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Oh shit! I gotta watch


I been watching.


You'll be glad you did. It's a relaxing experience.


..... except probably Episode 8. Which doesn't tie in with the on-going story at all, yet is just a ton of fun. How fun? .... Imaishi himself (animation director of Gurren Lagaan, creator of Kill La Kill and Panty and Stocking) wrote and storyboarded it.


BanG Dream! 2

I'd like this show more if Arisa wasn't in it.


Oh c'mon, sure she's tsundere, but she's YURI tsundere, which is fucking adorable instead of obnoxious like normal tsundere. :D


Warau Salesman New 1


I expected a short, but that was pretty good. Like those Twilight Zone episodes where someone makes a deal with the devil, and regrets it.


Has there ever been a story where they haven't regretted it? Actually Stephen King wrote one now that I think of it. It's in Full Dark, No Stars I think.


Oh c'mon, sure she's tsundere, but she's YURI tsundere, which is fucking adorable instead of obnoxious like normal tsundere. :D


She's still tsundere though and I hate them all except for Nagi in Hayate the Combat Butler and that's

because there's a worse tsundere in the manga.  Anime would be better without tsunderes.


There's a chance she could become more likeable like Nagi, but that's not likely.


She's still tsundere though and I hate them all except for Nagi in Hayate the Combat Butler and that's

because there's a worse tsundere in the manga.  Anime would be better without tsunderes.


There's a chance she could become more likeable like Nagi, but that's not likely.


Well I tried, but much like your stance on Gabriel and Handa-kun we're just destined to disagree on some things. :D


I been watching.


You'll be glad you did. It's a relaxing experience.


..... except probably Episode 8. Which doesn't tie in with the on-going story at all, yet is just a ton of fun. How fun? .... Imaishi himself (animation director of Gurren La gaan, creator of Kill La Kill and Panty and Stocking) wrote and storyboarded it.


Oh, I've been watching it! I meant I gotta watch the new episode, which I forgot to watch yesterday, but maybe today.


I agree though. Episode 8 was fun!


Has there ever been a story where they haven't regretted it? Actually Stephen King wrote one now that I think of it. It's in Full Dark, No Stars I think.

I was thinking of that, but they have lived to regret their decisions so far, which isn't always the case in The Twilight Zone.

Oh, I've been watching it! I meant I gotta watch the new episode, which I forgot to watch yesterday, but maybe today.


I agree though. Episode 8 was fun!


oh. By the sentence, I had assumed you were holding off to see the whole thing until Netflix had it up.


Nyanko Days 1 - 12(END)

Final Thoughts:


Holy fuck, the cuteness. I'm....dead. :D 7/10



Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon 13(END)

Final Thoughts:


Helluva finale, far more serious than usual. Tohru tackling her father and inner insecurities with Kobayashi sticking up for, staying by her side...plus Kanna. :D It's not a perfect solution that's reached, but they'll enjoy the time they have together. As long as it lasts. Anyway yeah, I think I'm gonna hafta place this as best anime of the winter season. A consistently fun, funny, and surprisingly touching series throughout. With solid art, animation, and music(including a fantastic op and ed). The strength of the characters can't be overstated. Watching them interact with one another, whether it was Kanna x Saikawa, Lucoa x Shouta, Kobayashi x Tohru, or what have you was a constant joy. I'll miss it, strong 9/10.



Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 13 END


Wow, that was one heck of a finale :D I think I have to agree about this one being my favorite of the season. Might even still be tied with Rakugo honestly. They're on different levels of enjoyment but it's hard to really pick one.


Sakura Quest 1


I mistook this one for Sakurada Reset. Oops! But it's a P.A. Works series, so of course I'm gonna watch it anyway! Honestly, this didn't really have a strong start like I hoped. It's not bad though and I'm hoping as more characters are introduced, I'll become more invested. I can't say I'm very familiar with the director's other works, but it's nice to have the same character designer as Shirobako. Sadly, that might be my problem with the series, comparing it with another, because I expected a little too much out of the first episode. Gotta remind myself it's a different director!


Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 13



God I'm gonna miss this show. Aside from its questionable pacing decisions (Elma not have near the amount of screentime we all thought she would, the final fight only lasting 1 minute and had literally no resolution because there was only 3 minutes of Show left), this was such an entertaining and fuzzy anime.  And I'm not mad we have to end this anime here. KyoAni always has unbelievable animation, and they'll continue to have that on their next project.




Sakura Quest 1



I'm 80% sure I'll be following this, though so far it's less exciting/funny/entertaining than I thought.  It's predictable as all hell, and the "reluctant small hero has to revive a dying podunk town full of grumpy old people" story has been done before countless times, so I await to see just what they'll deliver here.  I'm not sure it's gonna provide the excitement and enthusiasm and chemistry the characters had in SHIROBAKO (same studio), or the comedy gold standard and epic storyline in Amagi Brilliant Park, but the OP shows that this girl will befriend others her age.  I am attracted to an "artist" leading a group working together to build an entire world for others to enjoy though, along with the struggles that are involved, as I am one myself, which explains my enjoyment of The Muppets, and the like.  Both animes I listed before also had an education bent on them. SHIROBAKO toured us through what goes into creating an anime, and also the struggles of the industry, and Park gave us an exaggerated, funny glimpse into a Herculean task of managing a failing amusement park. I'm gonna give this one a watch for a little while, and hope things get more exciting and educational.




  • Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid #12 and #13 (END)


Okay, so... wow. I think I know where to start.


I liked this show and thought it ended on a nicely drama-packed note., but I can't help but think it was a little too shallow for my tastes. Most of my intense memories of the show were spent clutching my body pillow whenever Ms. Kobayashi and Tohru had a tender moment or Kanna did something cute. And while it was fairly wholesome, I would have preferred for one character to not be the subject of mass sexual harassment at the hands of Lucoa... even if I liked her so much.


Probably a 7.5/10 for me, though I'm sure it'd go up to 8 on a future rewatch.



Sakura Quest 1

Maid Dragon 13


  • Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid #12 and #13 (END)


Okay, so... wow. I think I know where to start.


I liked this show and thought it ended on a nicely drama-packed note., but I can't help but think it was a little too shallow for my tastes. Most of my intense memories of the show were spent clutching my body pillow whenever Ms. Kobayashi and Tohru had a tender moment or Kanna did something cute. And while it was fairly wholesome, I would have preferred for one character to not be the subject of mass sexual harassment at the hands of Lucoa... even if I liked her so much.


Probably a 7.5/10 for me, though I'm sure it'd go up to 8 on a future rewatch.


Yeah, this last episode was surprisingly unsubtle, even for a show about a dragon acting as a live-in maid. Rakugo was still best of last season for me.

Kuroko no Basket 50


Holy shit, go Tetsuuuuuuuuu!



Watch it!


It looks really cute from the gifs I've seen online, so I'm in. It'll be something nice to watch when I'm winding down for the night.




Kuroko no Basket 53


I hope the ending song doesn't change any time soon because I love watching Baby Tetsu! I want to see Tetsu's parents just so I know how they react to raising someone so cute.




Youkai Watch 1 - 4


Episode 1 was actually a rewatch, but it was so long ago I barely remembered anything. A very silly Pokemon knock-off kids show, but great for just turning your brain off and watching a boy run around chasing a foot tall old lady youkai who keeps embarrassing him by telling his peers he just took a shit in school. Seriously, that was the focus of an episode. :D Also goddamn that op refrain is catchy!


