ben0119 Posted December 17, 2019 Posted December 17, 2019 Rise of Skywalker red carpet is coming up. It said it was starting in 10 minutes, then it said an hour! >=[ That music is AWESOME though! John Williams has OUTDONE himself! Quote
ben0119 Posted December 17, 2019 Author Posted December 17, 2019 (edited) Andi Gutierrez was beautiful tonight! ❤️ Anybody know who that pretty girl named Emily is people were asking for autographs? I didn't see them interview her and I can't think of anyone named Emily involved with Star Wars. Frank Oz said he isn't in the movie? 😧 I hope that was just misinformation by him? I mean I suppose Force Ghosts have never appeared before someone who didn't know them in life, but we don't really know if that's by choice on their part or some restriction they have. I'm still curious if only Luke could see Obi-wan, Yoda, and Anakin at the end of Return of the Jedi. The Tri-Wing that Doug Chiang developed with Porsche looked awesome. He said he hopes to have it appear in future Star Wars content, but I'm pretty sure we see it in one of the trailers with the Falcon and other ships flying past the Star Destroyers? Here is an article on it. Kathleen Kennedy has a twin sister?! A bit of a mind fuck there when I saw two of them on the screen! What was Keri Russell wearing? She still looked good though, even as odd as her outfit was. Looked like a hair bow or scrunchie or something. If actors like her are making sound effects when they fire blasters, do they just edit that out somehow? I still can't get over how different John Boyega's actual voice sounds from his Finn voice. I thought he was American back when I saw TFA! He fooled us all! Also black people with British accents still sounds weird to me. Oscar Isaac hinted that Poe has a complicated backstory and maybe isn't as clean cut a guy as we think. Interesting. A Twitter poll for favorite droid had R2-D2 with 65%, BB-8 with 23%, 3PO with 10% and D-O with 2%, if I recall correctly. Don't know why they put D-O in there when no one has seen him in the movie yet. I do like his super primitive looking design though. But ouch 3PO with only 10%! Got some nice looks at the props tonight. Jannah has a really cool primitive looking looking blaster that looks like a blunderbuss or something. And Lando has a cane that looks like Cloud City. Edited December 17, 2019 by ben0119 Quote
MasqueradeOverture Posted December 18, 2019 Posted December 18, 2019 (edited) These early Rise Of Skywalker critic impressions are gonna burn a hole through my pancreas. Edited December 18, 2019 by MasqueradeOverture Quote
Daos Posted December 18, 2019 Posted December 18, 2019 39 minutes ago, MasqueradeOverture said: These early Rise Of Skywalker critic impressions are gonna burn a hole through my pancreas. They seem pretty bad don't they? Quote
MasqueradeOverture Posted December 18, 2019 Posted December 18, 2019 4 hours ago, Daos said: They seem pretty bad don't they? It kinda fucking hurts. At the same time, I'm content that this trilogy at least gave me my 2nd favorite Star Wars movie in TLJ. The most I want out of this thing now is some decent turn-your-brain-off popcorn fun, which is bare minimum I'm willing to accept for this franchise. Only The Phantom Menace fails that test for me. Please God let it at least be better than that (would be nice if I could rank it above Attack Of The Clones and Solo too). Quote
Daos Posted December 18, 2019 Posted December 18, 2019 5 hours ago, MasqueradeOverture said: It kinda fucking hurts. At the same time, I'm content that this trilogy at least gave me my 2nd favorite Star Wars movie in TLJ. The most I want out of this thing now is some decent turn-your-brain-off popcorn fun, which is bare minimum I'm willing to accept for this franchise. Only The Phantom Menace fails that test for me. Please God let it at least be better than that (would be nice if I could rank it above Attack Of The Clones and Solo too). Well they attempted a last minute course correction that goes back on everything in TLJ so there's no way this is even going to be coherent. Also, JJ is a hack. Just look at how Lost ended. Quote
Jman Posted December 18, 2019 Posted December 18, 2019 From everything I’m hearing, the film goes out of its way to take a dump on TLJ. Which...good, but it probably explains why critics hate it. “Where’s Rose? How dare you kowtow?” Quote
Daos Posted December 18, 2019 Posted December 18, 2019 (edited) Oh man, even the usually nicey nice guys at entertainment weekly are trashing this thing. 57 percent on Rotten Tomatoes so far. Looks like a disaster. I'm sure it will still make around 1 bil though. Edited December 20, 2019 by Daos Quote
