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I bought and moved into this house March 13th of this year, the only backstory I got for the house was that the parents were in a nursing home and their daughter whose living on the east coast was selling it. Since the beginning things have felt pretty weird, especially in the 1st month here there were a lot of sounds and noises going on. The way the floorplan is, my computer room is at the very end of a hardwood floored hallway where you can't walk along it at all without the floor squeeking, my pc desk is set up along the wall right next to the door, and there's been so many times where I'd be sitting at my desk doing whatever with the door open and it would legit sound like someone or something was passing through the hallway, there was a bunch of times I ended up walking around my house to make sure no one else was in there, me living on my own.

Another thing is in the two months that I've lived here, I had my cat with me, her being 10 years old and for over a month now there'd be random times where she acts like she's tweaking out, hard to describe in words, but that's one thing about here is she spends most of her time hiding, she adjusted to the move just fine and will wonder around the house but with her behavior it really feels like she's hiding from something. There being times she could by lying on the bed but go on alert and start wriggling around clawing at the bed.

As for me it feels harder to fall asleep tonight, could just be me being somewhat paranoid after looking into all this stuff and the possible signs but I feel like I'm being watched. Another thing that doesn't help is I was told by my realtor the old couple was in a nursing home or whatever, but in my 1st month here this one old neighbor lady was talking to me, her being on my doorstep and inviting herself in after I opened it, her talking about the house and how she knew the couple well, I mentioned what I was told about them, that being when she told me the couple both died over a year ago. I should have asked if they died inside the house. I'm not gonna go to her house and start asking her about ghosts, but if I run into her outside I think I will try asking more about things. Cause I'm pretty fuckin creeped out in all honesty.


Edited by Distinct Lunatic
Posted (edited)

Im a pretty hardcore skeptic myself though I get the feeling of the creaky floors and the sounds of older houses 'settling' by themselves is enough to make you feel uneasy. IF you want to see ghosts and experience supernatural shit after the paranoia from all that shit puts you on edge you probably will though.. The mind plays tricks. 

Edited by PhilosipherStoned
1 hour ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

Inb4 the one guy that seems like he stalks me cause every time I've mentioned something about ghosts wants to dislike that and spew his atheist bullshit.

Not believing in the clownshoes cartoon character ass concept of ghosts is atheistic now? Okay.

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18 minutes ago, Nablotson said:

Not believing in the clownshoes cartoon character ass concept of ghosts is atheistic now? Okay.

The concept of ghosts in some form isnt completely unfathomable to me however I do think that anyone claiming to know or understand anything like that is full of shit. I can't say you're wrong though especially when your typical "true" ghost stories are relayed by people more inclined to believe their own paranoid brain's attempt to rationize than search for a conclusive rational explanation. 


I scare really easily so Im guilty of freaking myself out when I watch or read something scary myself. Maybe your old people ghosts arent so bad though. I legit think there was a ghost dog in my old and favorite apartment. Every time somebody slept over they would tell me it felt like a little tail wagging against their hands or legs and then sometimes when I was laying in my bed, it felt like a little weight hop onto the foot of my bed. I never got a bad feeling about it so it didnt really bother me that much. 


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5 hours ago, Vamped said:

I scare really easily so Im guilty of freaking myself out when I watch or read something scary myself. Maybe your old people ghosts arent so bad though. I legit think there was a ghost dog in my old and favorite apartment. Every time somebody slept over they would tell me it felt like a little tail wagging against their hands or legs and then sometimes when I was laying in my bed, it felt like a little weight hop onto the foot of my bed. I never got a bad feeling about it so it didnt really bother me that much. 


I remember back when I was in high school I legit believed that one Ben drowned LoZ creepypasta, at least until I read the later parts of it when it then sounded like shit.

Back when I was around 10 I had a best friend that lived right next door to me, me hanging out with him all the time. His parents always mentioned there being ghosts in their house, which I do think is probable. There were times when I stayed the night that I could hear shit being moved downstairs in their living room, the way their house was, them being a family of 5, there was 2 bedrooms upstairs, his parents having one and his 2 brothers having the other, his "room" was basically a big room that the stairs went up to, meaning if anyone had went downstairs they'd have to walk through the room, and there was none of that.

