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Posted (edited)

I was excited when AEW first started and hoped the ridiculousness would tone down at some point but it's gone quite to hell. Hoping they do something significant to change whoever is running the show, it's gotten pretty hard to watch. I'm sure covid messed up a lot of their original longterm booking ideas but it's been well over a year now and shit has only deteriorated over that time. 

Cody kicking off his wannabe Republican political career on the program is just lol

Edited by NaBarney
  • 2 weeks later...


  • I bet we're still building to Omega/Hangman at All Out but Omega/Jungle Boy could be sneaky good
  • I figured Dr. Britt Baker was the new Women's Champion when a new belt was introduced
  • Fuck it we need Cody to submit to a DNA test, Dusty would've let Ogogo beat him at least once before winning the feud
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Signs that you're good at being a heel group: MJF may have blown out his knee fighting Sammy Guevara and I'm STILL pissed at him.

(also lol at J.R. making the next Botchamania at the very end by saying "WWE Dynamite") 

  • Haha 1
  • 5 weeks later...

Honestly I'm pretty shocked that this is playing out almost exactly the way I booked AEW in my modern journeyofwrestling.com scenario *last year*, from Omega winning the title followed by (presumably) Adam Page, to picking up Christian, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk.....and now probably Bray Wyatt? If he comes in to lead the Dark Order I'm just going to call myself a witch. 

Only big thing still missing is a Lesnar-Punk feud...

4 hours ago, NaBoats said:

Honestly I'm pretty shocked that this is playing out almost exactly the way I booked AEW in my modern journeyofwrestling.com scenario *last year*, from Omega winning the title followed by (presumably) Adam Page, to picking up Christian, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk.....and now probably Bray Wyatt? If he comes in to lead the Dark Order I'm just going to call myself a witch. 

Only big thing still missing is a Lesnar-Punk feud...

I'm stealing this idea, and I don't remember if it was Twitter or somewhere else, but someone compared the logic behind the ten-man tag between The Elite and Dark Order on Wednesday as "Tony Kahn got bored of his old toys because he ordered some new ones."

Posted (edited)
59 minutes ago, Seight said:

I'm stealing this idea

Stealing which idea for what? Do you booking sim too??

Haven't caught this week's ep yet but do want to see this pizza cutting bank robber. I skipped the show altogether for a couple months during the playoffs, but came back for Road Rager and every week since then has been pretty good. 

I loved the Cornette stand-in geezer getting crucifixed into oblivion several weeks back, so petty lol. Almost wish that led to a short-lived faction with his MMA guys just to get a few more ranting promos, but there's way too much going on as it is with their huge roster, and we already have QT's school (for some reason). 

I have NO idea what they're going to do with the dark order after this Page thing is over, since my scenario of a stable split btwn Brodie and Bray factions is now out of the question... Maybe they'll turn on him once he's champion in service of their new leader. 

I'm not going to single out any one guy, but there's at least a couple too many ex WWE guys as it is, with more otw... He understands that just because he can afford to pay everybody, doesn't mean he can push everybody, right? I have no idea how they're going to finesse this shit. If they're just going to keep hiring every guy who bails on the E then a brand split damn near seems like the only option.

When Christian first joined I thought he was guaranteed at least a transitional world title reign within the next couple years, just for the cool historical stat of him winning the world title of every promotion that's ever been on real TV in America, but that seems literally impossible now with all these guys, idek how you'd do it. 

Edited by NaBoats
  • Thanks 1
On 7/31/2021 at 7:11 PM, Seight said:

someone compared the logic behind the ten-man tag between The Elite and Dark Order on Wednesday as "Tony Kahn got bored of his old toys because he ordered some new ones."

AEW has some real shitshow matches, the stupidest refs in the world, endless interference in tag matches, guys who spend five minutes laying down outside the ring until the exact moment it's time for them to come running back into the match completely rejuvenated, and just a lot of stupid antics in general, but that 10 man elimination tag was some of the worst shit I've ever seen in my entire life. I skipped both of the Pinnacle/Inner Circle 10 man matches I figured they would be horrible, but there's no way they came close to being as bad as this mess. Literally what was the point of this? So dumb

Posted (edited)

Lmao it literally went right from Gage rolling a pizza cutter across Jericho's bloody face STRAIGHT to a Domino's pizza commercial, with Gage continuing to use it in Picture in Picture then holding it up and kissing the bloody pizza cutter over and over... When I read that Domino's was upset I figured they were just overreacting, really did not think it would look this bad lol 

Edited by NaBoats
  • Haha 1
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Gonna watch Rampage here in a little bit. Heard it opens with a TNA title match... Kinda cool, kinda like oookaaayyy...

