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Just some randos from an MMO tank game. They aren't even used that much in the last two matches, but I appreciated their presence.


The Eccentric Family #1


Hunter x Hunter 1999 30

Made in Abyss 12


Madhouse's HxH crew could learn a little thing or two about proper atmosphere. Also, am I the only one who thinks the "birthday death disease" is the Curse of the Abyss finding its way to surface of Orth?






Knights and Magic 3.


It’s like Voltron, if it didn’t suck eggs, and had actual giant robot fights, and was about troops...nevermind, it’s nothing like Voltron.


Centaur no Nayami 12(END)

Final Thoughts:


And so we end with a rpg video game parody showing off Hime's big, beautiul tits just like in the opening. I have one major takeaway from this series: that it was actually two series. One of the two I expected and enjoyed. The other I did not. Going in I expected a fun, goofy, adorable, slightly yurilicious cgdct series with monster girls. And for the most part, I got that. Telling scary stories/horror movies, eavesdropping on dates, arm wrestling, spending time with the adorable little siblings/cousins, etc... What I wasn't expecting was a big brother-esque somewhat dark government subplot that felt shoehorned in and was never welcomed or interesting. For the most part it was only mentioned in passing or rose to the surface for a few minutes and then vanished. All of one episode was entirely tonally different from the rest, one: The random nazi-esque concentration camp flashback and toad-man visit episode, or maybe he was a frog I forget. I'd ask why this series felt the need to devote as much of its limited run time to this type of stuff as it did, I'd ask what was the point of it, but I honestly don't care. It detracted from what I wanted, enough said. I'll give this a slightly generous 7/10, but don't really ever see myself watching it again. A shame, that might have been different had the series been show A throughout its run.



The mangaka has been very bad with the pacing of this story to begin with. THis is where the anime lends much of its own weird pacing issues from.  In fact, it was so bad, a fan sub group dropped the manga a few volumes in!


Elegant Yokai Apartment Life 13

It's nice having a harem anime that I enjoy watching.


Sounds like another of those 5-minute-long-episodic, POV anime.  Is it?


Finished both Sakura Quest and A Centaur's Life.  Looking forward to Black Clover.


Sounds like another of those 5-minute-long-episodic, POV anime.  Is it?


Finished both Sakura Quest and A Centaur's Life.  Looking forward to Black Clover.


It's a thirty minute show about a normal human living with ghosts and yokai that shares some elements with Natsume Yuujinchou and Cardcaptor Sakura.


New Game!! 12(END)


Final Thoughts:


And so Ko really left after all. At least for now. My thoughts on this second season of New Game are honestly surprisingly sparse. Best-girl Nenecchi was still best girl. Naru was a huge bitch. The rest was pretty much just like season one, which is good considering how much I enjoyed that. That's it really. 8/10.



Mob Psycho 100 episode 5


I'm surprised by how much I like the body building guys.


At first I was anticipating that percent ticker of when Mob 'explodes' going up, but now I'm really rooting for the little guy to gain control of his powers because he's trying so hard.



Tanaka-kun is Always Listless 1-2

I did not expect this show to make me laugh so much like during that piano scene that I rewatched at least three times. It's also hitting uncomfortably too close to home with me to the point that I'm just laughing in embarrassment at the shit I used to do. There's a part of me that wishes I could travel to that world just to give Tanaka pointers  :D.



Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita 12

Hunter x Hunter 1999 31


Well that ended better than I feared it would have, but I'm still afraid to read Blatch's most likely negative review of it. Still, I thought it was decent and kinda sweet under the awkward sexual stuff. If not for AMV Hell 0 and Cool Devices episodes 1 and 10 (and if you wanna count it, Belladonna of Sadness), this would be my first hentai, but what can you do? 7/10.


As for the '99 Hunter Exam, I'm gonna have to agree with Top_Gun; this really did things better than 2011. Between the boat filler over ten episodes ago and the party for the recently qualified applicants this episode, the idea that Gon, Leorio, Kurapika, Hanzo and Pokkle ended the exam as good friends comes off as more legitimate and believable. That's not to say 2011 did it bad; just that 1999 did it better.


I also appreciate Menchi doing more than proctoring the second phase of the exam and standing around during the final phase. Like getting drunk and threatening Hanzo before posing for all his pictures. :D



Knight's & Magic #13 (END)


Nora, Princess, and Stray Cat #10 to #12 (END)


Well, here we are after the Kemono Friends scandal, and Ernesti's show is now officially the most wholesome of 2017. Even if I like the anime, I wish it didn't come to this.


I actually don't have a whole lot to say about this show, since I want to do a more longform post for my blog, but it was a joy to watch from start to finish. He really managed to buck the trend in regards to a Mary Sue corrupting everything it touches. Some people might still not like this show because it puts Ernesti on a pedestal for all the world to see, but he actually manages to help people out, solve some of their personal problems (especially with Dietrich), and kick some generic villain ass along the way. And the robot fights were pretty cool, too. 7.5/10.


Nora, on the other hand, felt like a waste. One could probably wonder why the heck they bothered making this show, but I know better since a couple of its cheaptastic ilk come out every year. Really, this show doesn't need anything beyond one-dimensional characters. You could plug absolutely anybody in here and it wouldn't make a difference, because the show is just an empty vessel for gags... a few good ones, I will admit, but others fell flat. The tenth episode was a murder mystery VN parody where they only spent effort on the 8-bit remix of the OP. There wasn't even any attempt at a joke, let alone actual hits. At least the censored panty shot episode was admirable in its audacity.


And then the last two episodes happen and try to inject drama into a show that is almost unable to have any due to its short length. Really, all you need to know is that the main character gets changed from a cat back into a human... and then he's naked (we don't even see this guy's face), but gets turned back into a cat again so he can wear a pretty dress. The very next line delivered, without any time spent to breathe, is about how he'll spend the rest of his life switching between human and cat forms. But hey, at least I can just sigh and move on. 5/10.



Initial D 4th Stage episode 7

Wow, I really did breeze through these. Anyway,

that 'mysterious' blue car smoking Takumi is so much funnier the second time around, and that quick switch during that scene to the empty tofu shop made me laugh harder.



My Hero Academia 38(Season 2 END)


Final Thoughts in the thread. Also, that post will be the last I post here until at least early November, possibly next year. So take it easy everyone.


You breeze through anime so fast, you only bother to list the most recent one you watched. :D


That's because I'm trying not to be all spammy since my 'currently watching' list is around 75(not including rewatches) due to me having to rest in bed a lot. And I'm not the only one, so  :P .


I decided to finally get around to checking out Future GPX Cyber Formula, and I'm now on episode 2.


Future GPX Cyber Formula episode 10


I've been thinking that people constantly trying to steal Asurada reminded me a great deal of Speed Racer, but it turns out that this series also has a version of Racer X. I don't mind it though because I miss these old school tropes.



Hajime no Ippo episode 2

This is a rewatch for me up until the early 20's where I put this on hold because of medical drama when I started this years ago. It's nice to watch this again after I've forgotten a lot of the bad memories I used to associate with it. So far, HnI has aged really well, and I forgot how adorable the main character was. "Jab, jab, jab, jab, jab!"

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