ben0119 Posted December 20, 2019 Author Posted December 20, 2019 (edited) I saw a lot of critics were not high on this movie. They said it had too much fan service and fan pandering, over-stuffed and rushed. I didn't feel that the fan service was overdone. It felt like it made sense and fit in and didn't detract from anything. The movie's pacing didn't feel rushed to me or like it was "over-stuffed." I read people saying that it's nonstop action, but there are definitely quiet moments. I will say this. A lot of things that don't sound good on paper come off better in the way they are executed in the movie. There were also a few things that happened and directions it took that I wasn't really a big fan of the idea of before the movie came out. Talking about all the different theories and possibilities for direction of things. So, I was a bit dismayed when I saw the critical reaction to the movie. But, I ended up loving the movie myself. It felt like a dream almost, it was a quite a ride. I had a lot of fun and there were some very emotional moments, and some very fitting send offs for various characters. Lots of emotional moments in the movie. I think the storyline was wrapped up satisfactorily enough. Sure, there could have been more callbacks and references and stuff, but with some people saying there were too much already, I think it was fine. It didn't feel over-stuffed to me, in any case. If I wanted a bit more, it was probably a good balance. Spoiler rambling, in no particular order - Spoiler I was not a big fan of the idea of Palpatine coming back. I felt that Kylo being the villain was the point of killing Snoke. But, I think Palpatine was done pretty well here. He says that the Dark Side of the Force is a path to many abilities some consider unnatural, quoting his speech to Anakin about Plagieus in Revenge of the Sith. So he survived by some sort of Sith fuckery. The Sith Fleet is staffed by Palpatine's fanatical followers, and as Palpatine says "The First Order was just the beginning." The Sith Fleet is the "Final Order" which I thought was pretty cool. The Death Star wreckage was epic. And to people who say it doesn't make sense, go watch the end of Return of the Jedi again. There is a distinctive chunk of it that flies off in the explosion, and you can see it in the space shot, and the one from Endor. I always noticed that ever since I was a kid and thought it was interesting. It's not a special edition thing, either. Besides, no one comes to Star Wars for realism lol. Speaking of that, someone suggests using the Holdo Maneuver against the Sith Fleet, and they're told that that was one a million. I tend to agree. As I always said, Holdo didn't make it to Hyperspace, the ship was accelerating to Hyperspace and collided with the other ships. Something like that would be extremely hard to pull off, and Holdo was very lucky there. Or rather, since Obi-wan said that luck doesn't exist, the Force was with her. I was originally against the idea of Kylo Ren being redeemed, as well. But, in this movie, it came off better than I expected. Leia reaches out to Ben, exhausting her life force, and dies, at the same moment while he is distracted, gets stabbed by Rey, but she heals him with the Force, and Rey takes off. Then Solo appears to Ben, not like a Force Ghost, but just as if he was there. Ben says he's just his memory. Ben repeats what he said before stabbed Han in TFA, and throws his lightsaber into the sea. So, JJ made a skeptic into a believer here. I thought it was pretty well done. Rey loses control and uses the Dark Side a few times. Once when she is having a Force tug of war with Kylo over a transport that is leaving that she thinks Chewie is on, and she ends up blasting it with Force lightning and blowing it up. Thankfully we learn later on that Chewie was on another transport. The evil Rey is indeed from a vision, and it's actually Rey herself who sees it, and tells her she will sit on the Sith Throne yadda yadda, has a fight with Rey. Later is aforementioned aggressive fighting with Kylo, and stabbing him. She takes off in Kylo's fighter and says she is going to hide on Ach-to like Luke did, because she is a menace. But Luke said she is wrong, like he was. And he catches the lightsaber as she tries to throw it into the fire, and raises his X-wing out of the water for Rey to fly and mark the route to the Sith planet. Great stuff. And of course, the big one... and maybe it is a retcon of The Last Jedi, maybe it isn't, revealing that Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter. But, even in spite of this, I felt it still stayed with the idea that Rey isn't defined by her bloodline, because she doesn't have to follow Palpatine's path and turn to the Dark Side, and lead the Final Order. She rejects this and kills Palpatine by reflecting his Force lightning back at him, similar to what Mace did in Revenge of the Sith, only this time she has two lightsabers, and Palpatine was using