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  • Knight's & Magic #4
  • Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita. #1


Holy shit... what have I gotten myself into.


On one hand, I'm still disappointed this wasn't licensed for streaming, given that I was really hoping for a good anime with an otoko no ko that could actually appeal to a wider audience. But, on the other... it's porn.


So yeah. And it was explicit to the point where I actually got disgusted. Seriously: He got in Shizuka's panties. While they were both drunk. With realistic squishing sounds for most of the way. This was all at what seemed like a love hotel and it felt too much like rape. I guess I'd take straight transphobia that's played for laughs over... whatever the hell this was supposed to represent.


I don't even feel like making a joke about how Ryou looks like if Shihoudani embraced the superior path, since it'd be unfortunate with this content. Goddamnit, anime.


  • Birdy the Mighty: Decode 02 #9

[my morals have disappeared]


So you finally gave in and saw it. Well, sorry for not telling you about how porny/rapey it was, and sorry you didn't really like it.


Hunter x Hunter 1999 1


Assuming Toonami gets around to airing the Chimera Ant arc, I felt like watching this series, which starts with the introduction of a pretty important character whose scenes here were cut from the 2011 adaptation, was necessary. Still, interesting early take on what happened pre-Hunter Exam. Of the more obvious changes made, I liked that Mito owned and ran a bar. Her apparently fighting for custody of Gon in court against Ging... not so much. S:



Rokka - Braves of the Six Flowers 10


This is one of the worst groups of chosen ones that I have ever seen. They're incredibly stupid, and honestly the world would be better off without them. Except for Hans. Hans seems to be the only one in the group with a working brain. The only reason why I didn't drop it at least three episodes back was because I was curious to know how long they were gonna drag out the 'Seventh Brave' storyline. I wouldn't have guessed that this would go on until the last episode.



Kenka Banchou Otome:  Girl Beats Boys 12 END - 10/10.

For me it was easily the best anime of the season. 

Although it was the only new show that I was watching that I mostly kept up with since I'm so far behind with Sakura Quest.

The only reason I didn't finish it sooner was because I didn't want it to end. 


Rokka - Braves of the Six Flowers 12


I feel like I got punished for pushing through and finishing this series. Another Seventh Brave? The ending pissed me off so much that I looked up the mangaka of the original series just so I could remember not to ever buy their shit. At least I now have a list of what not to do when writing a mystery/fantasy story.



Kenka Banchou Otome:  Girl Beats Boys 12 END - 10/10.

For me it was easily the best anime of the season. 

Although it was the only new show that I was watching that I mostly kept up with since I'm so far behind with Sakura Quest.

The only reason I didn't finish it sooner was because I didn't want it to end. 


Kenka Banchou Otome: Girl Beats Boys 5

You got me curious, so I'm watching it. It's really cute and a nice palate cleanser after that Rokka mess.


Also lol at the real Hikaru's idol moment while everyone was studying.




Yona of the Dawn 8-9


Yep, these two episodes definitely have the Toshiaki Kidokoro influence. Appropriate use of artificial and natural lighting, desaturation of color for dramatic moments and flashbacks, bright backlighting... This shit is why I chose this series as the one to watch, but the story itself is still good enough in its own right for me to continue on to the finish, even though I was just about to do that anyway.








[it's how you say hello in fantasy korea]



  • Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita. #2
  • Children of Ether


I'm considering this as another thing Crunchyroll's management forced me to watch, but this wasn't bad at all. But it definitely felt like a pilot... and a lot of my initial interest in this died down when I found out it'd only be one thing, at least for now.


It had great battle scenes and a decent amount of blood, and I like the show's take on building a world that looks warn as a dystopia. But there are still some very good-minded people living amongst the rubble. Also... it just feels downright alien to hear English voice actors on something from Crunchyroll. Like... wow. And there wasn't really anyone I've known about, except for Josh Keaton.


So yeah... check it out, if you don't mind. I'd give this pilot a TV-MA straight, and I guess I should rate it thoroughly at some point. Of course, the first ten seconds or so of the thing are just text on a black background... a fitting reminder at what I'll be tackling soon enough.


  • Akame ga Kill! #4







Was on vacation to see some relatives I haven't seen for a long time. Some of them actually like anime, so I brought along some movies (mostly Ghibli stuff) for them to watch. Also, got to see Lego Batman, which I missed sadly when it was out in theaters, and unlike me they have Netflix, so took the opportunity to see the first few episodes of Castlevania before heading back home. Will probably watch some more stuff in the near future.


Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita. 3


I could handle the first two sexual encounters just fine without trouble, but when you promise to not to do anything "too weird" to the girl you're helping undress, only to start licking her slit through her panties without prior warning... even I start to get just a tad uncomfortable. But hey, at least I got two good reaction images out of this episode.





I would've finished this week's Toonami shows, but because of circumstances involving my sister's summer class grades and her inability to shut up about them, I settled for Dimension W 8 and 9 instead. Speaking of which, it's bullshit that the extras are Blu-Ray only, or at the very least really well hidden on the DVDs.


EDIT: Oh, and also Hunter x Hunter 1999 4-5.


  • Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita. #3 and #4


Well, I'll give this show some credit... its heart is in the right place. The show isn't glorifying what Ryou does, and I do like the added human elements. Crossdressing to avoid having to get a date is a pretty interesting tidbit. I just wish it could be used in a less sleazy anime.


  • Knight's & Magic #5


Stuff just sorta happens, and things explode, but nothing really comes out of it. Regardless, I do like seeing all of these characters inspired to do better because of Ernesti. I mean, if you're going to have a blatant Gary Stu character in this world, spinning his presence into complete positivity for the whole world and not selfishness into power is pretty cool. I just hope the plot becomes less oblique as the show hits its second half.


Also, Edgar reminds me of a Yu-Gi-Oh! character mixed with some Russian dude. It's shocking that nobody else has pointed this out.


  • Black Lagoon #1 (uncensored, baby!)

[so dangerous]


Konbini Kareshi 1


After the "dialogue out the one side" debacle from the subbed version, I switched over to the simuldub. It was still additionally awkward once I realized the audio was coming out one second before the visuals, but it was better than the first time.



  • Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita. #5
  • Birdy the Mighty: Decode 02 #10
  • Black Lagoon #2


I don't think this needs to be argued, but for as fun as it is watching with nothing bleeped, Rock's "YOU GOT FUCKED!" after taking down the attack helicopter works so much better with one. It's the only reason why Toonami aired that bump.


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