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Even when the water is just 0.05% paint remover...

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So, what's that picture even supposed to mean?  Looks like that kid wants to change the channel and old guy insists on watching football or some boring crap like that.  It's kind of incongruous to the OP.

It doesn't apply to people you......you fuckin horrible person -_'


Just ignore him. If this really is packard, he seems to be very close to cracking. A hilarious meltdown might occur very soon.


Just ignore him. If this really is packard, he seems to be very close to cracking. A hilarious meltdown might occur very soon.

I hope so and I'm pretty sure this is really him.  Who else but him would make thread after thread showing how ignorant they are while simultaneously acting like the smartest person anywhere, ever, period >:D


Just ignore him. If this really is packard, he seems to be very close to cracking. A hilarious meltdown might occur very soon.


Paint remover doesn't have the right aroma.  I prefer Death Adder Venom.


LOL, the $0.99 energy knockoff that makes your anus bleed?


Most stores won't even carry that shit.....I only see it when I buy cigarrillos on the shitty side of town.


I hope so and I'm pretty sure this is really him.  Who else but him would make thread after thread showing how ignorant they are while simultaneously acting like the smartest person anywhere, ever, period >:D


Westpark, zeni, fuggs, tic, mini_ghost, jingo, MD, astro, bucket.


No, you  stop them at the border and turn them away.


And if ten million make it through you round them up and send them someplace far away. And if that place is horrible that's their problem not our country's. And if that place is horrible specifically because of our country's policies you still do it and don't make any policy changes because America always comes first at the expense of anything and anyone. Do I have this right?

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