way more lightning, and completely fries and disentigrates him, so he's definitely dead this time! Rey also had been training to reach out to the past Jedi, and manages to do it here, and we hear tons of Jedi speaking and they back up Rey to help her beat Palpatine. Going to have to re-watch and see what other people pick up to see who all those Jedi were. This is when Rey dies, and Kylo comes, having turned back to the Light, takes out the Knights of Ren, and uses the Force healing to bring Rey back to life. But he ends up dying in the process. Probably due to his injuries from being launched down a cliff by Palpatine, and using giving his Force energy to Rey to revive her. Palpatine had also drained life force from them before that, so that did not help. And Ben disappears, confirming he was definitely fully on the Light Side, and then Leia's body disappears right after. We learned that Leia was trained as a Jedi by Luke, and that's the other saber that Ben and Rey use. I thought it was going to be Luke's green saber, since it was on Ach-to, but it wasn't. I should also point out, in the old Legends books, Palpatine had a son and grandson, and the grandson is trained by Luke as a Jedi. The father didn't have the Force, so it skipped a generation there, just like it did with Rey's father in Rise of Skywalker. Pablo Hidalgo also said to read those Jedi Prince books way back when for insight into the current story... now I see what he was talking about! This also tells me there may have been more of a plan than some people think. Also the fact a lot of things come from the Lucas sequels, like the Jedi girl meeting grumpy hermit Luke. So if you didn't like that, it was Lucas that came up with that idea, not Rian and JJ. Oh yeah, Palpatine said that he "made Snoke" and we see some Snoke clones in a tanks. Don't know if Palpatine cloned some ancient Sith Lord or created Snoke from his own DNA, or just made a sort of genetically engineered super-Sith, but yeah. So to the people complaining Rian didn't explain Snoke, there is JJ's explanation. Personally I was fine with it and didn't get the big deal with Snoke anyways. He was always just intended to be for character development for Kylo, and he served his purpose. Finn is revealed to be Force sensitive to an extent. This was implied when he refuses to kill the civilians in The Force Awakens, and Kylo senses his betrayal and later says he knows which Stormtrooper was the traitor. He is able to sense some things happening with Rey in the movie. Jannah it turns out is part of a group of Stormtroopers that rebelled and refused to kill civilians. Finn says the feeling they had was the Force, and that it brought everyone together. Oh yeah, after Ben revives Rey, they kiss... I could have really done without that. But, maybe she just kissed him because she was thankful to Ben in that moment. But at least Ben is dead so they can't be a couple. Oh, and I watched a stream from a Reylo channel, and the hosts and viewers are NOT happy. Poe is also revealed to be a former spice runner... so even more like Han Solo than we thought haha. He pulls off some crazy moves with the Falcon too, like the lightspeed skipping, to lose the First Order. And apparently he's a bit of a cougar chaser too lol. Not gonna' lie, Kerri Russel still looks great! We also had more great usage of the Force bond from TLJ. There's a whole lightsaber battle between Kylo and Rey involving it, which is awesome. I think one of the Jedi speaking to Rey was Asohka (does that mean she's dead by the time of Rise of Skywalker?) But I could have sworn that I saw Asohka or one of her species during the celebration at the end, or am I crazy? I'm sure someone will pick that out. After Palpatine and the Sith Fleet are defeated, we learn that the galaxy is rising up everywhere against the First Order, and we see Cloud City, Endor, and Jakku, not sure what else. I wish Coruscant could have been shown. Besides not seeing Coruscant and some of the other old planets again, my other complaint would be I wish we would have got to see more of the spaceship battle. Though I can see why it was decided to focus more on the fight with Palpatine. Some scenes were also way too dark. There were a whole bunch of Sith cultists in the room with Palpatine but you could barely tell they were there or what they looked like. Oh, at a point when everyone thinks they are going to die, Finn says he has something he wants to tell Rey. That he loves her? We never hear what it is. Probably was the implication, though. At the end, Rey takes the Falcon to Tatooine and buries Luke and Leia's lightsabers at the Lars homestead, which is abandoned. She also reveals her own lightsaber, which looks like her staff. Maybe the staff was made into a double-bladed lightsaber? It is a yellowish color, but