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Probably hard to find the boxset that came with a pair of GOD panties now.


Believe it or not I saw that advertised somewhere online earlier today.  I wasn't actively looking for it at the time, though, so I don't remember where I saw it...


Regardless, the regular DVD release will work just as well for me.


Also I'm watching through the original Mobile Suit Gundam now.  Episode 1 done.


Cat's Eye 47


Nice thinking Toshi, getting the police to foot the bill for a fancy meal with Hitomi. Their scene at the cafe was sweet, though planting that transmitter on him was pretty low of her. Stuff like this makes me wonder how he'd stay with her if he ever learned the truth. And once again she claims he's too aggressive for going in for a kiss where she's thought him a coward for not doing so in previous episodes. Consistently inconsistent! Oh well, at least the cuteness is still there:



Anywho, onto the main plot: Stealing dad's wine from Nazis on Christmas. Because nothing goes quite as well with Christmas as Nazis.

:D Well I'll give the show this: Just as Toshi is required by the plot to suddenly become a bumbling oaf whenever he's close to catching them, so too must the girls become gullible fools whenever they get a potential lead on their father. :D Gee, he seemed like such a nice old German too...



I do love how no one at the costume party thought anything of the group dressed as the SS.

:D Well, maybe things were different in 1984. So nice of Ai to namedrop the year for us too. :D In the end the wine turned bad, but the girls still enjoyed it because, as Ai put it, "it kinda tastes like dad." I'm...not gonna touch that one. :D




Gintama 48


They sped up the opening for lack of time in this one. Too bad they couldn't borrow any from last episode's sleep paralysis scene.

:D Oh that's right! Hijikata is the mayo obsessed guy. Yuk. :D Hafta feel bad for the assassin getting destroyed so much. Hopefully the movie, which made for another Totoro nod, was worth his abuse, eh Hedoro? :D



Throughout the sauna scene all I could think of was that 2003 Simpsons episode where someone tried to murder Homer the same way. Thank goodness for mosaic censorship.




First half was fine, but I definitely enjoyed the second story more. It had a sweet message about being able to enjoy childish things even as an adult. And the reveal of the old man being the ghost of Zenzou's father was cool. I'll bet Sachan won many games in her day with these moves:



One thing's certain: Kagura takes kick the can very seriously.





Rewatched The Seven Deadly Sins:  Signs of Holy War ep 1 on Netflix.

Don't know why Netflix is calling this season 2 when it's only a four episode OVA.

When you have Netflix money, you can call it whatever you want, apparently. People seem to be getting more used to irregular length seasons, so that's probably easier than calling them specials or trying to explain what an OVA is.


Mostly been re-watching Nichijou lately.


  • BanG Dream! #3 and #4


So Rimi's opening character arc basically hit the notes of a typical idol/band people anime: Has good intentions, but also stage fright; eventually gets blisteringly overconfident quickly. And I do have to say: That gambit to repeat "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" over and over until the other students arrived was pretty genius. It worked as both a way for Kasumi to start out on improving the band's skills and as... being annoying. I'm not sure if I like it, but this is probably what the "star beat" is about, you know. And at least they'll eventually write original songs.


I have not much positives for the other episode. Aside from having the first pointless drama bomb moment compressed into thirty seconds between Kasumi and Arisa, the new character just doesn't seem too interesting. "O-Tec"... "O-Tan", something with "O", she started with?


  • Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Idlewild South"


Cat's Eye 48


Holy hypnosis Cat's Eye! That hasta be one of the most disturbing anime episodes I've ever seen! Ai brainwashed "Yvan Eht NioJ Simpsons" style by Rod Stewart music videos!

:D Seriously, pretty much identical plot done 16 years earlier. :D  Living in the 80s with Evil Rod Stewart musta been brutal. :D Seriously though, Ai went from this:


To this:


I mean...goddamn if this isn't absolutely terrifying:


She looks like a cross between Regan from The Exorcist and Slappy from Night of the Living Dummy! When's her head start spinning?

:D Truly, this is the stuff nightmares are made from. I was gonna berate Toshi for not stopping her when he said he saw her out alone at 2 in the morning but...I dunno. If I saw this:


Alone at 2am I'd probably crap my pants!

:D Anywho, that terrifying experience aside I see Cat's Eye joined the WacDonald's Club this episode. They musta been a charter member! :D I'm not sure how wise it was that they let the hypnotist that now knows their identities live, amnesia or not. Rui's insistence that no one would believe him anyway doesn't exactly fill me with confidence either but...oh well, they needed a quick fix. All's well that ends well I guess...just never forget...the terror! :D




BanG Dream! 5


If Gabriel's the show I'm most disappointed in this is the one I like more and more as it goes. So...fucking...adorable! :D


Rewrite: Moon and Terra 6

3-gatsu no Lion 18


Dragon Ball Super 79


Easily Super's best episode yet. And I'm not just saying that because my favorite anime character of all time got a win or anything....okay yes I am, Buu yeah! :D


One Piece 777


  • BanG Dream! #5


So their first prep concert went pretty well. It was a small audience, but at least they actually planned for it to be that way. And I'm really looking for when they do the audition for real at... Space.


