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So... what does everyone think of Dragonball Super so far?

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We're 8 episodes into the FUNimation dub, and 80 episodes into the Japanese airings so to those who follow either versions - how is it stacking up to you?


And is it legit better or worse than DB and DBZ so far? I know it's hard, but try not to let nostalgia cloud your judgement. Super may have many things wrong with it, but it's not like DBZ was this quality series either.


It's not as bad as my expectations of it to be were. 


Mind you, that doesn't mean I LIKE it, because I don't.  I think the assessment of Goku essentially being Peter Griffin is right, because that's the vibe I get off of him.  Now I know Goku was never really intelligent, but in the other shows he seems to be more, I guess the word is "offbeat", rather than flat out dumb.  Here he seems like he's had a lobotomy. 


Just curious... If you had to pick Super or GT, which would it be?


I know you didnt direct this comments towards me, but I still want to answer this --


I think GT was placed in a better time frame than Super... afterall, Super takes place after the Buu arc, but before the end of Z... which kinda makes things confusing... so the end of Z is not part of Super, even though it takes place after Super? Does the End of Z even apply anymore or was it retconned? It kinda makes things muddy, whereas GT did not.


But.... Super is way more entertaining than GT, because GT was boring drivel. So yeah.


It's more entertaining to watch than Kai at least, only because the material is completely new but it's certainly not better than those two. It's a good show on its own though and not a cashgrab like those new Star Wars films, feels more like a natural continuation of the story in the DB universe imo.


Goku essentially being Peter Griffin


When has anyone ever made that comparison? I've been seeing Goku get compared to Homer more often than Peter.


As for my personal opinion, I've liked it for what it was, though Beerus could be a little less dickish.


I'm mostly annoyed at how confusing it is to be watching two different story timelines unfold at once. I say this as someone who hasn't watched either of these before.


*Chi Chi tells Gohan to go fight in the tournament so they can be rich*

"Wait, didn't Mr. Satan give them a whole bunch of money already?"

"That was in Super."



As far as actual Super... that's the one with Beerus, right? Okay so whatever on the story, I get that they have to keep ramping up the threats that Goku and company have to face, so I guess I can accept that they've gotten to the point where they have to bring in the embodiment of the force of destruction itself so we have to be scared that the Earth will actually be destroyed even though we all know that Goku will eventually find a way to defeat him. So I'm not really in it for the central conflict, and Beerus himself is whatever, he's kind of a dick but then he could be a lot worse so I don't really mind him. I kind of like his character design and I enjoy his rapport with Whis.


Other personal impressions:


Whis is awesome and I love Ian Sinclair.

Trunks and Goten are fun.

I wish Videl was still spunky and did more than hang off Gohan's arm and serve tea. But they're cute together and it's nice that they're happy.

Bulma and Vegeta having an actual relationship is still weird to me.

I'm still not used to Dende not sounding like Al.

Goku is still an idiot and I feel bad for King Kai.


It's not as bad as my expectations of it to be were. 


Mind you, that doesn't mean I LIKE it, because I don't.  I think the assessment of Goku essentially being Peter Griffin is right, because that's the vibe I get off of him.  Now I know Goku was never really intelligent, but in the other shows he seems to be more, I guess the word is "offbeat", rather than flat out dumb.  Here he seems like he's had a lobotomy.



there is SOME excuse for Goku being this dumb and the blame really falls on funimation


in japan Goku has been this dumb the whole time (he even speaks in a baby-talkish hillbilly dialect of Japanese that is hard for people to understand), in the dub they tried to play off his "Superman" traits and made him seem less stupid by making him have a more mature vocabulary and making him less childish and offensive to the other characters


in Super they dub him more directly....which makes it more plain that he's an immature jerk


This is essentially post-cancellation Family Guy where everyone becomes infinitely less likable, only not as preachy and up its ass with messages.


Just curious... If you had to pick Super or GT, which would it be?


While GT sucked, it had redeeming qualities.  The Shadow Dragons are essentially a giant call out towards the series and how casually it treated death (the sheer rage from Dende on Dragonball abuse is hilarious).  Hillbilly 17.  And the ending actually has Goku be a true hero, not the manchild he's completely devolved into in Super.


Well Toriyama confirmed he was never supposed to be this noble superhero character anyway. That was more a persona the old FUNi dub painted him as.


We'll Toriyama confirmed he was never supposed to be this noble superhero character anyway. That was more a persona the old FUNi dub painted him as.


He's not Superman but he had nobility.