I do prefer AEW showcasing occasional title defenses of other promotions titles instead of making one or two more midcard titles for the sake of giving more of their guys something to do, but it would be nice if they had like one more belt (not the FTW)

I don't remember if this was actually a stipulation of the belt at the time, but when I play that fantasy booking game I like to use a version of the old TNA Legends Championship, with the gimmick of that title being only former world champions (from any promotion) can challenge for it. Maybe they could introduce something like that, given all the former champions on their roster. Basically a midcard title belt for veterans to give them something to do, more exclusive than something like the TNT title which should be for younger guys who haven't been world champion before. 

Edited by NaBoats
  • Like 1

I like that Rampage is only an hour but this better not mean that Punk only gets like ten minutes to talk and fuck around. Just cancel all the matches and make it the Punk hour 

Cool that Christian got to win whatever version of the TNA championship this is (two belts wtf), he is the true belt collector, but I still don't see how they can ever put the AEW title on him. Maybe if it's like a multi man ladder match for the title and he retires like three months later after being squashed by Miro or whoever. 

Forgot the other thing I was gonna say... Going with this random thought instead - is Andrade really going to have three managers? Vickie, Chavo, and Ric Flair? Three fuckin managers? For THIS guy? 


If that opening segment last night occurred in WWE it would be setting up Punk vs. Sting, in Saudi Arabia.

(I don't think either of them would actually want to do that but just work with me here.)


  • Haha 1

Punk's return was epic.

I hope they do something good with it.


WWE continues to flail about with terrible writing. I feel bad for the talent that want to actually challenge themselves.


At this point Vince will probably limp along for a couple years before eventually selling WWE to NBC, who will sooner or later end it as an active promotion altogether and just stream the video library. Only question is if there will even be a WrestleMania 50. 

  • 2 weeks later...


  • CERO! MEIDO!!! *sticks hand in random person's face*
  • Punk and Allin both looked really good, nice match
  • Mox vs. Suzuki on Dynamite is...just hook it DIRECTLY into my fucking veins
  • Our mystery guests: Ruby Soho (good pickup for a much-maligned Women's division), Adam Cole BAYBAY!, Bryan Danielson (TRAMPOLINE! TRAMBAMPOLINE!!!)
  • Note 1: I have no problem with AEW picking up people from WWE's clearance bin if they keep being people I like to see on TV
  • Note 2: I promise not to make fun of AEW for the rest of the year if Justin Roberts either doesn't wear a tie or takes it off out of instinct the first time he introduces Danielson

I fell asleep after the QT match, just restarted and watching the rest now. 

Could be wrong but it looks like Mox pretty clearly recorded this promo on Suzuki before his match/Suzuki's debut tonight since he isn't bleeding from his arm. They couldn't just cut to him live here? Also I have no idea who any of these old japanese guys are.

The Punk match was all good, from Darby's skateboard to Punk's hesitation on which exit tunnel to take. When it gets there he has to be the heel vs Bryan

Didn't love the lucha bros match but it ended well so that was nice. Blood...

Why did Kenny dye his hair black. 


I'm kind of waiting for Eric Rowan to show up and claim leadership of Dark Order.

Preferably with bludgeon in hand.


WWE is stale these days, having to bring back HoF to boost a lackluster roster is a bad sign.

AEW is entertaining, the women's division needs a couple more talents, but as long as they let people perform, it will be good.


Posted (edited)

I still think Bray is the natural choice to take control of the dark order and finally do something with it, unless they just plan on letting it dissolve its way back to just a tag team, which I also wouldn't have a problem with. 

Idk though, they already got Malachi Black doing that sort of character on his own, so giving the dark order to bray would provide him with a little more to do out the gate other than just being another brooding solo guy trying to jostle for position among this stacked roster. 