Also, her name is [O-]Tae. Not particularly memorable, if you ask me.


  • Yuri!!! On ICE #12 (END)





JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 17

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 7

Hunter x Hunter (2011) 39

Gintama 49


Oddly enough they played the ending theme first this episode, and the full opening as the ending with clips from the past 48 episodes. I say oddly because I thought next episode was the first season finale, but apparently I was wrong. Anywho, weird episode for a season finale. No Kagura, no Shinpachi, a very small cast in general. I'm not much of a gambling anime watcher, but appreciated the Akagi reference, and was also reminded of Saki intentionally or not. Coulda done without this though:


:D Lotta male stripping this episode. Too bad she wasn't involved:


So that's season one of Gintama then I guess. Considering only the most recent 7 episodes are still fresh in my mind not much to say except...been a fun ride so far.




Idol Jihen 7



JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 17

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 7

Hunter x Hunter (2011) 39

Gintama 49


Oddly enough they played the ending theme first this episode, and the full opening as the ending with clips from the past 48 episodes. I say oddly because I thought next episode was the first season finale, but apparently I was wrong. Anywho, weird episode for a season finale. No Kagura, no Shinpachi, a very small cast in general. I'm not much of a gambling anime watcher, but appreciated the Akagi reference, and was also reminded of Saki intentionally or not. Coulda done without this though:


:D Lotta male stripping this episode. Too bad she wasn't involved:


So that's season one of Gintama then I guess. Considering only the most recent 7 episodes are still fresh in my mind not much to say except...been a fun ride so far.




Idol Jihen 7



I'm liking this post because I need a shy naked Gintoki in my life.  :D







Damnit, Eye! I thought that a possibility, but the Gintama wiki said she was a she as did the subs I watched. Buu is :(



Oh well, Buu kicking ass still classifies this weekend as a win overall. :D



Damnit, Eye! I thought that a possibility, but the Gintama wiki said she was a she as did the subs I watched. Buu is :(



Oh well, Buu kicking ass still classifies this weekend as a win overall. :D

I thought one of the other Four Devas, besides Saigou, was a crossdresser/transgender character, in which case I'd still be wrong questioning the use of pronouns. But I think I might be misremembering Kada. Maybe someone who looks similar shows up later.



All I could find from a google search was she's commonly believed to be a trap, but her gender hasn't ever been confirmed. Hopefully I didn't spoiler myself too bad getting to that conclusion. :D



All I could find from a google search was she's commonly believed to be a trap, but her gender hasn't ever been confirmed. Hopefully I didn't spoiler myself too bad getting to that conclusion. :D


I don't think that's any spoilers, as far as I can remember, she's just a bit androgynous.



Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon 2

I still like this show but it's starting to get pretty generic.


There's at least two cute girly shows this reminds me of  like the rabbit cafe anime and the one with

girls in a country setting where the one boy doesn't talk.  I'm too lazy to look up the names of the shows.


Cat's Eye 49


I'm getting used to episodes starting with a random Hitomi and Toshi date leading into the actual plot, but the weavings of the plot were pretty tight from the get-go this time. Hitomi was clearly too preoccupied with the upcoming heist to pay him much attention, aside from some questionable 80s dancing:


So he tries to dance with another girl while she's in the bathroom, and gets a much deserved beating.

:D Coincidentally enough though, or not, said girl's actions happen to be the driving force behind the plot. It's impressive that her little arc with her dad managed to involve forming a friendship with Ai:


Have an in the dog house at work Toshi receive credit for catching the corrupt detective that was their primary antagonist of the episode:


And comment on our sisters' bond with their own lost father through his paintings and each other in a genuinely touching manner:


So yeah, a fairly tightly written little story. Admittedly a lot of it seems dependent on convenient coincidences, and the detective wasn't nearly as big of a threat as I was expecting. Rui pretty much ran circles around him. But everything that was setup had a purpose and satisfying payoff, good stuff.



Masamune-kun no Revenge 5


I think he should get revenge on her some other way.

She's not worth his time.  He should just go out with the new girl.


Also Vader princess is pretty worthless.  She doesn't know how to cross the street

properly and can't swim.  I knew how to do both when I was five.  It's sad she can't as a teenager.



Gintama 50


Well uh...that episode certainly was meta.

:D I guess it makes sense to start off season 2 with the various characters pitching revamps to the series. With so many to choose from though it's hard to pick a favorite. Kagura's seemed fairly emotional:


Sachan's looked fairly terrifying:


Kondou's seemed fairly sweet:


While Otae's DragonBleaPiece a bit more realistic:


And anything that elicits this reaction must be good:


With so many parodies and references including stuff I didn't even bother to screecap like magical girls and cooking shows I'm feeling overwhelmed! Thank goodness the decision wasn't mine to make. Good luck Elizabeth...err Mr. Director:


Also, new OP/ED! That ED certainly looked serious. Might an actually serious arc be coming my way soon?