aren't able to see if it is double-sided or not. Some lady comes by and says that no one has been here for years, and asks her what her name is. She says Rey, and the lady asks "Rey who." We see Force Ghosts of Luke and Leia, and Rey looks at them and looks back at the lady and says "Rey Skywalker." This got a round of applause, as when the credits rolled. When I saw TLJ there was a round of applause at the end too. The last shot is Rey looking into the twin sunset. Though I didn't get the feeling that Rey stayed there, like some people thought? It was to pay tribute to Leia and Luke. But not sure why there? Well, I guess she can't bury the sabers on Alderaan lol. And is this implying there could be some sequel or spin-off later on where someone finds those lightsabers? Maybe not an episode X, necessarily, but I could see it happening. And Kathleen Kennedy said they are going to move away from trilogies, because they are too limiting. I agree, have as many movies as is necessary to tell a story. Some may just need one movie, some maybe 2, and some, maybe, more than 3. If it's true that Benioff and Weiss were working on movies about the origin of the Jedi, I think that would take longer than just a trilogy. And, after hearing about how the stuff they said about working on Game of Thrones and how they didn't know what the fuck they were doing and called it a film school, and supposedly described Jedi as "lightsaber wielding warriors," I'm glad they "left because they wouldn't have time due to their Netflix deal." Yeah, they were totally fired lol. And it was said they were working on a movie series, so that to implies more than a trilogy. Anyway, that's all I can think of for now. I got on a tangent, but there was a lot of stuff to talk about with this movie. It felt like a dream at times, it was definitely a ride. Maybe I will like it more, or like it less, with time and repeated viewings, but for now, I'm mostly pretty happy with it, and I'm glad, because I was worried by those reviews. Edited December 20, 2019 by ben0119 1 Quote
Daos Posted December 20, 2019 Posted December 20, 2019 My favorite review so far. "It's so bad that it made me cry." That's not an audience review either. It was pretty obvious to most people that this movie was going to be an attempt to undo the damage TLJ did, and it sounds like it at least made an attempt. Hopefully it does poorly enough that we get a reboot in 10 years. Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted December 22, 2019 Posted December 22, 2019 (edited) Alright, bitches. Here we are, the conclusion of the Star Wars saga, at least until Disney decides that isn't the case. So, the million dollar question, for those that have seen it, thoughts and opinions? The non-spoiler answer for me, I don't think it deserves the way dying journalism is attacking it for the sake of getting them clicks, this all stemming from cast and crew denouncing the Last Jedi, journalists desperate for clicks using that to create controversy and review bomb the film. Is RotS good? fuck no, is it bad? not as bad as I was expecting, I walked in expecting to loathe and detest the film afterwards, but I actually found it enjoyable. I loathe TLJ and despise it and Rian Johnson (and Kathleen Kennedy) very much so, and with TFA I wasn't impressed by that and didn't like it at all, though I still considered it an enjoyable movie. As a lot of people have said about RotS, it is incredibly sloppy in the first act, which I consider the price to pay for course correcting the franchise as much as possible with TLJ. There were many things shown onscreen in the first act that really irritated me, but for the rest of the film things went a lot more smoothly. I already spoiled the movie for myself several weeks ago, with all the talks about the leaks and the 8+ versions of the film allegedly made, I will say that a solid 75% of those leaks ended up happening. I was glad to see things that were so fucking horrible to read were reshot and changed, although there were a good number of times where it's very apparent what happened on screen wasn't their original intent. Spoiler Rey believing she caused Chewie's death, just for them to pull a actually that wasn't the transport ship he was on! Or the thing with 3PO, making you think he was gonna be gone, just for R2 to restore his memories to a very recent point. I still found the version on screen enjoyable, but like I said I had many issues with things that happened on screen. The movie also introduces many plot holes and logic fails that spread to past SW films, some are legit mind boggling. I know people on this site don't like to read, anything more than 2 sentences seems to catch flak from certain individuals. In conclusion I would say RotS doesn't deserve the hate the media is giving it, but that doesn't change the fact that the film is still a mess and it legit feels like they were making everything up as they went. But was still enjoyable enough to watch even though just like TLJ I don't see myself rewatching it ever again. 5 / 10 for me. Edited December 22, 2019 by Fortnite Guy Keanu Reeves Quote
