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Why is Dende so small?  I thought he was supposed to be a teen/adult now.  Seriously what the fuck is up with the art and character design in this show?


I don't remember Gotenks confronting Beerus in the movie.  Why does he think he wants the Dragonballs...?  He is right about Beerus being a big baby, though.  Hmm, it didn't hurt Beerus, but Gotenks' fist actually sank into Beerus' chest a bit...


Why is that sushi chef so ugly?  Food looks good, though.


Piccolo, Tien, and 18!  Don't remember this from the movie, either.  But I argue it improves the story.


Picked a fight?  Beerus is the one who came here and started shit!


Beerus is a cat?  I thought he could be a jackal.  But, he already started licking his arm the other episode...


Whis seems to be, well, you know... not that there's anything wrong with that!


If Beerus is a deity, why is he so strong and the Kais are so useless?


old Kai permanently disabled his Super Saiyan forms in the Buu saga

I don't think that's how that worked, but I never clearly understood the whole Mystic Gohan thing.  I've heard that he'd actually be weaker if he went Super Saiyan or some crap, but who knows.

They're playing this up way more in the show than in the movie.  To good effect, in my opinion.


Buuuuut Vegeta doesn't actually strike back this episode!  This is the sort of Toei-ism we see in One Piece!  Title the episode after something that doesn't happen until the last minute, then end the episode with massive cliffhanger cocktease!  TOOOOEEEEEEIIIIIIIII!


I don't think that's how that worked, but I never clearly understood the whole Mystic Gohan thing.  I've heard that he'd actually be weaker if he went Super Saiyan or some crap, but who knows.


I think the explanation was that there was no need for him togo SS anymore, because his complete power was brought to the surface after Old Kai did his ritual, hence Ultimate/Mystic Gohan.


But... what Mochi said isn't true because he goes Super Saiyan during the Freeza Returns arc so...


I think Toriyama just forgets things, really. Lmao.


I think the explanation was that there was no need for him togo SS anymore, because his complete power was brought to the surface after Old Kai did his ritual, hence Ultimate/Mystic Gohan.


But... what Mochi said isn't true because he goes Super Saiyan during the Freeza Returns arc so...


I think Toriyama just forgets things, really. Lmao.




They're playing this up way more in the show than in the movie.  To good effect, in my opinion.


Buuuuut Vegeta doesn't actually strike back this episode!  This is the sort of Toei-ism we see in One Piece!  Title the episode after something that doesn't happen until the last minute, then end the episode with massive cliffhanger cocktease!  TOOOOEEEEEEIIIIIIIII!

doesn't help that the toonami preview was of that very last scene




I think the explanation was that there was no need for him togo SS anymore, because his complete power was brought to the surface after Old Kai did his ritual, hence Ultimate/Mystic Gohan.


But... what Mochi said isn't true because he goes Super Saiyan during the Freeza Returns arc so...


I think Toriyama just forgets things, really. Lmao.


As for characters who were supposedly grown-up in earlier sagas in the Canon part of the franchise, here's what I'm assuming:


Mai in Super is actually the young granddaughter of the Mai in Dragon Ball. She's like the JoJo of this universe or something. DB Mai went on to get married about 5 years after the DB Pilaf saga, but Pilaf remained a close friend of the family, and when Mai's daughter (offscreen) gave birth to a daughter, Super Mai, she named Pilaf and Shao as godparents but then died in a tragic accident. (Of course, Pilaf and Shao don't age.)


Dende in Super is not the same Dende from Kai, but his son. Remember how King Piccolo blasted off an egg containing young Piccolo right before he died? Dende somehow did the same, only not in death.


It gets explained in Battle Of Gods that Pilaf accidentally wished his gang to be around 8 years old, so your Mai theory is false.


Dende was born on Namek. Perhaps the nutrients and atmospheric construct on Namek slows the growth of a Namekian in comparison to that on Earth (in other words, Dende's metabolic contruct has yet to be fully used to Earth).


Oh right, I do vaguely remember that! I just hope at some point Super pays lip-service to this! I do remember that more as a nod to the plot of GT than anything though. Poor Mai, having to grow up twice! Also, Pilaf is in the same family of being as Garlic Jr., right?


Your Dende theory is interesting though.



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