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Oh wow Lost Guardian... nicely done Toonami/TOM.  Still think that things eyes look creepy though.


Either way I gotta play the first two games first.


Nojiko was eons ago and Lola sounds nothing like Tornado.  Not her usual voice, obviously.  I'll look her up later.

yeah lola is a different voice


Asuka is her "tsundere" voice, and Tornado's voice happens to sound exactly like Tiffany grant's Asuka voice


Oh wow Lost Guardian... nicely done Toonami/TOM.  Still think that things eyes look creepy though.


Either way I gotta play the first two games first.

any reason why?(not like they are connected in anyway)


I Got the last guardian along with Akiba's Trip Dead Rising 4 And Bloodborne for Xmas  i have yet to play it


Nojiko was eons ago and Lola sounds nothing like Tornado.  Not her usual voice, obviously.  I'll look her up later.


You'll find she's played a lot of characters.


Also on Toonami/AS, Martel in FMA and Brotherhood, the military-type girl chimera from Greed's crew.


any reason why?(not like they are connected in anyway)


I Got the last guardian along with Akiba's Trip Dead Rising 4 And Bloodborne for Xmas  i have yet to play it

Pretty sure they are at least connected somehow.  Either way, they are spiritual successors to each other.  I'd rather play them in release date order.  Plus I'm more interested in Shadow of the Colossus than any of them, and I have nostalgia for knowing about the first game but never playing it back in the PS1 era.  It's the temptation of the unknown.  Well, not completely unknown, because reviews, articles, gameplay footage, etc... but, you get what I mean.  Heh.

You'll find she's played a lot of characters.


Also on Toonami/AS, Martel in FMA and Brotherhood, the military-type girl chimera from Greed's crew.

Hmm... struggling to remember this Martel character.  I'm pretty sure Tiffany Grant was in lots of stuff though.

Hmm... struggling to remember this Martel character.  I'm pretty sure Tiffany Grant was in lots of stuff though.

she used to be exclusively an ADV voice actor but she's been in a ton of Funimation stuff since ADV became Sentai (and hardly any Sentai stuff)

I'm glad she's been able to get in some Funimation shows.


Also wish Sentai would dub more of their stuff.

For a little while it's true they were doing too much where they clearly rushed a bit, but now they do WAY too little. Even during that period they did some very good dubs like Parasyte and Majestic Prince and more.

It sucks they dub so little of their shows now.


I'm glad she's been able to get in some Funimation shows.


Also wish Sentai would dub more of their stuff.

For a little while it's true they were doing too much where they clearly rushed a bit, but now they do WAY too little. Even during that period they did some very good dubs like Parasyte and Majestic Prince and more.

It sucks they dub so little of their shows now.

Sentai only seems to dub stuff they want on TV.........and they dub it really badly



to be fair they fired the guy who directed this dub............eventually


Sentai only seems to dub stuff they want on TV.........and they dub it really badly


to be fair they fired the guy who directed this dub............eventually


Yeah, they had some duds during that time when they were pumping out dubs, but now I feel they don't do enough too.


They did still do a good job on stuff like Parasyte, Majestic Prince, the new Berserk movies, and No Game No Life and some more around that time (when Guin Saga happened) at least.


Yeah, they had some duds during that time when they were pumping out dubs, but now I feel they don't do enough.


They did still do a good job on stuff like Parasyte, Majestic Prince, the new Berserk movies, and No Game No Life and some more around that time (when Guin Saga happened) at least.

Parasyte was their best dub as of late


Akame ga Kill was.......................passable(some voices were questionable but not to the extent of Guin saga)


You need a really good voice over director or you'll get a shit performance out of even the best voice actors.


If you want to see shit voice acting go play FF10. Awful performances all around. Even Wakka, voiced by the guy that does Bender from Futurama gives a wooden and  awful performance.




Yup. With a bad voice director even the good ones have done some awful jobs.


Parasyte was their best dub as of late


Akame ga Kill was.......................passable(some voices were questionable but not to the extent of Guin saga)


Yeah, it was mixed. Had some good real good and some bad voices.


I'm still here but I'm focusing on other things



still wish anime weren't so homophobic but considering our entire country elected a man who wants to wipe out LGBT people I personally think I have more important things to worry about than one extremely homophobic anime


I'm still here but I'm focusing on other things



still wish anime weren't so homophobic but considering our entire country elected a man who wants to wipe out LGBT people I personally think I have more important things to worry about than one extremely homophobic anime


Our entire country doesn't; just some of the assholes currently in power.


And even THEN that's an exaggeration!

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