Raptorpat Posted December 23, 2019 Posted December 23, 2019 After 11 films and the various series, I've realized how consistently lax security is with regards to vehicles and crafts, and how lucky the protagonists are to be the only ones to take advantage of that. Like everyone leaving their cars unlocked, with the door open and the keys in the ignition. Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted December 23, 2019 Posted December 23, 2019 I saw this video here on twitter just now, Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted December 23, 2019 Posted December 23, 2019 Also spoiler warning I guess for anyone that hasn't seen the film, that being at the end of it. Quote
Daos Posted December 25, 2019 Posted December 25, 2019 Quote
MasqueradeOverture Posted December 27, 2019 Posted December 27, 2019 (edited) Just got back from it. My brain broke. I'm not sure how to 2 process 韻火ダ. There's no reason there isn't a shot that lasts more than 5 seconds in this movie aside from visibly seeing the product of Darth JJ snorting a mountain of cocaine as he pulls shit out of his ass with an unbridled quickness to meet The Mouse's deadlines. However, what does show up in this scrambled mess of imagery is awesome, going full blown anime for most of the runtime (if you look closely you can see white residue resembling Gunbuster's cel dirt pattern make its way onto the celluloid thanks in part to Bad Robot's precious Colombian supply). Some fucking stupid plot contrivances aside and lack of room to breathe, I feel like it's a more definite and satisfying ending than Return Of The Jedi, plus I feel it took more risks than Force Awakens: Not as many as The Last Jedi, but to ham what is essentially a fan-fiction this hard regardless of what hard drugs you're taking to get to this point earns a degree more respect than what could've been Return Redux (final shots echoing some additions I chose to ignore from the Special Editions aside). I want a three hour extended version. There feels like there's 40 extra minutes left on the cutting room floor, some shots that could be rearranged to increase impact of certain moments, and I want to see it. That said, here's where my gut is telling me this ranks. 1). The Empire Strikes Back / 2). The Last Jedi / 3). Revenge Of The Sith / 4). A New Hope / 5). Rogue One / 6). The Rise Of Skywalker / 7). The Force Awakens / 8). Return Of The Jedi / 9). Solo / 10). Attack Of The Clones / 11). The Phantom Menace Now my retinas need to heal from watching this shit in Dolby. Fuck. Edited December 27, 2019 by MasqueradeOverture 1 1 Quote
Daos Posted December 27, 2019 Posted December 27, 2019 I'm not gonna see it, but I think we all knew Jar Jar was not up to this task. Quote
Blatch Posted December 28, 2019 Posted December 28, 2019 I have no intentions of seeing this movie, and frankly, the tepid critical reception and slightly-less-than-historically-great box office receipts for it bring a smile to my face. That's what Disney deserves for trying to taking a beloved movie franchise and bending it to the wills of late capitalism. It makes me wonder why I even defended TLJ as much as I did against Daos, since I was going to bat for the absolute seediest entertainment megacorp in the process. So yeah... Star Wars. If you like it, then more power to you, but if I ever want to dive back in, it'll be after the controversy surrounding this franchise boils over. Quote
MasqueradeOverture Posted December 29, 2019 Posted December 29, 2019 (edited) 3 hours ago, Blatch said: I have no intentions of seeing this movie, and frankly, the tepid critical reception and slightly-less-than-historically-great box office receipts for it bring a smile to my face. That's what Disney deserves for trying to taking a beloved movie franchise and bending it to the wills of late capitalism. It makes me wonder why I even defended TLJ as much as I did against Daos, since I was going to bat for the absolute seediest entertainment megacorp in the process. So yeah... Star Wars. If you like it, then more power to you, but if I ever want to dive back in, it'll be after the controversy surrounding this franchise boils over. Because TLJ was before they bought FOX and became a monopoly? Plus, Rian Johnson is an auteur. Go see Knives Out people. Edited December 29, 2019 by MasqueradeOverture Quote
