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They didn't even bother last year right? Gotta assume the same.


I'm hoping last year was a one time thing. Because they kept hyping that something was going to happen. So the prank was there was no prank, which is still kind of a prank. Plus I think it's hard for them to keep thinking up stuff to do during the comedy. I think they're more likely to fuck with the anime like they used to do a long time ago.


Think AS will actually have something good planned? Or something at all?


In the past they liked to fuck with the anime a lot, so I think there's a good chance something will go down during Toonami.

they didn't do anything last year............and I hope they don't this year cause I don't want them to postpone toonami

Everyone thinks it's the 4Kids dub anyway.  Might as well go all the way.


See that's the problem.


People are retarded and still think OP is handled by 4Kids.


The 4Kids dub needs to be completely eradicated. Bringing it back would make things worse.


It isn't funny. The 4Kids dub is a contributing reason as to why OP isn't as famous as it could've been in the states. This terrible dub gave the series terrible baggage here. Bringing it back, even as a prank, would be on bad taste and would be a terrible thing to do. Screw that.


Nah, we gotta go all the way.  Selected worst episodes of 4Kids Piece.  Hammer guns.  Edited into incoherence.  Crocodile redubbed.  All of it.


Nah, we gotta go all the way.  Selected worst episodes of 4Kids Piece.  Hammer guns.  Edited into incoherence.  Crocodile redubbed.  All of it.


Ironically Croc had a good 4Kids dub voice. He just said stupid shit like "desert doo-doo" *shudders*.


But yeah, you're pure evil, apparently.


There's just a lot of hilarity to be had with pointing and laughing at 4Kids Piece.


Not when it harms the actual franchise.


Even among other bad dubs, 4Kids Piece was in a class of it's own. It's that bad.


Not when it harms the actual franchise.


Even among other bad dubs, 4Kids Piece was in a class of it's own. It's that bad.


Franchise is already dead.  Might as well have some fun.


You're overreacting.  It's a bit of fun for everyone.  Most don't care about OP and wouldn't watch anyway, and fans get to cringe laugh.  Everyone wins.


You're overreacting.  It's a bit of fun for everyone.  Most don't care about OP and wouldn't watch anyway, and fans get to cringe laugh.  Everyone wins.


The 4Kids dub is a world atrocity.


OP is doing well for itself now.


We don't need to backtrack on all that by bringing back that awful dub.


Do something else that doesn't involve shitting on a show.


Show is going to be made fun of regardless.  It's an easy one.


Anything gets made fun of regardless.


But the point is that the 4Kids dub is poisonous and should not be brought back again.


It's not funny. None of it is funny. It was a bad thing.


No show deserved what 4Kids did to OP. No show.


Bad dubs are a thing of the past now. Leave it in the past.




Or we have fun at the expense of cry babies and people watch the show for a change.


Jman, no, shut the fuck up about it already.


People didn't watch BECAUSE of the 4Kids dub. The series itself now has a sizable audience thanks to FUNimation and ruining all that by airing the 4Kids dub is dumb.


The 4Kids dub was a bad thing. It was seriously a bad thing. How can you not grasp the seriousness of how bad it was.


You just wanna be a fucking troll. Fuck off already.


Of course OP fans don't have good feelings for the 4Kids dub. No show that has a bad dub should have it come back when there's a better dub out there. Especially one as bad as the 4Kids dub.


So, no, it isn't funny and you're a terrible person for wanting it back for the reasons you have.


You are overreacting.


I just really hate the 4Kids dub with ever fiber of my being. Everything about it repulses me. I don't think it's a topic to make light of. If you don't understand that, then fine - but please respect my feelings of this topic and let it go. It's offensive to me. Just drop it.



Hate like that for me is usually reserved for something genuinely offensive to a culture or nationality.  I don't remember 4Kids going off on races or cultures or faiths or anything like that.  It was a dub that made a silly show sillier.


Hate like that for me is usually reserved for something genuinely offensive to a culture or nationality.  I don't remember 4Kids going off on races or cultures or faiths or anything like that.  It was a dub that made a silly show sillier.


Like I said, you may not understand why someone is offended, but generally, you respect the fact that they are and cease from offending them again. Because that would be a nice thing to do.


And don't try to sweep it under the rug like it was nothing - you know how terrible the 4Kids dub ripped up the series. It made it way more childish among other things, not just that.


It's bothers me. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I hated those times that 4Kids dub was alive. It made a mockery of one of my favorite shows ever.


That's all you need to know. You may not agree, you may think it's silly.


But I think it's serious and it offends and bothers me when people make light of it. So I'm just asking you, this time politely, to stop.


What, so we're suddenly not allowed to make fun of 4Piece just because its existence triggers you? C'mon, man, you never heard of freedom of expression?


Pretty much this.  It's not racist, anti-Semetic, or homophobic.  It's just...stupid.  We're mocking it because it's stupid.  We want to see it again to laugh at it.


What, so we're suddenly not allowed to make fun of 4Piece just because its existence triggers you? C'mon, man, you never heard of freedom of expression?


Make fun of it, I don't care about that.


But bringing it back is a bad idea that i don't want. And making light of it coming back and the negative things it would cause is what bothers me.


So does making light of what it really did to One Piece.


But making fun of the actual terrible dub, I don't mind that.


Just keep it out the airwaves so ignorant people won't ignorantly judge the series as a whole.


Why am I not surprised we were able to make three pages of this thread a back and forth about 4 Piece?


If this would have gone on any longer I would have assumed you guys to be Ben and Gman.


4Piece continues to be that controversial.


It's really not.  Everyone agrees it was silly but you act like it killed people.


It was controversial.


Obviously not in a world crises sort of way, but among the anime fandom, it was about as controversial as you can get.


Everyone disliked 4Kids, but when the 4Kids OP dub came out, everyone out right hated them.


Of course now it's calmed down since 4Kids no longer exists and FUNi has had the lisence for a while now, but back during the dark days of 2005/2006, everyone wanted 4Kids' blood.


Also, believe it or not, but most of 4kids' dubs have had at least some type of nostalgia fanbase. 4Piece is the only one where most people agree it was just too awful. So much so that even 4Kids themselves addmitted that they bit off too much. Leading to FUNi licencing the series right after 4kids' contract ended, knowing that they could capalize with a better dub right away.


So yeah. I'd say it was controversial. Especially since it's poison still effects OP today, which is really the part I have beef with. Even among OP fans, they won't give the very good FUNi dub a chance solely because bad memories of 4Kids... which doesn't even make sence but that's the people we're dealing with and why I wouldn't want the 4Kids dub to come back even as a joke.

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