7 hours ago, nonameneeded said:

get a spirit box if you don't have one already

they are fun

Unless it gets to the point of there's definitely something freaky going on that can't be disputed I don't want to spend the money. I am legit considering burning sage or something though

1 hour ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

I remember back when I was in high school I legit believed that one Ben drowned LoZ creepypasta, at least until I read the later parts of it when it then sounded like shit.

Back when I was around 10 I had a best friend that lived right next door to me, me hanging out with him all the time. His parents always mentioned there being ghosts in their house, which I do think is probable. There were times when I stayed the night that I could hear shit being moved downstairs in their living room, the way their house was, them being a family of 5, there was 2 bedrooms upstairs, his parents having one and his 2 brothers having the other, his "room" was basically a big room that the stairs went up to, meaning if anyone had went downstairs they'd have to walk through the room, and there was none of that.

I was too chicken for creepy pasta. When I first started playing the Witcher 3 I was like ... oh no ... this may be too much XD

Maybe you could try asking them nicely to walk quieter and leave your cat alone.

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If you're even vaguely Christian, you might want to consider getting the house blessed. (Of course, that tends to just piss demonic entities off, but hey, if blood doesn't start dripping out of the taps, at least you know it's just a ghost. It may even help.)

I also think that, at least in some jurisdictions, an undisclosed death in a house may be grounds for legal action (although I'm not sure, and it may only apply to a violent death or a suicide.) I also seem to recall a successful lawsuit regarding a known haunting not mentioned at the time of sale.

6 minutes ago, mthor said:

If you're even vaguely Christian, you might want to consider getting the house blessed. (Of course, that tends to just piss demonic entities off, but hey, if blood doesn't start dripping out of the taps, at least you know it's just a ghost. It may even help.)

I also think that, at least in some jurisdictions, an undisclosed death in a house may be grounds for legal action (although I'm not sure, and it may only apply to a violent death or a suicide.) I also seem to recall a successful lawsuit regarding a known haunting not mentioned at the time of sale.

There's also something known as a lesser banishing ritual that's fairly easy to accomplish if you arent christian, or you don't want to involve any weird churchy people. It's a wiccan rite I respect because just by design while you are carrying it out it helps you to stay calm and overcome the fears associated with even thinking a place may be haunted. Burning sage helps a lot of people. I don't do much spiritual crap like that at all anymore, but I burn sage as incense and incorporate it into a lot of my cooking still just because it has a simular calming effect from nostalgia. 

Posted (edited)

Also funny enough since I'm on the subject of paranormal and boogeyman tales I recently found out about an old wives tail..Not sure the origin of this anyway, but growing wysteria along the fences of your home is rumored to ward off demons and bad juju or whatever.. The house I bought came with a massive entanglement of wysteria growing all through the back fence that adds like another 2 or three feet to the length of my fence. It's also pretty when it blooms out.


Edited by PhilosipherStoned
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58 minutes ago, mthor said:

If you're even vaguely Christian, you might want to consider getting the house blessed. (Of course, that tends to just piss demonic entities off, but hey, if blood doesn't start dripping out of the taps, at least you know it's just a ghost. It may even help.)

I also think that, at least in some jurisdictions, an undisclosed death in a house may be grounds for legal action (although I'm not sure, and it may only apply to a violent death or a suicide.) I also seem to recall a successful lawsuit regarding a known haunting not mentioned at the time of sale.


46 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

There's also something known as a lesser banishing ritual that's fairly easy to accomplish if you arent christian, or you don't want to involve any weird churchy people. It's a wiccan rite I respect because just by design while you are carrying it out it helps you to stay calm and overcome the fears associated with even thinking a place may be haunted. Burning sage helps a lot of people. I don't do much spiritual crap like that at all anymore, but I burn sage as incense and incorporate it into a lot of my cooking still just because it has a simular calming effect from nostalgia. 