Daos Posted December 29, 2019 Posted December 29, 2019 Apparently they even retcon the Holdo maneuver. Someone asks "Hey so why can't we just use that unstoppable attack that has no counter that wipes out entire fleets?" And the response is literally "Oh well we can't do that, that was a one in a million shot" I'm sure Knives out is great but come on, this is the same guy who came up with a subplot where they free a bunch of animals who will be easily recaptured within a week, while doing nothing for actual slave children. Quote
ben0119 Posted December 29, 2019 Author Posted December 29, 2019 10 hours ago, Blatch said: I have no intentions of seeing this movie, and frankly, the tepid critical reception and slightly-less-than-historically-great box office receipts for it bring a smile to my face. That's what Disney deserves for trying to taking a beloved movie franchise and bending it to the wills of late capitalism. It makes me wonder why I even defended TLJ as much as I did against Daos, since I was going to bat for the absolute seediest entertainment megacorp in the process. So yeah... Star Wars. If you like it, then more power to you, but if I ever want to dive back in, it'll be after the controversy surrounding this franchise boils over. Don't pay too much attention to the critics. I was kind of bummed when I saw the reviews myself, but I ended up quite enjoying it. I've never taken what critics say as the be-all end-all. Though if it is a reviewer I follow and trust and share some tastes, that is one thing, or a friend who shares similar tastes and/or knows my tastes. It will never boil over. Ever since 1999 it has been CIVIL WAR, WITHOUT END! Though I do wish the people who don't like the current content would just move on instead of bitching endlessly. Whenever I saw a movie or show I didn't like I would generally forget about it and move on. I never felt the need to complain daily about it for YEARS like people did with The Last Jedi. Quote
Daos Posted December 29, 2019 Posted December 29, 2019 It sounds awful... there's no defense for this. Spoiler Quote
Daos Posted January 5, 2020 Posted January 5, 2020 Here's the only way they coulda saved that movie. Quote
MasqueradeOverture Posted January 9, 2020 Posted January 9, 2020 Aight, we get it, JJ shouldn't hacked his way to an on screen adaptation of Dark Empire. Speaking of which, some archaic internet posts from when Return Of The Jedi came out (yes the internet is that old):!forum/net.movies.sw People have been pissed off/disappointed at children's movies about space wizards since 1983. 1 Quote
Daos Posted January 14, 2020 Posted January 14, 2020 1 Quote
The1gairon Posted January 14, 2020 Posted January 14, 2020 3 hours ago, Daos said: And??? Quote
MasqueradeOverture Posted January 14, 2020 Posted January 14, 2020 (edited) Just pull an Endgame and get the extended cut out there already, Disney. Doing that would extend its box office life (and those deleted scenes would probably alleviate a decent chunk of the movie's problems). ... Fuck, we really need a Special Edition for this trilogy, don't we? Edited January 14, 2020 by MasqueradeOverture Quote
Daos Posted January 15, 2020 Posted January 15, 2020 6 hours ago, elfie said: And??? Dude seriously? The final movie in a Star Wars trilogy is going to get beaten by a live action Aladdin remake, Captain Marvel and the fourth Toy Story movie. And 5 other movies from 2019. It's going to make less than Rogue 1 from 2016. These numbers are pretty disastrous. 1 Quote
The1gairon Posted January 15, 2020 Posted January 15, 2020 12 hours ago, Daos said: Dude seriously? The final movie in a Star Wars trilogy is going to get beaten by a live action Aladdin remake, Captain Marvel and the fourth Toy Story movie. And 5 other movies from 2019. It's going to make less than Rogue 1 from 2016. These numbers are pretty disastrous. Yeah and I am all for that. Disney's been earning $1 billion per movie for too long now. No movie studio should ever earn that much several times per year. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 17, 2020 Posted January 17, 2020 For a second there, I thought those were pictures of the Australia bushfire and not Star Wars production materials. I know, I'm a terrible person. 😔 Quote
MasqueradeOverture Posted January 18, 2020 Posted January 18, 2020 3 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: For a second there, I thought those were pictures of the Australia bushfire and not Star Wars production materials. I know, I'm a terrible person. 😔 The Oracle / creature in the 2nd picture looks like something Australia would have. Quote
ben0119 Posted February 5, 2020 Author Posted February 5, 2020 (edited) On 1/14/2020 at 8:50 PM, Daos said: Dude seriously? The final movie in a Star Wars trilogy is going to get beaten by a live action Aladdin remake, Captain Marvel and the fourth Toy Story movie. And 5 other movies from 2019. It's going to make less than Rogue 1 from 2016. These numbers are pretty disastrous. It has since broken a billion. But yeah SUCH DISASTROUS NUMBERS!!!!1 Annnnnd you linked to a website run by one of those clowns from the Clownfish TV youtube channel. You've also linked to that anti-SJW idiot Jeremy from Geeks & Gamers before, as if we should listen to anything he has to say. Edited February 5, 2020 by ben0119 1 Quote
