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Natsume's Book of Friends Season 3, 10


After a lightning storm Natsume runs across Tanuma, who becomes possessed by a youkai. The youkai had been struck by said lightning which shattered a mirror she was holding. A piece of which happened to land in Natsume's eye. Now Natsume, Tanuma and Taki must find the mirror fragments for the youkai possessing Tanuma to leave. But it won't be easy as another, hammer wielding youkai wants them too. Another two-parter, and the Inuyasha parallels continue! :D Just replace jewel with mirror. I liked how Nyanko-sensei just had to assert his badassness by letting it be known he could expel the youkai if he really wanted to. :D And their classmates reacting to Natsume, Tanuma and Taki digging around campus was cute. Ditto Taki glomping Nyanko-sensei. :D My questions are twofold: Firstly, even if they complete the mirror how do they get the piece in Natsume's eye without hurting him? Youkai magic? Secondly, the hammer youkai...what's its story? Could there be more than meets the eye going on here?



Natsume's Book of Friends Season 3, 11


Natsume, Tanuma and Taki successfully restore the mirror. During this, Tanuma gets a chance to experience what Natsume sees everyday, while Natsume learns a valuable lesson about being more opened with his friends. Well...I say they restored it, but Nyanko-sensei literally did 80% minimum of the work. Okay...he forced the local youkai to do it while he sat around drinking, but still! :D They'd have been screwed without him either way, and that montage of his was hilarious. :D Considering how often he does most of the work, in addition to already being easily the best character in this series, I'ma just treat him as the real mc from now on. :D I see the mirror shards attract each other too. So since Nyanko-sensei had the biggest by far the one in Natsume's eye left to rejoin it safely. And that hammer youkai was just a random grunt after all. I thought it might have been her sick friend in a crazed state, but no. Too bad we never really see if she successfully healed him, but I like to think the episode implied she did. That aside not much else to say. I've already commented on Natsume needing to be more opened with his friends what feels like a dozen times by now. Nice to see it finally addressed somewhat. :D



Natsume's Book of Friends Season 3, 12


When a youkai Natsume previously outwitted and sealed away returns Nyanko-sensei sends it packing for good, but not before we get an extended flashback chronicling those previous events, which ultimately led to Natsume living with Touko and Shigeru. Phew...love me my run-on sentences don't I? :D Anyway another sweet, if a bit repetitive, episode primarily meant to show Natsume isn't alone anymore. Loved his leaf youkai disguise and trap in the flashback. :D Touko's probably the best character after Nyanko-sensei. Just a wonderful person...and Shigeru ain't bad either. :D The family deserves that happiness, nicely illustrated in this season's ending theme. :)



Natsume's Book of Friends Season 3, 12


When a youkai Natsume previously outwitted and sealed away returns Nyanko-sensei sends it packing for good, but not before we get an extended flashback chronicling those previous events, which ultimately led to Natsume living with Touko and Shigeru. Phew...love me my run-on sentences don't I? :D Anyway another sweet, if a bit repetitive, episode primarily meant to show Natsume isn't alone anymore. Loved his leaf youkai disguise and trap in the flashback. :D Touko's probably the best character after Nyanko-sensei. Just a wonderful person...and Shigeru ain't bad either. :D The family deserves that happiness, nicely illustrated in this season's ending theme. :)



YESSSSSSS I love that episode so much! It really moved me. You're about to be caught up with where I am soon! :)


Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul 4

Little Witch Academia 13-15


Natsume's Book of Friends Season 3, 13(END)

Final Thoughts:


In the season 3 finale Natsume finishes mid-terms and reminisces with his human friends about games they used to play, then he plays one at a party with his youkai friends: shadow tag. Pretty low-key finale, but the central themes were hit on once again. How Natsume's life has improved and how he has so many youkai he considers friends in addition to his human ones. The tag game was fun, gotta love Nyanko-sensei's dancing:


:D :D :D :D :D

Another good season of Natsume, but possibly the weakest so far not sure. Didn't cry nearly as much, but that's okay. :D That tree youkai Natsume reunited with was probably my favorite episode. Cried at that one for sure! :D Overall still another solid 8/10 score like the others. Think I'll hold off on season 4 awhile though, feeling a bit burnt out on the franchise right now. :D