Can Tony Schiavone please just go away forever? Or at least off of commentary and just stick to microphone holding? Their commentary is pretty bad overall but he absolutely ruins it for me. 

Edited by NaBabby

Is Bray free from WWE or is he on another punishment hiatus?

I can see bray leading DO with Rowan in tow.

Malachi is fine as he is, but they need a good feud with at least a high level B list star to cement him.

Tony Schiavone is pretty bad on commentary. As a mic guy he is funny, particularly when he gets abused by heels. Jim Ross is legendary and his botches are equally bad, but it almost takes on a life of its own. Taz is good on the mic, Excalibur is pretty good as well.

Overall AEW is the best program going. I hope they don't try to push too far too fast though.



AEW makes me laugh a lot. Adam Cole with the fake rage against the machine theme song trying to be his group's x-pac. Never seen this guy before this but it's pretty funny how famous and immediately over he is, thinking about like people invested in WWE watching this going hrmm....

Black's entrance is much better without tony talking through it, but it was weird hearing complete silence from the 4 man booth for like 30 consecutive seconds since there's always constant chatter. They were clearly ordered not to speak during his entrance whatsoever the way talking ceased the moment it went to his music.  I hope one time the lights come back on and Black is tripping in the dark or still scrambling to his spot.

JR's endless fuckups are fine because they make me laugh,  "RTF."  His shitty attitude sometimes is also funny. Punk on commentary was pretty good, he seemed excited and talked a ton over the fozzy singalong and everything making a lot of jokes. 

So andrade is done with chavo and sticking with his other new manager named Jose who he threatens and abuses. Ok.. Is he going to get Ric Flair out of all this? Ric Tully Arn all on the same show... Tully is my favorite manager, just a very menacing, somewhat demented seeming old man who high fives his guys win or lose but either way he doesn't really have to do anything. Thinking about him fighting Sting in an actual match is hilarious these men are 60. RTF crushed that spike piledriver. Is the pinnacle over now..? 

That looked like a badly blown table spot. Excal tried to save it with "this is a lucite table" idk maybe. Why not just put him through it not-longways and just do a normal announcer table breaking spot. Kinda looked like shit.

Punk is one thing but it is very surreal that Bryan Danielson is in AEW right now.


Someone needs to tell Dan Lambert he's toeing the line between "we should boo him" and "wait yea" when he says someone could jump three stories onto six tables and only get a two count on their opponent.

  • Haha 1

Was grandslam dynamite literally *all* wrestling? I only remember a couple 30 second promos/pretapes on the show, everything else was just wrestling. Unbelievable. AEW stays killing it lately. 

Bryan does need to tone it the f down though. 40+ with neck problems and if he gets seriously hurt again it would literally be one of the worst things in the world. What a match though. I'm going to be so mad in the best way when he doesn't when the title. Still can't believe this company exists, that I gaf about wrestling again, this all feels so unlikely. 

I'm all for Bray Wyatt coming in as I've not seen a lot of his wwe stuff and none of the Fiend stuff. Pretty wild to think him, Braun and Rowan could debut as the Rotunda Family or whatever. Probably wouldn't be good but still, literally wtf is the wwe doing, why would you DO that. Are they actually trying to go out of business? Haven't seen a Karrion Kross or Keith Lee match but just glancing at them, at their entrances in NXT, how did they fuck these guys up? Bearcat?? 

I hope Hook is on tv for the next 20 years and never wrestles a match. Good character, very funny mystique about him. Can't explain. Same with Alex the translator. Just too good.

  • 2 weeks later...

Why is Cody doing this lol. He can't seriously be this bad at this. WTF was even up with this entire weird promo? Every moment Arn has been on tv in AEW has been absolutely humiliating, he's just an embarrassment and everything he says and does looks like shit. Get these Republican fucks off the show already. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so Bobby Fish in AEW has the old ReDragon music and that made me wonder what Kyle O'Reilly was doing right now in NXT since I haven't really followed WWE the last 18 months and uh


does anyone know where they found a white Great Khali?


Von Wagner (@WWEVonWagner) | Twitter


  • Haha 1
On 10/17/2021 at 7:14 PM, Seight said:

does anyone know where they found a white Great Khali?