ben0119 Posted February 5, 2020 Author Posted February 5, 2020 On 1/16/2020 at 11:21 PM, MasqueradeOverture said: NIGGA. RELEASE. THE. EXTENDED. CUT. I thought the JJ/extended cut was a myth. Before that people were carrying on that supposedly George Lucas secretly directed his own version. They got this from... George visiting the set? Yeah, that sounds plausible. But that looks like pictures of the art book, so not necessarily something that even got filmed and put into the movie to get cut. Quote
ben0119 Posted February 5, 2020 Author Posted February 5, 2020 (edited) No, I don't know why he decided to make himself a hologram. Must be trying a new thing I guess. Anyway. So, if these rumors are true, and seemed to be confirmed by some of the content coming out, this is what the next Star Wars stuff is going to be about. The new books and comics, a videogame, and probably the next set of movies three years from now, which the rest of the stuff will build up to. The High Republic Era, set 400 years before the Skywalker Saga, when the Jedi were expanding and exploring throughout the Galaxy. It is an era completely untouched by previous Star Wars content, even the old Legends/Expanded Universe. And maybe this is the best way to go. We have seen that the only current Star Wars that seems to be near universally liked, Rogue One and The Mandalorian, don't feature any of the original main characters in big roles and are pretty much their own thing. Even though we will still get complaints no matter what, there will probably much less with this, just as with Rogue One and Mando. We won't (and haven't with Rogue One or Mando) hear so-and-so wouldn't do this, or so-and-so wouldn't do that, this isn't how that would have gone based on what happened before, blah blah blah. Because it will be all new characters and events and places. And since the Sith are supposed to be in hiding and thought extinct at this point in the timeline, it won't be the same old Jedi vs. Sith stuff again. And the creators will have more creative freedom to do whatever they want without having to worry about contradicting some random little thing written in a book years ago, or causing plotholes. It will also just be completely new stuff. Not filling in things about stuff we already know about or re-telling stuff from Legends or different versions of what happened in Legends, various mid-quels, etc, and have nothing to do with the Skywalkers! There is more to the Star Wars Galaxy than just one family. I will be glad to see Star Wars move on to new ground. Edited February 5, 2020 by ben0119 Quote
Daos Posted February 5, 2020 Posted February 5, 2020 1 hour ago, ben0119 said: It has since broken a billion. But yeah SUCH DISASTROUS NUMBERS!!!!1 Annnnnd you linked to a website run by one of those clowns from the Clownfish TV youtube channel. You've also linked to that anti-SJW idiot Jeremy from Geeks & Gamers before, as if we should listen to anything he has to say. Is legitimate finance mag Forbes neutral enough for you? Quote
MasqueradeOverture Posted February 5, 2020 Posted February 5, 2020 (edited) 10 hours ago, ben0119 said: I thought the JJ/extended cut was a myth. Before that people were carrying on that supposedly George Lucas secretly directed his own version. They got this from... George visiting the set? Yeah, that sounds plausible. But that looks like pictures of the art book, so not necessarily something that even got filmed and put into the movie to get cut. It is from the art book, but those two pics are production stills (IE they were shot/completed). It's confirmed at this point that the November cut was 2hrs 37mins. Edited February 5, 2020 by MasqueradeOverture Quote
MasqueradeOverture Posted February 9, 2020 Posted February 9, 2020 WE. 👏 WERE. 👏 FUCK. 👏 ING. 👏 ROBBED. 1 Quote
Daos Posted February 21, 2020 Posted February 21, 2020 Wow if that script is real I can see why Disney canned Colin Trevorrow. It's bold and actually takes chances. It even manages to salvage the first two dumpster fires and end on a somewhat satisfying note. But nah we need Rey blowing up ships with force lightning, Star Destroyers that are mini death stars and we ALL know Palpatine survived being thrown into the Death Stars core and then having it blown up. Quote
