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3-gatsu no Lion 15


Way too much shogi.  Not enough Smith, cute cats, and sisters in the episode.

The teacher was still cool but not the best teacher since he advised a student with too many absences to skip class  :D



Detective Conan 547 - 548


Before I give my thoughts on the case itself I feel the need to mention two things: First, this case marks the last time Akira Kamiya voices Kogoro Mouri. No he didn't die or anything, still alive to this day in fact, rather according to the Detective Conan wiki he was let go after a contract dispute. Extremely unfortunate news. I'll miss his performances and am sure the new Kogoro will take some getting used to. It was kinda bittersweet watching his Kogoro in action for the final time this case. :( Secondly, and more positively, we got a new opening this case. Some pretty adorable visuals like Eri and Kogoro together, and Takagi's police badge replaced with a picture of Sato. Good song too.


As for the case itself, I enjoyed it. Felt more lively than usual, more energetic even as filler. Been awhile since Conan was kidnapped too. :D Seeing him help his kidnapper was interesting. Some clever twists with the fake gun misdirection too. I screen-capped 2 images I really liked for this case, Conan with the gun to his head was the first, but this one won out:


Even though Ran looked kinda derpy in the image pervy Conan just narrowly beat out about to crap his pants Conan from the other image for me. :D



  • Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: "February 8, 2017"
  • Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid #5
  • [show title redacted] #1

Redacted? I doubt anyone here would have made a big deal out of whatever it is, but now I'm just curious.

Redacted? I doubt anyone here would have made a big deal out of whatever it is, but now I'm just curious.



But if you redact it, what's the point in even posting that you watched it?


Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 5

ACCA 4-5


Redacted? I doubt anyone here would have made a big deal out of whatever it is, but now I'm just curious.


There's a simple explanation for that. Once it becomes apparent, I'll edit the name in.


Detective Conan 549 - 550


Strange, for some reason 550 had a different song used for the ending, but kept the same visuals. Anyway, the motivation for this murder definitely felt the most 21st Century of any so far: Repeatedly harassing a guy on his blog after trolling him in front of his wife eventually leading to a divorce. I wouldn't blame him for that latter event personally, but the guy definitely came across as a huge asshole who got what he deserved either way, regardless of Conan's preaching. I got a solution to your money problems Agasa: If the little gluttons insist on going out for sushi every Saturday start having their parents pay! :D And speaking of their parents...




Detective Conan 551 - 552


Ha! I knew the one who looked the least like him would turn out to be Genta's dad! :D Oh Gosho, you troll. :D Poor Genta though, he has a handsome, thin, badass for a father...and the misfortune of looking identical to his mother. :D Well hope's not completely gone for you Genta, afterall your mom caught your dad looking the way she does. :D Anyway a fun case, even if the Tokyo dialect clues were totally lost on me and I only vaguely got the numbers vs kanji stuff. The background with the victim confronting the killer for a previous crime committed against him was interesting. His mistake was confronting him alone when he had him trapped. Oh well, at least Conan avenged his death.




Detective Conan 553


Oof! That suave new Kogoro voice...that'll take some getting used to alright. Man, Takagi was pretty much Conan's lap dog in this one. :D Episode felt more like a police drama than a mystery. Not much else of note really, business as usual.


Oh! It did air on Halloween though so we got a nice seasonal end card:




Rewatched Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor 5.






Infinite Stratos 2 12

Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor 6



So that's how you end the second season of Infinite Stratos. An asspull attack from season 1 that I instantly forgot, two-thirds of the endlessly face-punchable Phantom Task still alive, a random new character in cahoots with Tabane, and Ichika's harem screaming over seeing him naked and likely beating him to near-death with their IS units offscreen. I feel like a 7/10 is too good for it, but hey, that's my system.


And holy shit Tetsuro is totally gay for Sho.



Interviews with Monster Girls 5

Saga of Tanya the Evil 5

Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju 5-6

Gabriel Dropout 5

Gintama. 5

Ai Mai Mi S3 6

Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 19


MaiDragon 5


  • Yuri!!! On ICE #6 to #8


This show is so good, man. After having watched a good portion of it, I can see why so many people voted it Anime of the Year.


And I actually started watching it for the sheer latent gayness, but I ended up getting some cool figure skating action to go along with it. So the main draw of the show is just a bonus for me, which might be even better.


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