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"You don't make enough personal connections"

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Just smile and wave smile and wave

Im super polite at work ... everybody always tells me I'm sweet. That doesn't mean I like you hoes.


The peeps on the night shift are cool. I think morale is just down all the way around but I just wanna do my shit and leave


That is pretty snarfing weird honestly.


I would think it's rare to have a best friend at work with most people.



We had one team building exercise but instead of inviting everyone our senior manager decided to give his picks two tickets instead of giving all of us 1 ticket so we all could have went ... but I mean ... I was just gonna go for the free alcohol.




All the psychobabble at my workplace is about customer courtesy and upselling.  No, I'm not answering a patron who asked where to find a particular restaurant by telling him to stop in and browse the gift shop along the way.  Maybe some Madison Avenue tardo consultant told our senior VP of marketing that that's what needs to be done, but the reality of it is that a hungry hick who wants to chew on a steak doesn't want to hear me talk about which vapes are for sale at the gift shop.




We had one team building exercise but instead of inviting everyone our senior manager decided to give his picks two tickets instead of giving all of us 1 ticket so we all could have went ... but I mean ... I was just gonna go for the free alcohol.


Sounds like a good enough reason to me!


At any rate, they dug their own graves on the subject. If only they would have given you free alcohol team building experience.


Sounds like a good enough reason to me!


At any rate, they dug their own graves on the subject. If only they would have given you free alcohol team building experience.

Fucking old ladies couldn't hold their liquor.


Yeah same here

I have a low social battery anyway so ... I can't really get into that ... well lemme fake giggle at all your jokes and ask about your grandchildren.


This old ass man tried to flirt with me yesterday ....  I laughed once and then I got on our company scootie puff and drove it around the back of the building and walked in the back door so I wouldn't have to walk past him again.


there's one person at work who i'm close with. we've been through a LOT of shit and we back each other up. probably one of maybe two people there i really trust

I don't know if I trust anyone completely  here. People like to gossip. There's maybe like 2 or 3 people that I share certain things but ... like I dunno I can't see myself hanging out with them after work.




I don't hate myself. I'd just prefer to keep my work and personal life separate.



Yeah but then they think I don't like them just because I don't talk, which isn't always the case, and then it just makes it harder to advance.


It's easy, just talk about how much you hate work with other people at your work


It always works for me

i do that  :D

The bulk of our conversations are complaints


Yeah but then they think I don't like them just because I don't talk, which isn't always the case, and then it just makes it harder to advance.

I dont like to kiss ass so I'm probably not cut out for climbing the corporate ladder


Maybe find a company that more aligns with your personal values.


Alternatively, tell HR to stop hiring dipshits.

I'm just finishing school here man...


I dunno if I wanna eat ass for money ... especially if I'm not making a porn  >:D


If it's just after a shower I'd eat her ass....


i do that  :D

The bulk of our conversations are complaints


I'm not a social person per say but, before I got to my old job none of the dudes in my cell (we called different sections cells for some reason even though it wasn't a prison.)  ate lunch together. 


I felt bad one day because the dude training me was eating lunch in the break room of our sell alone so I sat with him, then the dude I got hired on with that I knew came in with his brother in law, then the 2 old dudes joined us eventually. 


All we did was bitch about work together and make fun of each other.  Eventually one of the guys wife started making food for all of us and sending it with him. 


I have no idea how it all happened.... but it did. 


TL:DR, shoot ear plugs at someone and then eventually their wife will start making you food. 

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