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Unfortunately, this is a fairly serious topic.  Achieving orgasm with a committed partner is beautiful on its own merits without the explicit blessing of the Catholic Church, but the very fact that Church has to announce it points to the deep rifts that currently run through the entire ecclesiastic community.  The Roman Catholic Church has been an unexpected hotbed for conservative extremism with some unpleasant parallels to the early 14th Century lead in to the Western Schism, such as the apocryphal vitriol directed at Pope Francis.  Many of the common sense adjustments the pontiff has made within the tight constraints of church doctrine have riled a vocal and powerful minority of high ranking bishops.  It comes at a time when the Church is struggling to not just recover from the sexual abuse scandals but also adapt to a world where LGBTQIA2S+ identities are more established and income disparity has become a prominent issue again.  (It's worth noting that these conservative voices in the Church are being backed by wealthy Catholics.)  We are at somewhat incongruous  and untenable place where the Pope maintains huge popularity among his flock while weathering abuse from the upper echelons of the Vatican.

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