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Senran Kagura: Shinovi Master 8


Under any normal circumstance, I'd think of Katsuragi groping everyone she can get her hands on as annoyingly overplayed and needlessly stretched out. But considering she's spent six whole episodes unconscious, she deserves to have her fun.


Edited by PokeNirvash
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How Much Heavy Dumbbells Do You Lift? 9
Kengan Ashura 3


Apparently Schwarzenegger didn't play the role of the Terminator in the Kenganverse. Weird, but interesting.



Meanwhile, Cosmo Imai is Bryce Papenbrook at his girliest pitch yet, assuming his attempt at a crossdressing voice for Trap!Kirito doesn't count.


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Ultraman 8
Gungrave 6


Steve Blum's performance as Adad was so affable, I was only half-surprised when he turned out to be an anti-hero instead of a straight-up villain like we were all expecting.

Montages? Cost-cutting animation tricks? Main character in love with a girl who may mutually feel the same way who he can't see all that much because she's surrounded by the mafia 24/7? Man, it's like my choosing Tsuru to direct Kunoichi was almost clairvoyant or some shit.



Girls' Last Tour #12
Virtual-san Looking #8


So I watched a show which ended with these worm people who eat bullets springing to life, and then they turned into mushrooms and floated away to heaven. Assuming you'd know both shows, I bet you couldn't guess which one this happened in. 😗

Mildly quixotic ending aside, GLT was just really sweet, and I think the final affirmation of Chi's friendship with Yuu sums it up perfectly. It had multiple episodes that put a tear in my eye, especially #9. I wish it didn't take me three tries to watch in full (and the second time, I stopped right before the episode in question), but I'm glad it's down. 9/10.

Out of the three Amazon/Sentai series that became big hits, all I have left is Land of the Lustrous. Useless but interesting fact: I briefly considered covering that one in the general content ratings thread, but never got around to it. It dates back to... I think when I was finishing up the 2011 iDOLM@STER series, but I wondered if the show's unique take on violence (since they're gem people) would've led to muddled judgements with content ratings, among other various little variables. I'll probably watch it straight, but not for a while.


Fruits Basket 2019 ep 20

I hated this episode in the original and I hate it in this version too. 

Hiro is a sorry excuse for a sheep and he makes me ashamed to be born in the year of the sheep.

I hate his guts.  Still go by that all tsunderes are evil and should be shipped away to a island to save humanity from them.

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