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Gundam 0080: War In The Pocket

Never actually watched this before. 4 episodes done. An interesting perspective on the One Year Role, and I can tell Kill 'em All Tomino is not going to disappoint me in the tragedy department (even though I can tell who's getting snuffed out in the end from a mile away).

I forgot how bad the dubs for older Gundam shows are though. Mother of christ, I had to switch to the sub after one episode.


Room Camp 10-12 and SP
takt op. Destiny 5
Spy×Family 5
Good Luck Girl! 8

Wishing you all a happy Mother's Day, Reitaisai, and the anniversary of Cornell '77. Tomorrow, I hope to finally start Musou Kakyou.


Finished Gundam 0080. Oof that's good Gundam. Damn fine stuff.

And LOL at the random "Fuck You" written on a wall in the last episode, like Tomino saying "I'm going to make everyone in this universe suffer again and again and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

"Don't worry Al, there'll be another war soon!" Fuck.

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Angel Cop 6


I know this opinion is in no way controversial or even solitary, but I actually prefer the dub team writing out the "Jews did it" plot twist. Capitalism in general serving as the conceptual big bad makes more sense than an anti-Semitic boogieman that I like to believe Itano put in there out of mild interest moreso than legitimate belief. Oh, and shock value, can't forget the shock value.



Touhou Musou Kakyou: A Summer Day's Dream 1
Good Luck Girl! 9/10

The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 12: "The magic needed for a flower to bloom."


Just as a heads-up, this post is going to be a short one. And there's no meme either.

The time has come for all of Cinderella Project to band together and start practicing for the idol festival. And not only will they be performing individually, but there's going to be a new song they'll all sing together! Except... come to think of it, shouldn't all of them singing a song be what comes first for the unit, rather than immediately divvying them up into sub-units? TakeP didn't think that, but then again, he also has other places to be, so he decides to put Minami (the oldest idol in the unit) in charge of managing the others. It doesn't go well, as the idols are all having trouble getting in sync to the song. Miku and Riina are fighting again, this time over something as trivial as food. The other idols are starting to have doubts that they can pull this off, even Kirari. And Ranko is especially frazzled compared to the rest, as she's never actually performed with anyone. Late at night, Minami gets some advice on going to sleep with Anya in an attempt to fix the vibes. The next day, the former goes to the bathroom and starts making funny faces, only to have an epiphany: let's just go off script and do some team-building exercises!

And that's how this episode spends its second half: with such trivial acts as a relay race (possible reference to iM@S 2011 #10?), sticking your face in a tin filled with powder to find candy, a three-legged race, and even water sports! Ha-ha, made you look. It's with Super Soakers. The grand finale is a jump rope challenge: everyone has to jump simultaneously over the same rope and get to thirty in a row. Although Chieri trips at first and they have to start over, they manage to get to ten and sound jubilant while doing so, which implies they pulled off the main goal. And then they ace the new song's choreography, which is to be expected. The ED of the episode includes a shot that, again, is the cover of one of the ANIMATION PROJECT CDs you can buy. But why bother waiting several weeks for it to ship (or more, probably, in this world still addled by COVID) when you can spend your hard-earned cash on video games, preferably digital ones? Hmm...

One of the themes that has often came up in my reviews of not just this show but others is that of predestination: assuming the genre of the show, you can predict what most of the main plot beats are going to be ahead of time. It's just a matter of the show doing something to make the flow of the plot interesting. In this episode, things were very much on auto-pilot, so I didn't like it as much. The characters don't even resemble their one-note stereotypes: for starters, Anzu actually participated in the three-legged race and didn't finish in last! What gives? While watching, I also had some foreboding thoughts about whether or not I'm enjoying Cinderella Girls as a whole as much as I thought I would, as if impostor syndrome is setting in. Fortunately, we've got one more episode left until the halfway point of the show, and knowing certain things about the second half (mainly that my two favorite girls in all of CG will make appearances, and one of them is in a major role) means I'll continue to push on. But in the meantime, I should take some time to really think about things.

Song spotlight: "Nation Blue", used for the ED, was the first real Cool-type song. This version swaps out Kaede (whom I haven't described yet, but I could've sworn I did) for Anya. It's got a nice, pulsating beat (or is it "pulsing"?) along with typical lyrics about never giving up, but also taking life seriously. It gets, I don't know, a 4/5? But that's only for music. The Deresute charts for this one are rather tricky, maybe even bullshit.

Rated TV-PG.


Just finished: Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 2343 last 3 episodes.  I'm both ready for this to be done and thankful that Crunchyroll has a bunch of the OVAs set up for me to watch.

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