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Which celebrity can the most people say they have met...like who in the biz is the most accessible.  I got to hang with Jaime Foxx but that was just because of who my cousin is....I hear Keanu will make time for any fan but I don't know how true that is 


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Do celebrities that hang out at conventions count, or is that cheating? Cause I can see William Shatner being high up based on all the meet-and-greets he’s had to do. 

I can see musicians who do regular local appearances being easy to meet like Juicy J or Uncle Luke. 


i've met john malkovich, roger mosley, and chuck norris. 

i've been in the same area and seen maureen mccormick and susan lucci, but i guess doesn't count since i didn't meet them. 

there's a few concerto performers and conductors i've met, but i can't recall the names.

8 minutes ago, Chapinator_X said:

Do celebrities that hang out at conventions count, or is that cheating? Cause I can see William Shatner being high up based on all the meet-and-greets he’s had to do. 

I can see musicians who do regular local appearances being easy to meet like Juicy J or Uncle Luke. 

I can't think of any legit boundaries to put up ... anywhere you see them, if they aren't a dick, I say they are accessible


I met Richard Kiel when I was a kid. I was getting pictures taken and he was at the place and came up and patted me on the head and said I was a neat kid. He was tall as hell.

I didn't meet Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, but literally bumped into them as we were going into Best Buy. They were coming out and J'Lo ran into us, trying to get out the door. 

Got a job offer from Bubba Sparks once. He asked me if I wanted to be part of his security crew. I was drunk and said fuck yeah, and don't remember anything else. 

Met a ton of WWE superstars. Got into a verbal altercation with Batista. Sure, he could whip my ass, but he's a whiny bitch.


I’ve mostly just passed by celebrities. Where I’ve seen Edward James Olmos and Gary Sinise walking around Disney on two separate occasions. Or one of Obama’s aunts at the mall one time with security intel heading to the Aldo.

The one celebrity I did get to know was one of the main cast members of MTV’s Taking the Stage. He was joining the college radio station around the same time I was trying to be a DJ. He was very excited about the opportunity and gave out mixtapes to everyone at the station. The music wasn’t great (romantic rap about wanting to treat a girl to bacon and eggs), but he was a chill dude and it was probably the best mixtape I stumbled across in college.

4 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

I think the only celebrity I've met is Dwight Clark (retired San Francisco 49ers TE).

Does it count that I got Black Sabbath drummer Bill Ward's autograph in person, although neither one of us said a word to each other?

Accessible....he did it, so it counts.

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