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The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 9: "'Sweet' is a magical word to make you happy!"


Okay, let's roll it: the new unit is called Candy Island and features Kanako, Chieri, and... Anzu, still lazy as ever. But the other two have their own eccentricities. Turns out they're going to be participating on a variety/game show called "Cerebral Boom! Brains Castle", befitting of the Cinderella motif, so the girls are studying as much as they can. Well, maybe not Anzu. All the while, Mio tries to get the girls in shape with a paper fan. You know, the weapon from Smash Bros. that does the bare minimum of damage? Oh, and Miku and Riina are here, as well as TakeP. He dresses up in a frog suit to try and accommodate the Candy Island girls. I assume this is a reference to Episode 4 of the original series, though the costume is different. So the day of taping the show arrives, and we meet the team Team Candy is up against: Let's Play Baseball with Cute Me (or KBYD), lead by the absolutely untouchable god of cuteness, Sachiko. Oh, and one girl who likes baseball, Yuki, and another who's usually in a kimono, Sae. Also, they changed the premise of this show on the fly because everyone sucked at the trivia and it's called "Brawns Boom! Muscle Castle" now. What a tweest. But don't worry, because you know all these wonderful characters you can roll for in the gacha are going to come out on top. Mizuki-chan and Airi-sama are the hosts, and you can roll for them too.

The rest of this episode takes on a familiar tone, focusing on the idols in all sorts of physical hijinks. First up is the balloon-pumping challenge, where Sachiko almost gets a hemorrhoid trying to win, and her team does. As punishment, the members of Team Candy have to drink bitter herbal tea. Frankly, that's minor compared to what I was expecting. After that comes challenges involving marshmallows and... fashion? The first one is a tie, and then Team Candy wins at the second, thanks to Anzu's iconic shirt with the slogan "If You Work, You Lose". Again, r/antiwork showing its hand. Too bad I actually liked Sae's school uniform, which she just happened to have since she was comin' from school. Narrative convenience, everyone. Don't we love it? And said law of conservation keeps rolling into this episode's final segment: a trivia challenge that also involves sitting on a slide that gets steeper until you fall into a carpet filled with flour. The mere thought of it sends Chieri into a state of heightened anxiety.

At the start of the final challenge, Team Baseball is leading by a score of 120 to 20. You want to win at this challenge, because a bigger punishment awaits the losers: having to bungee jump off of a bridge! Oh, and the winners get self-promotion time, but that's not as catchy, as having ants in your eyes. The final challenge starts off fruitful for Team Baseball, going through some rank trivia about the other girls in the series, but then Sachiko gets too confident and picks a history question. She can't answer it, and immediately, the momentum shifts to Team Candy. Of course they mount a furious comeback, with Anzu leading the charge and showing she's not just a bunch of slacking off. On top of that, the final question involves some knowledge Chieri was destined for. She answers "white clover", fitting of her fondness for the four-leaf variety, and it's the killing blow to send Team Baseball into the dirty carpet. The final score ends up being... 120 to 120. Huh. So that means both idols get self-promotion time, except we don't see what Team Baseball has to sell so there's no point to that. And they both also have to endure the bungee jumping. Cheeky.

This was another enjoyable episode, maybe a step above the last one if you don't like cunny... I mean, chunni. The question is, do you like Sachiko bulli?

Random thoughts:

  • CG meme corner: This episode has a few particularly meme-able moments, so I'll go with one in particular: this Anzu photoshop. No, that isn't a crayon.
  • New Generation spends most of the episode doing play-by-play from the sidelines, which feels like a waste. I was hoping one of them would somehow affect the results of the show.
  • The first cameo in the slide quiz segment features Shizuku, with her legendary literal cow girl outfit. Alongside her is... a 13 year old who has unusually large breasts. The caste system is a good thing, I swear. Oh, and Jupiter shows up, so ha. SideM anime review coming in 2024 at this rate. I'm sure the ML anime Metroid Prime 4 still won't be out by then.
  • Mizuki looks much different in this episode, with not just a different hairstyle but exaggerated eyebrows that grab your attention.
  • Concept-Gual Continuity: For Sae's school outfit, here's a referance from Mobamas. And in regards to Sachiko, this bungee jump isn't even the scariest thing she's done in the name of idolatry. Here's the reference for that.
  • Rated TV-PG.

Idol roundup:

  • Anzu: 17, Cute-type. From Hokkaido, which is apparently just like New Hampshire. They even have a huge motorcycle touring event. Famously lazy and infamously smol. Her three sizes aren't even known, though one idol apparently managed to get them by hacking.
  • Kanako: 16, Cute-type. Extra thicc! As in, she's portly for an idol, but pretty much has the same proportions as the average JoJo. And at any rate, her breasts are... well, I don't want to sound creepy, so you can figure it out.
  • Chieri: 17, Cute-type. Themed to cherries. As mentioned, she's got some kind of cocktail of mental illnesses, plus her parents tend to fight. Her seiyuu is also the voice of Uzaki-chan, so there's your second controversial lead role of an idol.
  • Sachiko: 14, Cute-type. Possibly the most popular girl to have never won CG. Her gimmick is all about being a smug-ass bitch, proclaiming she's the cutest and all. But this is balanced within the story by her getting memed on, like that, and like this. Oh, and she's also voiced by the same character as this girl. She was even picked out specifically for Sachiko, which is probably the case with at least a few other girls.
  • Sae: 17, Cute-type. Yamato Nadeshiko supreme. A character for quiet moments.
  • Yuki: 20, Passion-type. Loves this fictional baseball team called the Cats. Has decent content, but gets screwed over every so often. Fitting, given the ongoing MLB lockout.
  • Airi: 19, Passion-type. 1st Cinderella Girl. Total airhead who has a tendency to forget what's happening during a conversations, and even takes her clothes off when people are watching. How did she become the inaugural most popular character, you might ask? It was some Early Installment Weirdness. Not helping was that she wasn't even voiced at the time of that election, they went out and got a popular seiyuu to voice her, and then said actress could barely even voice her due to a busy schedule and occasional injuries, so content for her became rare. Ouch.

Music reviews:

  • "Atashi Ponkotsu Android": This plays in the middle of the episode, during a montage of the variety show. A five-girl song, it headlined the first event in Deresute's history, but at this point, you're probably wondering if any of this information is even useful. Decent song, although the version in the show has some abrupt edits.
  • "Happy×2 Days": The song of Candy Island, before they seemingly retired at the end of this episode. It's got a nice organ with bendy notes, is danceable, and showcases Anzu's mad rapping skills.

[oreimo wednesdays, forever in your heart]


Kanon 2006 21
Cosmo Samurai 2 4


I should've known Nayuki would have a route that would be adapted... Though I don't think knowing that could have prepared me for Akiko getting isekai'd by a traffic accident. Based on the mood of the preview, I wouldn't be surprised if she were either comatose or dead.



Attack on Titan: The Final Season 21
Made in Abyss 9
Naruto Shippuden 380

That weird feeling you get when you realize the meatiest portion of the Fourth Great Ninja War takes place on your birthday.

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