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Gundam: The Origin Episode 4 Discussion

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I watched the shows I missed while I was at the family get away at the middle-of-nowhere riverside Texas hill country cabin earlier in the week, just now getting around to posting my thoughts on them, which I wrote down after watching each episode.

Oh damn.  Mom is sick and they aren't giving her any info about her children.  No letters either.

Testing continues.  I think it's kind of obvious that you wouldn't want an exposed cockpit like that in the first place?

I don't think Casval, Sayla, and their stepdad would have a good idea of what Texas or Wyoming are like.

I believe it's been determined that that spinning model is not viable for inducing gravity-like effects.  For one thing, things would fall sideways.  And they've got mountains and clouds in here!

More Ghibli-isms with Seyla on the pony.


RIP mom...

Did they even send her body back to bury?  Also not so sure it's a good idea to bury people in an artificial space structure.

Well, now Casval has changed.

So was that guy really following them or was Casval just paranoid?

The cat died too?!

Why is there wind on a space colony?

Now he's going to leave Sayla all by herself?!

So they switched places?!  And the real Char got killed in his place?!  And along a whole ship full of people!  I don't remember this being a thing in the old show at all?!

Casval is joining up with his enemies?!

Also those 2 were not fooled and knew that was Casval right away.

Yes, "your friend" has a totally different personalty now AND voice.

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