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Hot take: Is there a correlation to custodial work and lying


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I think it's an interesting theory that no one would care to ponder, but 400 mg of THC is just right for wanting to think without thinking I need to go run to stay alive....

But, is the life of a janitor so trite and mundane that creating stories that can easily be picked apart just a thing they do to generate conversation because the job itself doesn't provide a huge opportunity to chat.

Think about it...How often have you taken the time to talk to a janitor.  I have maybe 2 times in my adult life (the janitor in the high school was cool, and his daughter was hot)....But yeah, most time, I try to AVOID interaction with them....Not because I find them below me or some goofy shit like that....I worked for BFI, but because I think the person who has to clean up after adults and children alike is probably not in the mood to shoot the shit unless it's with bleach.  

But is that fair....Do they not desire human interaction, is it so strange to assume that they too have stories to tell....Is all they are worth is a "my bad" when they see you miss the trash can with your garbage?

With all of that, why wouldn't you make fantastical tales that make you seem more interesting.....It's actually a natural response when wanting approval from your peers to want to find a common ground on which to engage.  

I think it's important to analyze these things, because maybe our resident custodians simply can't help but lie because all they do is spend 8 hours cleaning and thinking of ways to have conversations...They are just bad at it because irl, we don't afford them the opportunity to socialize.



Edited by BlackNoir
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It's like our two cats who are confined to one end of the house.

They don't have free reign. 

But once you open that door, they haul ass out, only to stop 2 feet from the door and look around in terrified amazement, before retreating back to the confines of which they are comfortable.

I find them more interesting than anything either of the board janitors have to offer. 

Frankly, I don't care about their stories. Not these two janitors anyways.

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6 minutes ago, scoobdog said:

The janitors at our office don't speak English, and my racist aunt always thinks they're stealing shit even though they probably aren't.  I doubt they're so incompetent they need to lie to spice up their lives.

Well damn....Ok, maybe I should add conservative to the catalyst and perhaps that'll filter things a bit.

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See how they gravitate to conversations with absolute nonsense?

Dragging dead conversations to other threads and nothing of value posted.  Completely off topic and unable to join the proper flow of conversation.

Easily impressed by things from the early 00s, yet unable to acertain how they operate.....Just a tough lot to bear.

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46 minutes ago, BlackNoir said:

Well damn....Ok, maybe I should add conservative to the catalyst and perhaps that'll filter things a bit.

I mean, if you’re white and a janitor, you’re probably doing something wrong, or handicapable.

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5 hours ago, scoobdog said:

The janitors at our office don't speak English, and my racist aunt always thinks they're stealing shit even though they probably aren't.  I doubt they're so incompetent they need to lie to spice up their lives.


4 hours ago, scoobdog said:

I mean, if you’re white and a janitor, you’re probably doing something wrong, or handicapable.


God, you're such a weirdo.

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I dunno. At my old workplace, I was one of the few people the one janitor invited to his wedding, as everyone else was a dick to him, and I did attend. He was a huge conspiracy theorist, and I heard he had autism.

I'd rather interact with the stereotypical janitor than the stereotypical gas station clerk, to be honest . . . and I was a gas station clerk for a while, lol

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