I think at this point the E's recruiting process is almost entirely scanning the NFL waiver wire for dudes who look too stupid to do anything other than work at Planet Fitness for a living. 

  • Like 1

Jesus, they really had Cody beat him clean? Unbelievably bad booking. Why, just why. And teaming him up with Andrade? wtf in the world...

Haven't been watching the last few weeks due to general disinterest, will probably try to watch most of whatever Full Gear is going to be though. 


Idk how I'm gonna feel if Adam Page wins or loses, know I should just watch and enjoy it unfold but can't help thinking ahead. Obviously it feels like he should beat Kenny but then who takes it from him? Heel Punk? idgi

47 minutes ago, Nabreezy said:

Idk how I'm gonna feel if Adam Page wins or loses, know I should just watch and enjoy it unfold but can't help thinking ahead. Obviously it feels like he should beat Kenny but then who takes it from him? Heel Punk? idgi


My honest answer is "Jon Moxley (and by extension Eddie Kingston) have been good for too long, imo."


3 minutes ago, Seight said:
  Reveal hidden contents

My honest answer is "Jon Moxley (and by extension Eddie Kingston) have been good for too long, imo."


Definitely true, not a bad way to play it, I would be OK with anything that gets rid of his new theme song tbqfh shit is so corny to me. Him being champion would open up way more possibilities for potential feuds and successors than I see with Page holding the belt, feels like there's really only a couple places you can go from there that would be interesting, assuming no new major roster additions which I can't even think of right now except for maybe Wyatt + Dark Order, which ofc might not even happen ever.


I had been assuming that mox would beat Bryan due to Elite shenanigans and then go on to lose to Page, but your idea is more interesting. 

Idk anyone on the ROH roster except for the old heads + Danhausen. 


It feels crazy to me that I've been a wrestling fan long enough to see one company go "Lol, Road Warrior Hawk's got a drinking problem!" to another one acknowledging that one of their top stars has checked into rehab. 

Posted (edited)

I never buy it when a celeb says they're entering treatment for "alcoholism." Not doubting that dude is an alcoholic, just always wonder like - ok alcohol and what else? Alcohol just the socially acceptable addiction to admit to in a press release. 

Anyway, in probably soon to be related to AEW news, never seen a Killer Kross match in my life but still can't believe WWE fucked him & Scarlett up so bad. Like holy shit, how is *this* not the guy you have beat Reigns? 

And literally everything about the way they stepped on Keith Lee all year long...just smgdh. I don't even watch the shit and I'm disgusted with how bad it is. How does this company still have viewers, let alone fans?

Edited by Nabreezy
Posted (edited)

So does....Eddie Kingston win this tournament? Or probably whoever replaces Moxley, because Page vs Bryan just sounds insane to do right now. Shenanigans would absolutely have to be abound in the finish to that match, and just why would you do that. 

O damn forgot how behind I've been. Miro hell yeah...great first contender to feed to Page. Zero issues with this. 

Edited by Nabreezy

Me, normally: *posts whatever my favorite segment of Dynamite/Rampage AEW already put on YT in the "What Youtube Video Are You Watching?" thread*

Me, this morning: "If AEW hasn't posted the CM Punk/Eddie Kingston promo battle from last night yet (note: they have) then dammit I'm gonna find a channel that DID"

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

I know they wouldn't play with it like this but God what if Moxley showed up to FG to cost Punk the match and pour whiskey in his mouth.

Just... really don't want to see him as a babyface anymore, but who wants to boo a guy who just got out of rehab. 

Edited by Nabreezy
4 hours ago, Nabreezy said:

I know they wouldn't play with it like this but God what if Moxley showed up to FG to cost Punk the match and pour whiskey in his mouth.

Just... really don't want to see him as a babyface anymore, but who wants to boo a guy who just got out of rehab. 

Really the beauty is either Punk or Eddie could turn, or neither of them could turn, because they both made excellent points.

Just now, Seight said:

Really the beauty is either Punk or Eddie could turn, or neither of them could turn, because they both made excellent points.

True, plus everyone loves them both so it's like well one can be the sympathetic face this week (Punk) and still not lose anything in becoming a dastardly heel like three weeks later.

Really waiting on heel Punk, and Christian too for that matter. They're just so much better as despicable assholes

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