Mainichi Kaasan 21


Just Now:

Natsume's Book of Friends Season 2, 9


Well I decided that since I won't be watching any seasonal anime Monday - Thursdays this season, at least weekly as they air, I'd instead work on my backlog a bit. And I think I've decided to save Gintama, Cat's Eye, and Conan for May and June...possibly even just June and beyond, I dunno. Regarding at least April I have a few other shows in mind to watch. To that end, let's see if I can finally finish at least the second season of this. It's been so long I literally remember nobody except Natsume by name. I spent about 10 minutes of this episode thinking Nyanko-sensei was named Madara for some reason. :D Anyway considering this episode was all about cherry blossoms I find it fitting that I watched it in the first week of April. The one thing it didn't take me long to remember is how emotionally draining watching this can be. I mean, by all accounts this was a happy ending with Miya finally reunited with Yasaka. So why did it feel so bittersweet and sad? Can we hold off the waterworks for an episode or 2 please show? :D Also I can't tell if it's because this was made in 2009 or what but even at 720p this wasn't as vibrant and colorful as it shoulda been. I can think of many anime with better looking cherry blossoms, though admittedly from later than 2009 in most instances. I wonder if later seasons look better.


EDIT: He IS named Madara! Shoulda checked the wiki before posting. :D



Natsume's Book of Friends Season 2, 10


An episode set primarily at Natsume's house. We learn about Shigeru's childhood with Reiko, and of how she drove out a malevolent youkai from his house that's now back for revenge! That's right, I forgot Natsume was adopted. I remember thinking from what we heard about her in season one that Reiko was pretty unlikable as a person, but she was very kind to Shigeru in the flashback shown here. And pretty badass in dealing with those obnoxious bully older boys and that youkai. Definitely the most positive I've felt about her so far. Pretty trippy seeing that youkai try to chew Natsume before Nyanko saved him. And quite an explosive finale. I doubt Natsume will ever tell his guardians he can see the youkai, but I kinda wish he would. His thought of how Reiko had to keep it from Shigeru for his own good and remain alone was pretty sad, but par for the course with this series. Still, I at least don't see as nearly as lonely a life for him.



Natsume's Book of Friends Season 2, 11


Natsume meets Hiiragi and Natori again and helps them take down a giant head youkai during a meeting of several sorcerers. Ah yes, the Hiiragi episode of season one was probably my favorite so it's nice to see her again. Two new names of note this episode. The elderly Nanase and her Matoba clan. Yeah, I figured Nanase wasn't as nice as she seemed. There's rarely ever an absolute when it comes to most things so her claim that all youkai are evil and useful only as tools was clearly bullshit. Looks like they're setting up a clash of ideals between the Matoba clan and Natsume over the nature of youkai. And speaking of setup, looks like next episode will center on the boy Natsume walked by at the end of this one...and that cleaver wielding youkai...



I'm so glad you're picking it up again! I've been really slow going with it myself. It's kind of like Aria where I like to take it a little at a time. It really leaves me with that healing feeling. Although I really need to keep going so I can watch the newer seasons as they come out.


There's an episode in season 3 that gets particularly sad too. I'll just say it's why I am always so reminded of this show when I watch the Ancient Magus Bride OVAs. Another reason why I'm looking forward to it so much!


Oh lovely, more tears. :D I'm pretty sure I was crying by the end of at least half of season one's episodes so I've come to expect it. I noticed season 6 begins airing next week. I wish it began in the Fall. Both so that I might've been caught up by then and been able to discuss it weekly, but also because it woulda been yet another high profile series for a season that's already looking absolutely stacked! (Assuming FMP 4 airs as originally planned.)


Aria's another series I know I should absolutely love but just can't bring myself to watch. Think I've seen maybe 4 or 5 episodes tops. Maybe someday I'll get back to it. Also, I swear I didn't plan it this way but...I did notice that I resumed Natsume right after starting Youkai Watch. :D 2 shows focusing on youkai...about as tonally different from each other as possible. :D (Although that old man youkai in episode 3 I think of Youkai Watch was kinda sad/touching in a sense vaguely similar to something you'd see in Natsume.)


Mainichi Kaasan's pretty much cutesy junkfood. A bit repetitive but it has its moments. Did you ever make MAL threads for it? I remember someone on here used to. :D


Me too. I didn't expect it to get another season so quickly. It'll be nice to be able to watch it in higher quality though.


And if I did make threads for Kaasan, I don't remember them. :D I don't think that was me.