I have a weird mix of some Buddhist beliefs mixed with some Christian parts, as well as a couple others mixed in. I believe in a maker but don't believe in the bibles version and see that book as a collection of fiction and exaggerations. In my 27 years I've had some experiences and have heard a lot of encounters guys I've worked with have to where I do think ghosts might be real. I'll do the sage and see where that goes

33 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

Also funny enough since I'm on the subject of paranormal and boogeyman tales I recently found out about an old wives tail..Not sure the origin of this anyway, but growing wysteria along the fences of your home is rumored to ward off demons and bad juju or whatever.. The house I bought came with a massive entanglement of wysteria growing all through the back fence that adds like another 2 or three feet to the length of my fence. It's also pretty when it blooms out.


There's two big floorbeds along the front of my house that are elevated that I need to remove at some point cause they trap moisture against the wall that might be seeping through, whenever I do remove them I want to put some kind of hedges or shrubbery there to decorate the front, might look into that stuff. I consider myself more spiritual than religious.

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14 hours ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

Also funny enough since I'm on the subject of paranormal and boogeyman tales I recently found out about an old wives tail..Not sure the origin of this anyway, but growing wysteria along the fences of your home is rumored to ward off demons and bad juju or whatever.. The house I bought came with a massive entanglement of wysteria growing all through the back fence that adds like another 2 or three feet to the length of my fence. It's also pretty when it blooms out.



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Posted (edited)

I don't believe in ghosts (just let me preface this by saying that), but I do like to keep an open mind and believe if you don't know everything, you don't really know anything for sure, so anything's possible. When I was in grade school anyway, I lived for a short while with my mom and her brothers at my  grandmother's home where some pretty weird stuff happened. Most of it I never experienced myself, like hearing noises like footsteps or chains rattling and finding a crucifix on the floor with the nail it was hung onto on the wall bent downward. My mom, unlike myself, isn't a skeptic and to this day still believes with absolute conviction that place was super haunted.

The one thing I did experience though, was one day I was outside playing when I heard my grandmother shouting for me. I came inside to find her and my mom and my uncle standing outside my bedroom door, banging loudly on it, and yelling for me to come out. When they saw me just walk up asking what they wanted, they were slack-jawed. They said they had been calling for me for several minutes and thought I had locked myself inside.

Realizing they were mistaken, and that there was a possible intruder in my room, my younger uncle proceeded to try to force the door open. Now he was a big strong guy, but even he had trouble getting the door to open even after throwing his full weight against it. It wasn't that the door was locked; there was something placed as a barricade against it. Finally, after a few minutes, and with the help of my other uncle they were able to move it enough that a loud boom sounded as they pushed what was in front of it over and sent it crashing to the floor. What was blocking it was a large and very heavy bookcase full of books that somehow had gotten moved across the doorway. Nobody was inside and the only other way into the room was through a window... that was locked. Nothing else in the room seemed like it had been disturbed, and nothing seemed like it was missing either. Needless to say it freaked the hell out of all of us, and to this day still don't know how it happened.

Edited by Dark_Cloud_Overhead
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2 hours ago, Gina Szanboti said:

Sounds like a case for Meitantei Conan! :ghost:

That's exactly what I was thinking. Whenever I see any type of locked room mystery case like that it always reminds me of that old experience of mine and that house. Glad I didn't have to live there very long and that there were no dead bodies involved. I wouldn't at all be surprised if somebody died there once upon a time though. It was already like 50 years old when my grandmother moved there, so don't really know what the history of it was.


The only possible encounter I might have had was when I was around 4 years old, my long term memory is so much better than my short term memory, there being a few memories I have even as far back as 3 years old.

When I was around 4 we lived in this one house in a part of town that is ghetto as hell now of days, back then there were some folks that lived across the street from us, we were hanging out with them, the way their house was they had some kind of family room or entertainment room down in their basement, I remember heading downstairs, and there was a door to the side that I was curious about and when I opened the door what looked like a white transparent man was standing at the end of the room which was apparently a laundry room, he started walking towards me and I panicked and quickly closed the door and continued downstairs, though I didn't talk to anyone about it. That would have been 23/24 years ago so realistically it could have been anything, but considering how I was 3 or 4 and I could tell that he was a ghost without knowing what that is, I think might mean something.

That's one thing I find myself doing all the time is going through memories from the past, I think the reason why my short term memory is becoming shit is because I'm always making sure to keep my long term memories in my head, it truly feels like if I stop thinking about the past those memories will go away in which case it'll feel like my past never happened. There being things and people I need to keep alive in my head.

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