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Rick And Morty: The Anime Premiere Episode #5 Japanese subtitled Discussion Thread


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  • OwlChemist81 changed the title to Rick And Morty: The Anime Premiere Episode #5 Japanese subtitled Discussion Thread

I mean.. I get it. It's running with the old trope of "nothing shown in sequential order." Because Elle's whole thing is time happens all at once or whatever. It'll be one of those things that maaaaybe makes more sense by the end when it all ties together, and will still require remembering it all, and probably still take someone cutting it all into sequential order to really make sense.. whatever can be made here.

I just don't think they needed R&M to tell that story, and lifting the characters to put them in it has drained them of most of their characterization, and forces a lot of really flat/awkward writing that simply doesn't fit.

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