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  • 3 weeks later...

Bruh I not tryna say AS should air anime up the wazoo.......

I'm saying AS should fix itself some.....

I even came up with a SIGNIFICANTLY reduced schedule for it......

Note that here, CN gains a extra 2 hours, but for a tween/teen Toonami block featuring Steven Universe, One Piece, Naruto Shippuden and Young Justice.

7-9PM remains Checkered Past with the same lineup.

Also, revival of Midnight Run from 12-1AM because AS needs A LOT MORE VARIETY!

Also, CN gets 5-9PM on Saturdays and ACME Night back, thus reducing [AS] to a 9PM start time on the weekends. Like how it's supposed to be..........



9:00PM: Bob's Burgers x2

10:00PM: American Dad x2

11:00PM: Rick and Morty

11:30PM: Camp Camp

12:00AM: Harley Quinn

12:30AM: The Venture Bros.

1:00AM: The Boondocks

1:30AM: Robot Chicken

2:00AM: Aqua Teen Hunger Force

2:30AM: Metalocayplse

3:00AM: DVR Theater (FULL HOUR)

4:00AM: Futurama x2

5:00AM: King of the Hill x2



9:00PM: Bob's Burgers x2

10:00PM: American Dad x2

11:00PM: Rick and Morty

11:30PM: Camp Camp

12:00AM: Random Show x6/12

3:00AM: DVR Theater (FULL HOUR)

4:00AM: Futurama x2

5:00AM: King of the Hill x2



9:00PM: American Dad x2

10:00PM: Rick and Morty x2

11:00PM: Scavenger's Reign

11:30PM: Rick and Morty: The Anime

12:00AM: Bleach: The Thousand Year Blood War

12:30AM: One Piece x2

1:30AM: Naruto Shippuden

2:00AM: Dr. Stone Season 3 Part 1 x2

3:00AM: FLCL Grunge/Shoegaze

3:30AM: Ballmastrz: 9009

4:00AM: Futurama x2

5:00AM: King of the Hill x2



9:00PM: Bob's Burgers x2

10:00PM: American Dad x2

11:00PM: Rick and Morty

11:30PM: Royal Crackers

12:00AM: Ten Year Old Tom

12:30AM: Camp Camp

1:00AM: Teenage Euthanasia

1:30AM: The Eric Andre Show

2:00AM: The Boondocks

2:30AM: Robot Chicken

3:00AM: Aqua Teen Hunger Force

3:30AM: Metalocalypse

4:00AM: Futurama x2

5:00AM: King of the Hill x2



  • Thanks 1

My thoughts are it’s not a very good idea and full of unrealistic choices. 

There is no reason to give CN back time as Checkered Past is doing better than anyone ever hoped. CN is dead, a “tween Toonami block” is what Toonami is right now with nothing but OP and Naruto. Actual tweens stream, there is zero market for cable anime with the next generation. 

Didn’t even know what Camp Camp was so I looked it up to find out its Rooster Teeth slop. Why would AS have access to that? Why would anyone want them to? I’d rather watch an American Dad episode I hate over garbage from that talentless studio. 

Harley Quinn, a nice dream but again it’s not something they have, nor can get access to. DC has it locked down so tight they couldn’t even fix the episode error that singular time it aired on Toonami. 

Your Toonami is mess, needlessly extended just to be filled up with reruns. Yea, Bleach would be great, and I’m sure they have been trying to put together a deal on it since the dub released, but it obviously hasn’t happened, and the outlook for it dwindles every schedule that passes. 

And probably the biggest issue with your schedules, yes, you did significantly increase the diversity on the schedule, but also significantly reduced the ratings for the entire network. They don’t air a zillion episodes of American Dad each week for fun, they do it because it’s their main breadwinner. The suits don’t care if the schedule is good, they just want it to have ample viewership so Mortal Kombat will buy ad space every single break.

1 minute ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

Goddamn, that's sad.

They lost Family Guy and new episodes of Futurama are Hulu exclusives.  At this point, it and Rick and Morty are the only things keeping the lights on.

  • Thanks 1

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