You know what the difference between Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin is?  Homer gives a shit about his family, even the boy.  The entire plot of the Simpsons movie is Homer fucking up and then moving heaven and earth to set things right, something Peter would never do.  Z and GT Goku, especially GT Goku, is the same kinda lazy guy who wants to fight and train but when it came down to it, was willing to move heaven and earth (literally sometimes) to save his family and friends.  Super Goku wouldn't give a fuck if it meant getting a good fight out of it.


This is essentially post-cancellation Family Guy where everyone becomes infinitely less likable, only not as preachy and up its ass with messages.


actually that's not 100% True


in Super some characters become unlikable, and characters who were supposed to be unlikable become likeable

for example the Son Family in Super....is fucking awful

while the Briefs family however becomes absolutely perfect overtime and they're currently totally amazing and wonderful


also Family guy doesn't have preachy messages....


unless by Preachy Messages you mean random sweeping stereotypes and hate speech against Black and Gay people:|


While GT sucked, it had redeeming qualities.  The Shadow Dragons are essentially a giant call out towards the series and how casually it treated death (the sheer rage from Dende on Dragonball abuse is hilarious).  Hillbilly 17.  And the ending actually has Goku be a true hero, not the manchild he's completely devolved into in Super.

in the question of GT vs. Super both have pros and cons

in GT there's plot-holes everywhere and the decision to De-age Goku was incredibly dumb

in Super the canon is pretty solid, but it's boring and cannot be serious for even a second


When has anyone ever made that comparison? I've been seeing Goku get compared to Homer more often than Peter.


Oh fuck, I meant to say Homer Simpson.  Peter Griffin is my personal comparison of what Dragon Ball Super Goku is.


I must have jumbled it all up by accident.  Let this be a lesson to all of you of what happens when you work in a chemical stockroom.


For the Toonami broadcast, it's a'ight. I still like Battle of Gods more than this show's adaptation of it, but at least it's kind enough to have it be different at some points.


Just curious... If you had to pick Super or GT, which would it be?



Tough call.... I think I'd go with Super so far. But we're comparing 8 eps of Super to the full run of GT.


Gt had it's moments... the Baby and Super 17 arcs weren't bad, but other than that the show was a pretty dismal pile of manure.


79's Majin Buu vs Basil fight made for easily the best episode so far. 80 was solid too. The Universal Survival Arc is certainly looking like it could be the legit successor to Z. As far as Super vs GT goes Super wins pretty easily in my book.


Honestly I like that it's much closer tonally to the start of the original Dragon Ball than DBZ ever was.  Toriyama was far better at writing lighthearted comedy than super-srs-bzns apocalyptic stakes.  Toonami has been my first time going through both DBZ and Super, and I just could not get over how staggeringly dumb the former was.


I honestly think DBZ is viewed so favorably solely because of nostalgia and respect that it was among the first of its kind. Which is fine, give credit where credit is due... but if we're comparing it to more modern shonen, it really isn't all that great. And neither is Super. Neither Z or Super are anything to write home about. That doesn't just apply to Super.


OG Dragonball is where it was at.


I dunno, I just cannot like Super.  It feels like post cancellation Family Guy and everyone is a complete asshole.  At least OG Goku had the excuse of being a kid, same as GT Goku.


I dunno, I just cannot like Super.  It feels like post cancellation Family Guy and everyone is a complete asshole.  At least OG Goku had the excuse of being a kid, same as GT Goku.


Well, I won't argue that. While I don't believe Z to be all that much better than Super.... it did end so there really was no need for Super to be made... especially when it takes place during a period that was supposed to be 'peaceful'... so now the canon ending to Z might be thrown out the window which is kinda lame but at the same time the ending was pretty lackluster so... eh.


It's also pretty pathetic when they retcon the end of DBZ and all of GT out of existence


I'm conflicted... because the end of Z sucked, but it IS the official canon ending... whereas GT's ending was better... but GT was definitely not canon (plus it overall sucked balls).


It's also pretty pathetic when they retcon the end of DBZ and all of GT out of existence

I'm more annoyed that Pan and Bulla probably aren't going to get to do anything since they'e both Babies

I'm conflicted... because the end of Z sucked, but it IS the official canon ending... whereas GT's ending was better... but GT was definitely not canon (plus it overall sucked balls).


I'm almost sure that after Super there's no way the DBZ ending with UUB can fit.


So far it's 7/10 having seen the 2 movies I know what will happen it's interesting to see how they stretch it all into an actual arc. I will give it an actual opinion once we get into the new arcs



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