Youkai Watch 1 - 4


Episode 1 was actually a rewatch, but it was so long ago I barely remembered anything. A very silly Pokemon knock-off kids show, but great for just turning your brain off and watching a boy run around chasing a foot tall old lady youkai who keeps embarrassing him by telling his peers he just took a shit in school. Seriously, that was the focus of an episode. :D Also goddamn that op refrain is catchy!


Mainichi Kaasan 21


Just Now:

Natsume's Book of Friends Season 2, 9


Well I decided that since I won't be watching any seasonal anime Monday - Thursdays this season, at least weekly as they air, I'd instead work on my backlog a bit. And I think I've decided to save Gintama, Cat's Eye, and Conan for May and June...possibly even just June and beyond, I dunno. Regarding at least April I have a few other shows in mind to watch. To that end, let's see if I can finally finish at least the second season of this. It's been so long I literally remember nobody except Natsume by name. I spent about 10 minutes of this episode thinking Nyanko-sensei was named Madara for some reason. :D Anyway considering this episode was all about cherry blossoms I find it fitting that I watched it in the first week of April. The one thing it didn't take me long to remember is how emotionally draining watching this can be. I mean, by all accounts this was a happy ending with Miya finally reunited with Yasaka. So why did it feel so bittersweet and sad? Can we hold off the waterworks for an episode or 2 please show? :D Also I can't tell if it's because this was made in 2009 or what but even at 720p this wasn't as vibrant and colorful as it shoulda been. I can think of many anime with better looking cherry blossoms, though admittedly from later than 2009 in most instances. I wonder if later seasons look better.


EDIT: He IS named Madara! Shoulda checked the wiki before posting. :D



Natsume's Book of Friends Season 2, 10


An episode set primarily at Natsume's house. We learn about Shigeru's childhood with Reiko, and of how she drove out a malevolent youkai from his house that's now back for revenge! That's right, I forgot Natsume was adopted. I remember thinking from what we heard about her in season one that Reiko was pretty unlikable as a person, but she was very kind to Shigeru in the flashback shown here. And pretty badass in dealing with those obnoxious bully older boys and that youkai. Definitely the most positive I've felt about her so far. Pretty trippy seeing that youkai try to chew Natsume before Nyanko saved him. And quite an explosive finale. I doubt Natsume will ever tell his guardians he can see the youkai, but I kinda wish he would. His thought of how Reiko had to keep it from Shigeru for his own good and remain alone was pretty sad, but par for the course with this series. Still, I at least don't see as nearly as lonely a life for him.



Natsume's Book of Friends Season 2, 11


Natsume meets Hiiragi and Natori again and helps them take down a giant head youkai during a meeting of several sorcerers. Ah yes, the Hiiragi episode of season one was probably my favorite so it's nice to see her again. Two new names of note this episode. The elderly Nanase and her Matoba clan. Yeah, I figured Nanase wasn't as nice as she seemed. There's rarely ever an absolute when it comes to most things so her claim that all youkai are evil and useful only as tools was clearly bullshit. Looks like they're setting up a clash of ideals between the Matoba clan and Natsume over the nature of youkai. And speaking of setup, looks like next episode will center on the boy Natsume walked by at the end of this one...and that cleaver wielding youkai...




Natsume is something that I watch when I'm sad or depressed because it feels like a soul cleanser. I hope the series has a truly happy ending for Natsume because he deserves it so much, and it'd be fitting since it was something that Reiko didn't get to have(Or think she didn't have since her life as an adult is still a mystery where I'm at).



Your Name


Very nice. Definitely the most enjoyable of all of Shinkai's works to date. Very evocative of 5 Cm Per Second, but this movie felt much more complete and well-resolved. I saw it dubbed, and was a bit surprised all of the songs were in English, but moreso that they actually sounded really good for dubbed song versions. Didn't realize they were by the original group and that the lead singer had spent time in the U.S. as a child till I read a news article on ANN about it right now. That explains it I guess.

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