, 2016 It's not so much that it's depressing, but just leaves off at a less than satisfying point. Also, various reasons. Oh god, I'm imagining an Empire Strikes Back ending where Kaname gets kidnapped but not rescued by the end. I might chuck a brick at something if that happens. The other reason I intended to watch Fumoffu first is because it's 4x3 while Season 2 is 16x9 and going back is gonna feel more annoying, but....alright Pain, I'll try it your way. Just know I intend to eat you if it turns out I woulda preferred my originally intended viewing order. Also a new anime dvd/blu-ray arrived last night that I wanna rewatch first so I probably won't start until next weekend now...probably. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 3, 2016 Author Posted December 3, 2016 Long Riders! 7 3-Gatsu no Lion 8 Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari 9 Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 3, 2016 Posted December 3, 2016 Watched Kuromukuro 17 and Kiss Him, Not Me 8. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 3, 2016 Author Posted December 3, 2016 Dragon Ball Super 69 One Piece 767 Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 4, 2016 Author Posted December 4, 2016 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 7 Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 24 Hunter x Hunter (2011) 30 Girlish Number 9 Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 4, 2016 Author Posted December 4, 2016 Oh god, I'm imagining an Empire Strikes Back ending where Kaname gets kidnapped but not rescued by the end. I might chuck a brick at something if that happens. The other reason I intended to watch Fumoffu first is because it's 4x3 while Season 2 is 16x9 and going back is gonna feel more annoying, but....alright Pain, I'll try it your way. Just know I intend to eat you if it turns out I woulda preferred my originally intended viewing order. Also a new anime dvd/blu-ray arrived last night that I wanna rewatch first so I probably won't start until next weekend now...probably. Yeah, about that... Barakamon 1 - 12(END), Dub Rewatch Thoughts: I literally just spent roughly 7 hours marathoning this, such is the greatness of Barakamon, imo STILL 2014's best anime. And I'm happy to say the dub was very well done. Very strong performances all around. I think I still preferred Naru's sub voice, but that's no slight towards Alison Viktorin, she was great. It was just gonna be next to impossible to do a better job than that little girl did. They even acknowledged how good she was on the first commentary. Which I also genuinely enjoyed btw. Second commentary kinda devolved into the random nonsense most Funimation commentaries become and I turned it off midway. But that first was really on point. The rest of the cast was pretty much as good as their sub counterparts, if not better. From what I remember anyway, it has been over 2 years. I'm a big Ed Blaylock supporter so I probably enjoyed him as the Director more than the sub. Cynthia Cranz got the crazy overprotective side of Handa's mom down easy, but then this is Chi-Chi we're talking about. ;D I'm not sure her gentle side was as good as the sub though, but that's a minor nitpick. As is this: their pronunciation of yukata. I don't think I've ever heard it said like that, sub or dub, in any other series. Every character that said it said it that way too. Maybe they're right though and I've been wrong all along or am just misremembering. Wouldn't shock me. ;D The way they pronounced one or two names surprised me too, but names are iffier anyway so those I trust. But uh yeah, fantastic series, and since I finished this rewatch much earlier than expected I'll probably start more FMP tomorrow! Okusama ga Seitokaichou!+! 10 The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 101 - 105 Quote
Stardust Whispers Posted December 4, 2016 Posted December 4, 2016 Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans S2 10 Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 5, 2016 Author Posted December 5, 2016 WWE TLC Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2, 9 Quote
CAC Posted December 5, 2016 Posted December 5, 2016 Today I watched... Naruto: Shippuuden ep. 478 - 484 Bloodivores ep. 8 - 10 Drifters ep. 8 - 9 Keijo!!!!!!!! ep. 7 - 9 Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku ep. 6 Quote
EyeOfPain Posted December 5, 2016 Posted December 5, 2016 Yona of the Dawn 1-18(-ish) (dub rewatch) Jojo DiU 36 Drifters 9 Magical Girl Raising Project 10 Keijo!!!!!!!! 9 Flip Flappers 9 Westworld 10 Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 5, 2016 Author Posted December 5, 2016 Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid 1 Well they certainly didn't waste anytime, dropping us right into the action with a refugee rescue. As a result Kaname barely appeared. Well the characters certainly look nice and shiny in 16x9. Teletha in particular looked extra glossy. The effect of the Lambda Driver looks much improved visually. Good re-introduction episode. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid 2 Well uh...that was certainly something. Felt like the episode was on fast forward with how crazy everyone was acting. Trench coat guy's over the top insane, plus sisters who seem like....well very close. More nudity and about the same violence as the most violent episodes from the first season. Kaname and Sousuke were acting like Fry when he drank 100 cups of coffee too. ;D WWE RAW Quote
EyeOfPain Posted December 6, 2016 Posted December 6, 2016 Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid 2 Well uh...that was certainly something. Felt like the episode was on fast forward with how crazy everyone was acting. Trench coat guy's over the top insane, plus sisters who seem like....well very close. More nudity and about the same violence as the most violent episodes from the first season. Kaname and Sousuke were acting like Fry when he drank 100 cups of coffee too. ;D Probably not really spoilers from the original novels, but spoilered just in case: They were boys in the light novels. Scorching Ping Pong Girls 10 March Comes in like a Lion 8 Brave Witches 7-8 Izetta 8 Quote
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