Youkai Watch 12


Nearly an entire episode devoted to fart jokes? Nice. Assy McGee would be proud. :D



Kenka Bancho Otome -Girl Beats Boys- 4


So what the heck happened between episode 2 and 3?  At the end of 2, she was being kabedoned against the lockers by tall, dark and dangerous, and apparently about to be outed, and then in 3 they just dropped it completely.  I even went back to see if I'd missed an end tag or an opening teaser or something.




don-1.jpg kabedon



Youkai Watch 13


Okay, that dancing segment was funnier than it had any right to be. :D  Also, apparently Japanese McDonald's are far more insidious than ours! :D



So what the heck happened between episode 2 and 3?  At the end of 2, she was being kabedoned against the lockers by tall, dark and dangerous, and apparently about to be outed, and then in 3 they just dropped it completely.  I even went back to see if I'd missed an end tag or an opening teaser or something.




don-1.jpg kabedon



I'm not sure why that was thrown in there, but I guess they'll revisit it later. Does it count as a kabedon if there's a hand on the kabedoned's waist?



Beelzebub 13


It is so funny that the "Good night" dude can't actually spell it, and I was cackling at the guy copying someone else's name down for the test. I am really curious about why Furuichi goes to that school when he doesn't seem like a delinquent.



  • BanG Dream! #13 (END)


So that was... definitely an ending. Huh. Leave it to the screenwriters to make PoPiPa's first official performance seem toothless. I mean, we get the ultimate coherent experience of Space—the concertgoers, the bands performing, how they handle concessions—right before it's closing down, and now Kasumi and friends have nowhere to perform. She did say in the final scene that "we will perform again someday", but it makes for a rather strange cliffhanger. Where do they go now? Well, you'd better hope the anime sells well enough to warrant an answer to that.


Overall, though the first episode was still pretty good, being subversive might have actually hurt this show a bit for me. I expected it to basically be "Love Live! with a rock band", but it ended up doing a lot of what that show excelled on wrong. None of the main characters are very well developed or memorable, which is inexcusable since LL! has done better when having nine of them at once. There isn't much in the way of stakes (Kasumi already found the "star beat", so I guess her next goal is to... become more fun? Okay then). There weren't enough musical performances or, for that matter, genuinely catchy songs, though their compositions were pretty good. And I kept going back to BAKUON!! whenever I saw Arisa (similar hairstyle and personality to Ms. Suzunoki), perhaps because my mind wanted to watch a better anime.


5/10, and could've done better.


  • Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- #19


Go to the album if you want some snarky comments. You might not be happy at what you see, though. -_'








Kenka Banchou Otome:  Girl Beats Boys 4


I think this is my favorite new show of the season.

Still wish the episodes were longer.


That fight felt a bit longer than previous ones, but it was more than a few hits and a lot more grappling. I'm guessing they'll get a bit more challenging from now on.



BanG Dream! 13 END


I admittedly forgot to watch this finale a while back. I felt it was a nice farewell, though who knows if we'll get another season. I really enjoyed all the band members, even the very brief Roselia cameos. Really wish we could have seen more of them, but oh well. I need to get back into playing the mobile game myself. I haven't played since P5 came out. Oops.


It's really too bad that Aniplex felt the need to prevent Funi from renewing the license. This was the one DVD I got before it went out of print, and it's paying off for me nicely.


Completely agree. Yeah, I'm glad I picked it up before it was too late as well.


  • Kemono Friends #8 and #9


Margay? Yes. And I think I've finally found my favorite character of the show. She's best as a vicious pervert, and many of the Japanese fans seem to agree, at least going off of Danbooru. :fap:


  • High School of the Dead #1

[don't look back in anger]


Just an FYI, looking like Alice to Zouroku episode 6 won't air this week, it's a recap/interview special airing in its Japan timeslot right now instead.


Just an FYI, looking like Alice to Zouroku episode 6 won't air this week, it's a recap/interview special airing in its Japan timeslot right now instead.

Is it a full recap, or is there just a bit of new stuff in there?

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