Cat's Eye 50


Aside from the very ending, which we'll get to, I really liked this episode. But first, since it's the 80s we're randomly treated to Ai's skateboarding skills:


So in this episode we get 2 intermingling plots. While Toshi attempts to recover the stolen(by jewel thieves, not Cat's Eye) broach he secretly bought for Hitomi, she goes undercover to swipe a different jewel held by the same thieves once owned by her father. Ai happens to witness Toshi buying Hitomi's gift, but thinks it's for Miss Asatani. Asatani's blush face when the jeweler makes the same error is adorable:


Ai tells Hitomi who becomes distraught. Ignoring that she should obviously know better by now being his school sweetheart and all, it's still a nice role reversal with Hitomi being the insecure one in the relationship for once:


Anywho, the main plot goes as you'd expect, but Toshi turns into action man. Swinging off cars:


Disguising himself for a sting as a bad Chinese stereotype:


And what have you. He even eats at NASADONALD, which I'm guessing must be WacDonald's rival since they were in a previous episode. :D His scene there and the one feigning injury with the Chief are both genuinely funny. Honestly he does about as good a job this episode as Hitomi does until Ai and Rui bail her out with Ai's windstorm invention. Yes, I forgot Ai was the Donatello of the group...although this came first so reverse that I guess. :D Anywho here's where my problem with the ending comes in: Hitomi nabs dad's jewel and all the others fly all over from the wind machine. Except the broach, which magically lands in Hitomi's pocket. Later she notices and after reading the inscription feels bad for doubting Toshi. Then...for some reason...they go to the local planetarium and she fixes it so the broach falls from the sky for him to give to her. Um...wtf? Toshi, being insane, just accepts that the stolen broach randomly wound up at the planetarium. Damnit show, did the broach really need to magically wind up in Hitomi's pocket? Can Toshi never look good? Why not just have the broach be recovered by Toshi and have Hitomi be genuinely surprised by it in the first place? It would have made for a far sweeter ending than what we got. Stupid, stupid decision. Good episode with a weak finish. Woulda been great had they stuck the landing, which makes it more frustrating, oh well.




Gintama 51


Gintoki's son!


D'aaaaaaw he's such a little cutey! And he looks just like his old man:


Silly Sachan, Gintoki would never cheat on you with Otae...I hope! Her reaction at thinking as such seems appropriate enough to me though. :D


Well things got serious at the end there as the child's mother was being brutally beaten. Good thing Hasegawa, Shinpachi and Kagura stepped in to help, but who'll help them???


Seeing as that man who let Gintoki go in this episode was in the ED he could mean trouble. Speaking of OP/ED I forgot to mention in episode 50 but I love this shot:




Cat's Eye 51


The toughest thing about this episode's write-up is gonna be picking which of the dozen images I screencapped to use.

:D Well it's a wintry episode, which is nice, and Toshi decides to hold a fake wedding to lure out Cat's Eye, who are after a Church's Mary statue and golden crucifix. Hitomi is...understandably less than thrilled with the idea:


But, after some more bad 80s dancing:


And the threat that Miss Asatani will play the part, and kiss Toshi, if she refuses, she agrees. I love that Hitomi's jealousy has gotten to her in two straight episodes now. :D It's sweet to see her dumbfounded by her unwillingness to let Toshi kiss another no matter the reason:


And I gotta admit, Toshi cleans up nicely in his tux, the goof. :D


Hitomi, of course, looks stunningly beautiful:


My god, this blush:


Toshi you lucky bastard! :D

As it turns out, Rui's plan to steal the statue interrupts their kiss anyway. Dunno why the show enjoys kiss fakeouts so much, they've already shown them actually kissing several times. Ah well. :D Rui's ruse of pretending she and Ai are Cat's Eye pretending to be Rui and Ai is uh...circuitous? Well at least we get a fun ski/snowmobile chase out of it! Love that visual of Hitomi and Toshi all dressed up chasing them down. :D


I can't imagine Rui and Ai skiing in those skimpy outfits, but I dunno, maybe they're form fitting. :D All I'm saying is this:


Seems a bit cold. :D Bit of a strange swerve that probably wasn't necessary 18 minutes in with the counterfeit statue. They probably coulda just padded out the wedding plot more with the chase as the climax instead. Oh well, at least we got Rui showing an enormous amount of cleavage out of it:


Practically side-boob! :D Well they recover the statue/cross and leave the criminal to be brutally murdered. :D All's well that ends well. This'll probably be the closest we get to seeing Hitomi and Toshi's real wedding so I enjoyed it. :)




Nobunaga no Shinobi 21

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