MasqueradeOverture Posted February 21, 2020 Posted February 21, 2020 (edited) 16 hours ago, Daos said: Wow if that script is real I can see why Disney canned Colin Trevorrow. It's bold and actually takes chances. It even manages to salvage the first two dumpster fires and end on a somewhat satisfying note. But nah we need Rey blowing up ships with force lightning, Star Destroyers that are mini death stars and we ALL know Palpatine survived being thrown into the Death Stars core and then having it blown up. It actually, idk... EXPANDS upon TLJ instead of trying to retcon the living shit out of it. Being a person that actually likes TFA and thinks TLJ may be the greatest piece of Star Wars-anything period, Dual Of The Fates would have cemented this as best SW trilogy (imo of course), and would've actually given a sense of finality to all nine episodes (whereas TROS managed to not only do the opposite in what it was marketed to do, but also rendered the entire sequel trilogy pointless until someone makes an Episode X, XI, and XII to actually reverse retcon a purpose for the ST). On top of that, Disney's not adding any deleted scenes to the Blu-ray like all the other Saga films had (Rogue One's the only one without them I believe) to swipe its production problems under a rug is the final stab to the gut, especially when (given the evidence of a John Williams cue-sheet when he scored an early November cut) the first half of the movie was reworked and at least 15 minutes longer. Edited February 21, 2020 by MasqueradeOverture Quote
Daos Posted February 22, 2020 Posted February 22, 2020 While I did enjoy hearing that they wimped out and retconned everything from TLJ to the point where you wouldn't even miss anything if you skipped the movie...... you definitely can't retcon a movie and then relaunch the entire trilogy with a bunch of new stuff within the span of one movie. They should have just stuck to their guns and tried to build on whatever they had from TLJ. At least someone would have liked it. Might as well have gone with the "it was all a dream!" ending. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 22, 2020 Posted February 22, 2020 In all fairness, the ending to Newhart is underappreciated genius, if only because of the laziness with which the trope is used nowadays. Quote
ben0119 Posted February 22, 2020 Author Posted February 22, 2020 On 2/5/2020 at 11:03 AM, MasqueradeOverture said: It is from the art book, but those two pics are production stills (IE they were shot/completed). It's confirmed at this point that the November cut was 2hrs 37mins. Where is it confirmed from? And isn't the movie already nearly that long, anyway? I had also heard that the things that were cut were more exposition and frenetic action, as in, not anything that would helped the issues the movie already had, or give it breathing room, just more of what was already there. This is the reason they gave for cutting out more of the explanation for Palpatine. Quote
ben0119 Posted February 22, 2020 Author Posted February 22, 2020 On 2/20/2020 at 9:39 PM, Daos said: Wow if that script is real I can see why Disney canned Colin Trevorrow. It's bold and actually takes chances. It even manages to salvage the first two dumpster fires and end on a somewhat satisfying note. But nah we need Rey blowing up ships with force lightning, Star Destroyers that are mini death stars and we ALL know Palpatine survived being thrown into the Death Stars core and then having it blown up. It should be the real script, since Colin Trevorrow had confirmed the concept art leaks or whatever that stuff was from earlier. I will give it a read later. At the time he was fired, it seemed like the right decision, given the *ahem* quality of his other work. From videos summing up the plot I have seen, on paper, some of the stuff sounds great, some not so much. In execution it could end up badly, or maybe even better than it sounds. Rise of Skywalker is a lot better in execution, than hearing the plot breakdown on paper, in my opinion, anyway. It's always tempting to imagine what could have been, but the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence. But at the end of the day, we'll never know. It is what it is. Death Star Destoyers weren't needed, I agree. Just that fleet should have been enough of a threat. Palpatine definitely did not fall into the core of the Death Star. I never thought that from watching the movie. You can tell just from watching the movie he doesn't fall nearly that far. I figure he falls a good ways down and then either hits a metal beam and explodes, hits an energy field and explodes, or gets blown up by his own Force Lightning after a while. He definitely did not seem to survive though lol. But here EC Henry actually did a fun little video calculating how far Palpatine would have fallen. Quote
Daos Posted February 22, 2020 Posted February 22, 2020 Yeah you can't bring math into this when Lucas didn't even know what a parsec was. 1 Quote
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